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关于化工安全的文章 化工有很多种类 关键是看你做的是哪一类化工 各种化工的安全条件也不一样

黄色星期天 天贤粱粕��厣贤粱粕�V灰�缫淮担�嗣俏薮Χ恪U饩褪巧吵颈�?nbsp; 就在4月7日也就是星期天的早晨,一拉开窗帘不禁让我大吃一惊。我看到外面的天空已不在像以前那样蔚蓝,阳光已不在像以前那样明媚。远处的那些高楼大厦像海市蜃楼一样隐隐约约。在沙尘暴的影响下,楼内的人都点着灯为自己照明。天和地的界限已不那么清晰,而是浑黄一体。大街上的人们都全副武装,包着头巾捂着嘴。生怕沙土进到自己的呼吸道里。一走出家门,一股沙土的气味扑面而来,一阵风吹过,脸上就会感到大大小小的沙粒打在你的脸上,顿时我那干净的脸像涂上了一层土黄色的釉彩,把我的脸打扮成了土著人的脸色。我低头一看,大地也穿上了一层土黄色的衣裳。过了一会,又下起雪来。许多人都高兴起来,他们认为雪花是洁白美丽的。但他们错了,今天的雪花像炸弹一样,落在人们的身上,炸出了一朵朵“黄花”。弄得人们狼狈不堪。我也被“炸”的像小泥猴似的。 今天的情景,使人们再一次看到了破坏环境所带来的恶果。在一次次灾难的提醒下,人们已经认识到遵循自然规律,爱护我们的生存环境已刻不容缓。我相信,随着科学技术的不断进步,经过全人类不断努力,植树造林,保护环境,保持生态平衡,灾难的发生频率会逐渐减少。地球那副美丽的面孔又会重新出现在我们的眼前! 人类,只有一个地球 我热爱地球,热爱我们赖以生存的家园。爱她的青山绿水,爱她的碧草蓝天…… 在四野飘香的花丛中,我和蝶儿一起嬉戏、欢笑;在郁郁葱葱的森林里,我与小鸟一起追逐、歌唱;清晨,我迈着轻盈的步履去原野上踏青,雾霭缭绕着、白纱般的柔柔地漂浮在空中。吮吸着花草的芳香, 欣享着阳光的沐浴,我被陶醉在这如痴如醉的梦幻里;夜晚,我坐在稻谷飘香的农家小院里,仰望着璀璨的星空,聆听着蝉鸣嘹响,蛙声如潮,仿佛置身于一个童话般的王国。春天,我坐在牛背上,在一望无际的大草原上,听那牧歌婉转,牧笛悠扬。 夏天,我坐在小船上,任双桨拍打着那碧绿的湖水, 看海鸥轻盈地掠过辽阔的湖面;秋天,我站在树下,凝神瞩望着那金黄的叶子一片片地落下;冬天,我站在窗前,欣赏着如絮的雪花在空中翩翩飞舞。在这如诗如画的仙境里,我的心都醉透了! 曾几何时,人们乱砍乱伐,使大自然的生态平衡遭到了破坏。沙丘吞噬了万顷良田,洪水冲毁了可爱的家园,大自然的报复让人类尴尬哑然。梅水溪曾经说过,没有自然,便没有人 类,这是世界一大朴素的真理。一味地掠夺自然,征服自然,只会破坏生态系统,咎由自取,使人类濒于困境。这句话说得一点也不错,人不给自然留面子,自然当然也不会给人留后路,98洪水、2000年的沙尘暴,其实,这就是大自然向人类发出的警示。 曾几何时,人们乱捕乱杀,使人类的朋友惨遭涂炭。"千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭",这就是对捕杀动物后果的最真实的写照。从大学生的伤熊事件到愚人们的疯狂捕猎,人类是否也将要把枪口对准自己?切记,保护动物就等于保护我们自己。 曾几何时,战争的爆发,使我们赖以生存的星球满目疮痍。炮火对植被的破坏,核辐射对生命的摧残,尽管广岛、长崎上空的蘑菇云已经散去了半个多世纪,可那里依然还是不毛之地。由此可见,和平是全人类绿色环保的重要前提。 真不敢想象,我们如果再这样继续下去,这个世界将会是一幅怎样的惨景呢?地上寸草不生,天空尘沙弥漫,人类将在魔鬼般的尖叫声中化成堆堆白骨。到那时我们只能说,人类曾经属于过地球,但地球将永远不会再属于人类了。 顾炎武曾经说过,天下兴亡,匹夫有责。保护环境与维护生态平衡的历史重任要落到我们跨世纪一代的肩上。让我们都来关爱自然,热爱地球吧,手挽手、肩并肩、心连心地铸起一道绿色环保的大堤,捍卫资源、捍卫环境、捍卫地球、捍卫我们美好的家园吧! 岐江情

1、安全工作的方针:安全第一,预防为主、综合治理。2、安全生产管理有规范:安全生产法,消防法,职业病防治法3、三不伤害:不伤害自己,不伤害他人,不被他人伤害 4、生产操作人员四懂:懂设备构造,懂设备性能,懂设备用途,懂工艺原理5、三会:会操作,会维护保养,会排除事故6、操作记录五化:记录规格化,字体仿宋化,检查经常化,展览制度化,管理标准化7、消防器材三定一交:定点,定人,定检查,列入交接班中交接8、十四不准 (1)、加强明火管理,厂区内不准吸烟 (2)、生产区内,不准未成年人进入 (3)、上班时间,不准睡觉、干私活、离岗和干与生产无关的事 (4)、在班前、班上不准喝酒 (5)、不准使用汽油等易燃液体擦洗设备、用具和衣物 (6)、不按规定穿戴劳动防护用品,不准进入生产岗位 (7)、安全装置不齐全的设备、工具不准使用 (8)、不是自己分管的设备、工具不准动用 (9)、检修设备时安全措施不落实,不准开始检修 (10)、停机后的设备,未经彻底检查,不准启用 (11)、未办高处作业证,不带安全带,脚手架、跳板不牢,不得登高作业 (12)、石棉瓦上不固定好跳板,不准作业 (13)、未安装触电保安器的移动式电动工具,不准使用 (14)、未取得安全作业证的职工,不准独立作业 9、《安全生产法》规定,生产经营单位的从业人员( 不服从管理 ),违反(安全生产)规章制度或者操作(规程 )的,由生产经营单位给予(批评教育),依照有关规章制度给予(处分);造成(重大事故),构成(犯罪)的,依照刑法有关规定追究(刑事责任责)。 10、接到违反安全规程或违章指挥的命令时,应拒绝执行。 11、操作的六严格:严格执行交接班制度;严格执行巡回检查制度;严格控制工艺指标;严格执行操作法规;严格遵守劳动纪律;严格执行安全规定 12、危险化学品:指有爆炸、易燃、毒害、腐蚀、放射性等性质,易造成人身伤亡和财产损毁而需要特别防护的物品。 13、《安全生产法》规定,从业人员发现( 直接危及人身安全 )的紧急情况时,有权停止作业或者在(采取可能的应急措 )后撤离作业场所。 14、《安全生产法》规定,从业人员发现(事故隐患或者其他不安全因素 ),应当立即向(现场生产管理 )人员或者(本部门负责人)报告; 15、除办公室、控制室、值班室和检修班组室外,( 任何 )人进入生产现场,必须戴( 安全帽 )。



