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coronary heart disease 冠心病heart failure 心衰arrhythmia 心律不齐 tachycardia 心动过速AF;AFIB;At Fib;ATR FIB;;atrial fibrilation;AUR FIB 都可做心房纤颤mitral stenosis 二尖瓣狭窄aortic stenosis主动脉瓣狭窄pulmonary heart disease 肺心病aortic incompetence主动脉瓣关闭不全myocarditis 心肌炎

Heart disease这是心脏疾病。

How long did the first recipient of an artificial heart live? Barney Clark, the retired dentist who received the first artificial heart on December 2, 1982, lived with it for 112 days, when physical complications caused by the artificial implant caused his In 1986, William Schroeder became the second person to get an artificial heart, also called a Jarvik-7; he lived for 620 The Jarvik-7 was named for its inventor, D Robert J He made a device from aluminum and plastic to replace the two lower chambers of the natural Two rubber diaphragms were used to pump the new The entire mechanism was attached to a very large external compressor which kept the heart Since the patient had to be constantly connected to this machine, his freedom of movement and quality of life were The Jarvik-7 came to be used to keep a patient alive until an appropriate donor of a natural heart was

heart attack 口语化heart disease 常用



1、心衰:新生儿心衰被视为一种急症、通常大多数是由于患儿有较严重的心脏缺损其临床表现是由于肺循环、体循环充血、心输出量减少所致患儿面色苍白、憋气、呼吸困难和心动过速、心率每分钟可达160次-190次、血压常偏低可听到奔马律肝大、但外周水肿较少见  2、紫绀:其产生是由于右向左分流而使动静脉血混合 在鼻尖、口唇、指(趾)甲床最明显   3、蹲踞:患有紫绀型先天性心脏病的患儿、特别是法乐氏四联症的患儿、常在活动后出现蹲踞体征、这样可增加体循环血管阻力从而减少心隔缺损产生的右向左分流、同时也增加静脉血回流到右心、从而改善肺血流




《素问·平人气象论》:“脉绝不至曰死,乍疏乍数日死。”《素部·三部九候论》:“参伍不调者病。”《金匮要略·惊悸吐衄下血胸满瘀血病脉证治》:“寸口脉动而弱,动则为惊,弱则为悸。” 《丹溪心法·惊悸怔仲》:“惊悸者血虚,惊悸有时,以朱砂安神丸。痰迷心膈者,痰药皆可,定志丸加琥珀、郁金。怔仲者血虚,怔仲无时,血少者多。有思虑便动,属虚。时作时止者,痰因火动。瘦人多因是血少,肥人属痰。寻常者多是痰。自觉心跳者是血少,四物、朱砂安神之类。” 《景岳全书·怔仲惊恐》:“怔仲之病,心胸筑筑振动,惶惶惕惕,无时得宁者也。……此证惟阴虚劳损之人乃有之,盖阴虚于下,则宗气无根,而气不归源,所以在上则浮撼于胸臆,在下则振动于脐旁,虚微者动亦微,虚甚者动亦甚。凡患此者,速宜节欲,节劳,切忌酒色。”。 《证治汇外·惊悸怔忡》:“惊悸者,忽然若有所惊,惕惕然心中不宁,其动也有时。怔忡者,心中惕惕然,动摇不静,其作也无时。” 《医林改错·血府逐瘀汤所治之症目》:“心跳心慌,用归脾安神等方不效,用此方百发百中。”

崔凯,张正才, 韩巧慧人工心脏瓣膜的现状与发展 新材料产业 2009, 5:39-42。Turpie AG, Gent M, Laupacis A, Latour Y, Gunstensen J, Basile F, Klimek M, Hirsh J A comparison of aspirin with placebo in patients treated with warfarin after heart-valve N Engl J M 19;329(8):524- Krishnan B Chandran, Stanley E Rittgers, Ajit P Y Biofluid mechanics- the human (2rd edition) CRC Press Izzat MB, Birdi I, Wilde P, Bryan AJ, Angelini GD Comparison of hemodynamic performances of S Jude Medical and CarboMedics 21 mm aortic prostheses by means of dobutamine stress J Thorac Cardiovasc S 1996 ;111(2):408- Golomb G, Schoen FJ, Smith MS, Linden J, Dixon M, Levy RJ The role of glutaraldehyde-induced cross-links in calcification of bovine pericardium used in cardiac valve Am J P 1987;127(1):122- Chambers J, Coppack F, Deverall P, Jackson G, Sowton E The continuity equation tested in a bileaflet aortic Int J C 1991;31(2):149- Bleiziffer, S, Ruge, H, Mazzitelli, D, Schreiber, C, Hutter, A, Laborde, J , Bauemschmitt, R, and Lange, R (2009) Results of percutaneous and transapical transcatheter aortic valve implantation performed by a surgical E J C S 35(4): 615- Webb, J G, Altwegg, L, Boone, R H, Cheung, A, Ye, J , Lichtenstein, S, Lee, M, Masson, J B, Thompson, C, Moss, R, Carere, R,Munt, B, Niet1ispach, F, and Humphries, K (2009) Transcatheter aortic valve implantation: Impact on clinical and valve-related Circulation 119(23): 3009-



200分拿论文 除非百度分可以当RMB用并且汇率是1:10

那些用机器翻译的人会为了这200分帮你翻的, 不过对于有些像我一样手工翻译的人是绝对不会费尽去翻译那10页的东西的。 只能帮你找论文。。。。

How long did the first recipient of an artificial heart live? Barney Clark, the retired dentist who received the first artificial heart on December 2, 1982, lived with it for 112 days, when physical complications caused by the artificial implant caused his In 1986, William Schroeder became the second person to get an artificial heart, also called a Jarvik-7; he lived for 620 The Jarvik-7 was named for its inventor, D Robert J He made a device from aluminum and plastic to replace the two lower chambers of the natural Two rubber diaphragms were used to pump the new The entire mechanism was attached to a very large external compressor which kept the heart Since the patient had to be constantly connected to this machine, his freedom of movement and quality of life were The Jarvik-7 came to be used to keep a patient alive until an appropriate donor of a natural heart was


