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Financial Crisis Affecting Electronics Industry We have noted before on this blog that the electronics industry will not be immune to the downturn in the US Economy and that the financial impact will have some effect on the consumer electronics Business Week recently wrote about the predicted According to Business Week: Spending on electronics and appliances fell 8% in September, compared with 5% in August, according to MasterCard Advisors' SpendingPulse service, which provides data on MasterCard (MA) Electronics retailer Best Buy (BBY) may have had a 9% to 10% sales decline in the second half of September, according to Bernstein Research analyst Craig Moffett, citing company The financial crisis that's crimping interbank lending and dragging down stocks accelerated in the second half of last Sales of big-ticket items such as flat-screen TVs may be in for the biggest drubbing, analysts Rather than pony up for a new high-definition TV set, many consumers with analog TVs may simply opt for sub-$100 digital TV converter boxes as they gear up for the February 2009 deadline for the digital-TV "HDTV sales may be the next shoe to drop," Moffett wrote in a recent That bodes ill for manufacturers like Sony (SNE), Samsung, and LG Fewer TV purchases could in turn have an impact on satellite-TV providers DirecTV (DTV) and DISH Network (DISH), whose sales of service packages are closely linked to new TV purchases, Moffett Makers of high-end laptops also have cause for concern, says Roger Kay, founder of consultancy Endpoint Technologies A Apple said on O 14 that it's shaving $100 off the price of its entry-level MacBook (BusinessW, 10/15/08) Other manufacturers may follow suit or roll out more ultramobile PCs, smaller, less powerful laptops that can cost $50 to $200 less than laptops, Kay So far, that category of machines "has not cannibalized our notebook sales," says Mark Hill, general manager for US Nor has Acer detected a slowdown in demand, he Declines in the consumer electronics industry will definitely impact the entire electronics value Right from the raw material suppliers, through to the PCB manufacturers, chipset manufacturers, silicon foundries, computer manufacturers This value chain is predominant in Taiwan and therefore the negative effect of a worsening global economy may be magnified in T The technology industry in Taiwan is the predominant industry and tech companies make up a large portion of the TAIEX Also, a lot of Taiwanese people have a lot of their wealth invested in the Any decline in the market will significantly impact their desire to No doubt there will be interesting times ahead for many companies here in F Some industries will at a guess consolidate and over the short term there maybe cutbacks and layoffs but, when the economy improves, those companies left standing will have a lot of 第二篇参考网页希望采纳


This article obtains from the overseas foreign exchange option market, since the outline foreign exchange option has promoted several dozens year development distance, and describes its investment Our country money market internationalization is late, thus pays attention to our country individual foreign exchange option the development present situation and the investment channel, and realized that to its development imperfect reason is the Renminbi Outlines our country Commercial bank to the foreign exchange option product type which sells personally, and multianalysis its cost, the income and the risk are, give our country individual investor some investments to suggest, appealed the supervision organization strengthens to the financial derivation market 绝对正确,采纳。。。。。。。。。。。。

Mortgage-backed Securitization (MBS) is in the field of finance in recent 40 years, the most important innovation in its research in the field of finance has always been a hot This paper developed by the MBS market research compared to the current combination of our MBS of the actual situation, to explore ways to learn from the advanced experience of foreign countries in China to better implementation of the mortgage China's MBS began in 2005, although the rapid development of China's implementation of the MBS in the process of facing many difficulties and obstacles, difficulties and obstacles in both of these market-based reasons as well as environmental reasons for the system; existing mortgage A reason for the market as well as the secondary I come to the following conclusions of the First, our MBS market should be a draw on the experience of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; MBS in the secondary market system and the system can learn from the experience of the United States; in the securities of the law-making may refer to J In learn from these countries (regions) of experience, not copying machine must be combined with China's actual conditions, step by step, out of the MBS in line with the national conditions of China's development Second, our mortgage payment in advance of the risks and the level of income, housing prices and mortgage rates are a positive correlation between income levels which affect the role of the largest income growth in the average level of 1% of the mortgage was ahead of schedule The payment will increase the possibility of 201 Third, on the strengthening of our MBS system building and construction markets, I believe that in the MBS market level, should establish and improve mortgage risk prevention mechanism, the Government has to consider the establishment of the nature of the mortgage loan guarantees or insurance system; in the secondary Markets should continue to expand the scope of MBS issuance and distribution of the main scale, MBSs improve the credit rating service system, regulate credit rating, and further growth of institutional investors to cultivate and improve the mobility of MBSs;MBS in the system of environmental construction, the need to improve the legal system and the securitization of personal credit system and improve the MBS related to the accounting system and tax Fourth, the United States sub-loan crisis of our MBS to carry out a wake-up Although the loan-to-dimensional crisis, we can not totally reject the MBS, but the use of MBS in the process of the MBS must risk control in a prominent position to strengthen the MBS in the process of the link and the regulation of participants, especially from the source A guard on the mortgage market

In this paper, foreign exchange options markets start with an overview of foreign exchange options, since it was launched a few decades of development journey, and describes its investment The internationalization of China's financial markets late, which concerns the development of China's personal foreign exchange options, status and investment channels, and recognize its development is not perfect because the yuan An overview of China's commercial banks sale of foreign exchange options on individual product categories, and a detailed analysis of the costs, benefits and risks lie, we give the Chinese a number of investment advice to individual investors, called for regulators to strengthen supervision of financial derivatives







nowadays the financial crisis has become a serious problem around the Then our company also suffer from the financial We should take measure to deal with the poor enconmy in order to get rid of this bad dream, but what can we do? It is a serious After 2008 financial crisis the econcomy around the world is so bad, our company is struggling with poor business since the financial crisis

theoryOn the financial crisis, the authority of the definition of comparison is by Goldsmith (1982) given that all or most of the financial indicators - short-term interest rates, assets (assets, securities, real estate, land) prices, the number of business bankruptcy and the closure of a number of financial institutions - the sharp, short and ultra-cycle Its characteristics is based on the expected decline in asset prices and a large number of out of real estate or long-term financial assets into the Financial crisis can be divided into currency crises, debt crises, banking crises, such as the In recent years more and more of the financial crisis showed a mixed form of Blessing in disguise, Yan Fu Huo know? The escape came, unable to retain the Nothing in the world are the development of the wave-like, there is bound to have peaks and troughs, there are bound to have peaks and Rare in the face of the economic crisis, many companies have chosen to shrink the front, the defensive; a lot of people tighten up the pocketbook and Enterprises do not only offensive defense, when you prepare defense means that when you start Live at home, hand in half a cent to spend, to save money is in, only more money in order to change the quality of Fear, confusion and helplessness to escape, defense and reduce costs so that you will only make matters worse Only offensive, Endeavor, protest, moving trend is the best choice and to deal