关于化工安全的文章 化工有很多种类 关键是看你做的是哪一类化工 各种化工的安全条件也不一样



中文:安全对于每个人来说都不会陌生,而对一个化工企业来说,它包含的意义尤为深刻。我们天天都在生产一线,时时处处谈到的都是安全,它带给了我们企业发展的美好前景,同时又凝聚了太多人的牵挂和责任,每一个化工企业的建设者都能感受到这份责任的重大。我小时候生活在矿区,安全给我的第一课,便是孩提时天天见到母亲伫立街头焦急地等待不能按时下班归来父亲的情景,父亲的每一次平安归来都包含了全家人的深深牵挂,而母亲那翘首以盼的身影成了记忆中永远抹不掉的回忆。 长大后我背负着父母的期望,怀揣着自己的梦想迈入化工企业这个特殊的行业,成为一名光荣的电气工人。参加工作后,耳濡目染了许许多多的安全生产事例,我深深感受到安全所带来的深刻含义。安全就意味着责任,一个人的安全不仅是对自己负责,更多地是对关心你的家人负责;安全又等同于效益,我们更能体会到安全生产带给化工企业的勃勃生机。 这么多年来发生在我身边太多的安全事故,无论是亲眼看到被电弧烧伤的两位同事,还是造气炉爆炸压死的同事父亲,还有被氧压机皮带轮夹死的同事姑姑,没有一件不令人痛心疾首。厂里曾举办过安全教育图片展,所陈列的是兄弟单位发生的各种事故图片。照片一张张触目惊心,惨不忍睹,车祸身亡,高空坠落残废,被电弧烧伤,一段段文字都是血与泪写就的教训。每当夜幕降临,望着万家灯火,霓虹闪烁,我就会感慨万千。这美妙的夜景凝铸着无数企业职工的心血与汗水,冥冥之中我也在默默为一些永远远离这些繁华的生命惋惜痛心。他们就如同这浩瀚星空陨落的一颗颗流星,只在一瞬间就消失在了人们的视线中。在年复一年的工作中,我深深感到:如果说还有什么可以和幸福等同的话,我会毫不犹豫地回答——安全!虽然是两个普通的字眼,但却联系着千家万户,涉及到我们每个人,因此它在每个人的心中有着不同的分量。 安全是一项长期、艰巨、复杂的系统工程,不仅是企业生产的薄弱环节,同时也直接影响着家庭的安危。2004年来到神木化工这个新建的企业,作为班长,我更加感到安全生产,责任重大,因为我所带领的是一批刚刚毕业的学生。看着他们一张张年轻的面孔,让我想起刚参加工作时发生在我自己身上的一起电弧短路事故,虽然没有给我的脸上留下痕迹,但却是当头棒喝,将我从安全意识淡薄的悬崖边上打了回来。我给他们讲发生在我身边一例例血的教训,因为公文写作一时的疏忽和麻痹而付出的代价往往是惨痛的,而那些侥幸者,他们虽在抢救之下活了下来,可他们的身体和心灵却留下了难以弥补的创伤和痛苦。痛定思痛,从一幕幕血的教训中我们应该树立一个正确的、坚强的安全意识。 曾给他们讲看过的一篇文章,至今还记忆犹新,某火电公司在一化工工厂施工时,一位日本专家曾这样说施工人员:“你们中国人的确有不怕死的可贵精神,在施工现场有不戴安全帽的现象。在日本,厂长,经理开会时安全帽都系得紧紧的。”这是对违章现象的莫大讽刺。它一针见血地言明了一些人安全意识的淡薄与无知,对自己的轻视就是对家庭和社会的犯罪。安全的警钟要常鸣,奉劝可叹的“勇士们”,收起你的蛮干和无知吧!有人说:安全生产的难点在我们自己,在我们自身的安全意识。仔细想想不无道理今天。“安全生产月”活动的展开,《安全生产法》的颁布实施,“两票三制”的严格执行……,这不都是为了搞好安全生产,领导和职工们用血的教训组成的努力与决心。安全的隐患像一只狡猾的狐狸,隐藏着、等待着、观望着我们的违章行为,伺机侵吞我们健康的生命。“在岗一分钟,安全六十秒”,我们每个人都应该做到这一点。在工作岗位上的每一分钟,我们不仅要做到保证自己的人身安全、同时要保证自己所辖的电气设备和电网的安全。 谁都清楚,灿烂的青春之花,会在安全的沃土上开的绚丽多姿,也会因事故的肆虐变得淡然无光。展望未来,我们每个人该走的路还很长,肩负的责任也很重。在新形势、新目标下,我们的一举一动应当更稳健更成熟。当我们看见红艳艳的骄阳拔地而起,金色的沙漠上管道纵横……,每一个静止的、运动的生命体都被渲染的蓬勃、美丽。我们一定会情不自禁地感叹:生命竟是如此美丽而精彩!然而,有两个字是至关重要的,因为如果没有这两个字的相拌相依,我们将无法感受和拥有这美好的一切,这就是安全!英文:Security for everyone are not unfamiliar, while a chemical enterprise, meaning it contains especially We are in the production line every day, always and everywhere are talking about safety, it gives a better development of our business prospects, while the combination of too many people's concerns and responsibilities, each of the builders of a chemical company can feel The major I was a child living in the area, security to my first lesson is to see the mother of a child standing on the streets every day, anxiously awaiting the return from work on time and the scene of his father, his father's safe return are included each person who cares deeply about the family ,The mother figure that has become highly