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循证医学(Evidence Based Medicine,EBM)是遵循科学证据的临床医学。它提倡将临床医师个人的临床实践和经验与客观的科学研究证据结合起来,将最正确的诊断、最安全有效的治疗和最精确的预后估计服务于每位具体患者。 循证医学不同于传统医学。传统医学是以经验医学为主,即根据非实验性的临床经验、临床资料和对疾病基础知识的理解来诊治病人。循证医学并非要取代临床技能、临床经验、临床资料和医学专业知识,它只是强调任何医疗决策应建立在最佳科学研究证据基础上。 近年来随着循证医学的迅速发展,网络资源越来越丰富。由Cochrane协作网创建的Cochrane Library已成为获取循证医学资源的重要数据库,其高质量的系统综述被誉为提供科学证据的最佳来源。由于计算机、现代通讯技术和生物医学信息学的飞速发展,许多著名的生物医学数据库,如:MEDLINE、EMBASE、BIOSIS、SCI、中国生物医学数据库等纷纷由光盘转向网络,使广大医学专业人员可在网上进行全面、无偏倚的文献检索,进而获取有关某一临床具体问题的摘要,但是文摘的内容并不能完全满足循证医学系统综述的信息需求。目前网络期刊的大量涌现,已促使信息服务机构和出版商开始提供从关键词查询-文摘-原文的一体化服务,为医学专业人员在网上直接获取原文提供了机会,其中不乏有提供循证医学资源的著名全文库数据库OVID、中国最大的全文库中国期刊网等。此外,随着循证医学的兴起,其网站也日趋完善,几乎囊括了循证医学的各个方面:系统综述数据库、临床实践指南数据库、循证医学期刊、Meta-分析软件、循证医学教学资源和导航等,其中许多资源可免费获取,一些已成为临床医生查阅循证医学资源的重要网站

IntroductionBackgroundGastritis includes a myriad of disorders that involve inflammatory changes in the gastric mucosa, including erosive gastritis caused by Helicobacter pylori bacterial infections, other infectious gastritises, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), noxious irritants, reflux gastritis from exposure to bile and pancreatic fluids, infectious gastritis, and gastric mucosal Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) refers to a discrete mucosal defect in the portions of the gastrointestinal tract (gastric or duodenal) exposed to acid and pepsin Presentations of gastritis and PUD usually are indistinguishable in the ED, and thus the ED management is generally the Emergent complications include hemorrhagic shock and peritonitis secondary to a perforated The clinician should be concerned about other life-threatening conditions (eg, acute coronary syndromes and aortic aneurysms), which can mimic the presentation of For more information, see Medscape's Peptic Ulcer Disease Resource CPathophysiologyThe mechanisms of mucosal injury in gastritis and PUD are thought to be mainly caused by H pylori infections, coupled an imbalance of aggressive factors, such as acid production or pepsin, and defensive factors, such as mucus production, bicarbonate, and blood Erosive gastritis usually is associated with serious illness or with various Stress, ethanol, bile, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) disrupt the gastric mucosal barrier, making it vulnerable to normal gastric Infection with H pylori, a short, spiral-shaped, microaerophilic gram-negative bacillus, is the leading cause of PUD and is associated with virtually all ulcers not induced by NSAID H pylori colonize the deep layers of the mucosal gel that coats the gastric mucosa and presumably disrupts its protective H pylori is thought to infect virtually all patients with chronic active Eradication of H pylori was thought to be the pathway to curing ulcer disease, but that has proven increasingly NSAIDs and aspirin also interfere with the protective mucus layer by inhibiting mucosal cyclooxygenase activity, reducing levels of mucosal Many people with known H pylori colonization or who are taking NSAIDs do not suffer from gastritis or PUD, which indicates other important causative factors must be FrequencyUnited StatesApproximately 10% of Americans eventually develop PUD, and about 10% of patients presenting to the ED with abdominal pain are diagnosed with PUD Prevalence has decreased in the United States over the last 30 InternationalFrequency of PUD is decreasing in the developed world but increasing in developing Mortality/MorbidityComplications of gastritis include PUD and, rarely, extensive PUD accounts for more than 50% of all causes of upper gastrointestinal bleeds in the United SComplications of peptic ulcer disease include bleeding, occasionally massive, and perforation leading to peritonitis and sepsis (rare)The mortality rate is SexMale-to-female ratio of gastritis is approximately 1:1Male-to-female ratio of PUD is approximately 2:1AgeAn estimated 60% of Americans older than 60 years harbor H Duodenal ulcers usually occur in those aged 25-75 Gastric ulcer prevalence peaks in those aged 55-65 ClinicalHistoryPatients typically present with abdominal pain that has the following characteristics:Epigastric to left upper quadrantFrequently described as burningMay radiate to the backUsually occurs 1-5 hours after mealsMay be relieved by food, antacids (duodenal), or vomiting (gastric)Typically follows a daily pattern specific to patientNSAID-induced gastritis or ulcers are usually Sudden onset of symptoms may indicate Gastritis may present as bleeding, which is more likely in elderly Symptoms consistent with anemia (eg, fatigue, dyspnea) may PhysicalEpigastric tenderness is present and usually Bowel sounds are Signs of peritonitis or GI bleeding may be Perform a rectal examination and Hemoccult CausesH pylori (most common cause of ulceration)NSAIDs, aspirinGastrinoma (Zollinger-Ellison syndrome)Severe stress (eg, trauma, burns), Curling ulcersAlcoholBile refluxPancreatic enzyme refluxRadiationStaphylococcus aureus exotoxinBacterial or viral infection