anticipated not erase the memories of memory I grew up saddled with the expectations of parents, carries his own dreams into this particular industry, chemical industry, to become a glorious electrical To work, the monasteries of the many examples of safety, I deeply felt the profound security Responsibility for security means that a person's security is not only responsible for myself, more concern for your family is responsible; safe and equal effectiveness, we can better understand the chemical safety to bring the vitality of Happened around me over the years too many accidents, whether it is witnessed by two colleagues arc burn, or crushed to death in gas stove exploded colleagues father, oxygen compressor pulley to death by colleagues aunt, No one is not very Factory safety education have been held in the exhibition, the display is a sister unit to accidents occurring A picture of startling photographs, appalling, tragic death, crippled by falling, being arc burn, a section of text is written in blood and tears of the When night fell, watching the myriad of twinkling lights, neon lights, I would be filled with This wonderful night coagulation casting numerous blood and sweat of enterprise workers, somewhere I have also never far away in silence for some sorry sad lives of these They like the vast sky fallen out one meteor, only to disappear in a flash in the people's Work year after year, I deeply feel: If there is anything to with happiness, I would not hesitate to answer - safe! Although they are two common words, but contact with the families, and involves each of us, and that in every human heart has a different Security is a long-term, arduous and complicated systematic project, not only weak link in production, but also a direct impact on the family's Chemical Engineering in 2004 came to this new enterprise Shenmu, as squad leader, I feel more safe production responsibility, because I have just led a group of graduate They looked at a picture of the young faces reminds me of the first job in my own body with the arc short circuit, although not to leave marks on my face, but it is the wake-up call, I will be weak from a security awareness cliff called I told them my side in case of patients with bloody lessons, because the document writing negligence and paralysis and is often painful price to pay, and those lucky who under the rescue, though they survived, their bodies can be and the mind is left irreparable trauma and Bitter experience, the lessons from the scenes of blood, we should set a correct, strong safety Had given