循证医学是指遵循证据的医学 ,所谓证据即指当前医学研究的可靠结果或其综合。慎重、准确和明智地应用目前可获取的最佳研究证据,同时结合临床医师个人的专业技能和长期临床经验,考虑患者的价值观和意愿,完美地将三者结合在一起,制定出具体的治疗方案。 循证医学系统评价的定义:针对某一具体的临床问题(病因、预后、诊断、干预疗效)系统、全面地收集全世界所有已发表或未发表的相关的临床研究文章,用统一、科学的评价标准筛选出合格的研究,进行质量评价,用统计学方法进行定量的综合,或用描述性方法进行定性的综合,得出可靠的结论,并随着新的临床研究结果的出现及时作出更新。系统评价作为研究是以论著发表的。









胃溃疡诊断依据  (1)慢性病程,周期性发作,常与季节变化、精神因素、饮食不当有关;或长期服用能致溃疡的药物如阿司匹林等。  (2)上腹隐痛、灼痛或钝痛,服用碱性药物后缓解。典型胃溃疡常于剑突下偏左,好发于餐后半小时到1~2小时,痛常伴反酸嗳气。  (3)基础泌酸量及最大泌酸量测定有助诊断。胃溃疡的基础泌酸量正常或稍低,但不应为游离酸缺乏。  (4)溃疡活动期大便隐血阳性。  (5)X线钡餐检查可见龛影及粘膜皱襞集中等直接征象。单纯局部压痛,激惹变形等间接征象仅作参考。  (6)胃镜检查,可于胃部见圆或椭圆、底部平整、边缘整齐的溃疡。根据溃疡面所见,可分为:①活动期:溃疡面为灰白或褐色苔膜覆盖,边缘肿胀,色泽红润、光滑而柔软。②愈合期:苔膜变薄,溃疡缩小,其周围可见粘膜上皮再生的红晕;或溃疡面几乎消失,其上有极少的薄苔。③瘢痕期:溃疡面白苔已消失,变成红色充血的瘢痕;可见皱襞集中。  具备以上(1)(2)(5)或(2)(6)项者可作胃溃疡诊断,对诊断为胃溃疡者须与恶性溃疡鉴别,凡能进行胃镜检查者应做胃粘膜活检予以确诊。如果确认请及时去医院就诊。 胃癌诊断方法    胃癌须与胃溃疡、胃内单纯性息肉、良性肿瘤、肉瘤、胃内慢性炎症相鉴别。有时尚需与胃皱襞肥厚、巨大皱襞症、胃粘膜脱垂症、幽门肌肥厚和严重胃底静脉曲张等相鉴别。鉴别诊断主要依靠X线钡餐造影、胃镜和活组织病理检查。  (一)实验室检查 早期可疑胃癌,游离胃酸低度或缺,如红血球压积、血红蛋白、红细 胞下降,大便潜血(+)。血红蛋白总数低,白/球倒置等。水电解质紊乱,酸碱平衡失调等化验异常。   (二)X线表现气钡双重造影可清楚显示胃轮廓、蠕动情况、粘膜形态、排空时间,有无充盈缺损、龛影等。检查准确率近80%。   (三)纤维内窥镜检查 是诊断胃癌最直接准确有效的诊断方法。   (四)脱落细胞学检查 有的学者主张临床和x线检查可疑胃癌时行此检查。   (五)B超 可了解周围实质性脏器有无转移。   (六)CT检查 了解胃肿瘤侵犯情况,与周围脏器关系,有无切除可能

目前认为难治性溃疡有以下病因: ①溃疡迟迟不愈与幽门螺旋杆菌感染密切相关。 ②胃溃疡伴慢性胃炎、十二脂汤炎导致溃疡难以愈合。 ③胃粘膜血流减少,导致胃粘膜保护机能下降,溃疡难以愈合; ④胃溃疡使胃腔及局部变形,溃疡难以愈合 ⑤某些抑酸药物作用消失后,可能导致胃酸反跳性分泌,造成溃疡不愈或加重。



以下是当选择各个选项时其默认的检索限定词: (缩略图,点击图片链接看原图)法二:利用Pubmed 的Limit, 进入Pubmed点击下图示的Limit (缩略图,点击图片链接看原图)将出现以下界面,我们可以根据需要选择clinical trial, meta-analysis, practice guildline, randomized controlled trial 进行循证医学检索 width-333)width=width-333" width=640 height=480 title="Click to view full jpg (680 X 510)" border=0 align=absmiddle>法三:(不常用)要求你对限定词的选择很精通,如 治疗:选用randomized controlled trial 诊断:选用sensitivity and specificity 病因:选用case controlled study or cohort study 预后:选用Prognosis or Survival analysis 系统评价:选用meta-analysis