them read an article about, still fresh in my memory, a thermal power companies in the construction of a chemical plant, a Japanese expert has said construction workers: "You Chinese people are not afraid of death is indeed a valuable job in construction site with the phenomenon of not wearing In Japan, the director, manager, department meetings helmets are "This is the great irony of squatter It is implicit sharply some people's weak sense of safety and ignorance, contempt for their family and society is Chang-ming to the safety alarm, advise the regrettable "warriors", You put your reckless and ignorant it!Some people say: safety in our own difficulties, in our own Think about it makes sense "Safety Month" activities started, "Safety Act" enacted "three-two votes" system of strict implementation of , this is not all to improve safety, leadership and staff have learned the composition of blood hard work and Safety hazards like a cunning fox, hidden, waiting, watching our illegal acts, and await the misappropriation of our health "In the post a minute, sixty seconds security", we all should doT In the workplace every minute, we not only have to do to ensure their personal safety while under the jurisdiction to ensure their own safety of electrical equipment and power No one knows the youth of brilliant flowers, the fertile soil in the safe open and varied, the ravages of an accident will become indifferent Looking to the future, each of us to go a long way to go, shouldering heavy In the new situation and new objectives, our actions should be more stable and more When we see the bright red of the sun where they stand, vertical and horizontal pipes golden desert and every stationary and moving beings have been rendered prosperous and We can not help but sigh: Life could be so beautiful and wonderful! However, the word is crucial,Because without these two words mixed phase dependent, we will not have this wonderful feeling and everything, this is safe!OK!!!望采纳!!!!!!


中文:安全对于每个人来说都不会陌生,而对一个化工企业来说,它包含的意义尤为深刻。我们天天都在生产一线,时时处处谈到的都是安全,它带给了我们企业发展的美好前景,同时又凝聚了太多人的牵挂和责任,每一个化工企业的建设者都能感受到这份责任的重大。我小时候生活在矿区,安全给我的第一课,便是孩提时天天见到母亲伫立街头焦急地等待不能按时下班归来父亲的情景,父亲的每一次平安归来都包含了全家人的深深牵挂,而母亲那翘首以盼的身影成了记忆中永远抹不掉的回忆。 长大后我背负着父母的期望,怀揣着自己的梦想迈入化工企业这个特殊的行业,成为一名光荣的电气工人。参加工作后,耳濡目染了许许多多的安全生产事例,我深深感受到安全所带来的深刻含义。安全就意味着责任,一个人的安全不仅是对自己负责,更多地是对关心你的家人负责;安全又等同于效益,我们更能体会到安全生产带给化工企业的勃勃生机。 这么多年来发生在我身边太多的安全事故,无论是亲眼看到被电弧烧伤的两位同事,还是造气炉爆炸压死的同事父亲,还有被氧压机皮带轮夹死的同事姑姑,没有一件不令人痛心疾首。厂里曾举办过安全教育图片展,所陈列的是兄弟单位发生的各种事故图片。照片一张张触目惊心,惨不忍睹,车祸身亡,高空坠落残废,被电弧烧伤,一段段文字都是血与泪写就的教训。每当夜幕降临,望着万家灯火,霓虹闪烁,我就会感慨万千。这美妙的夜景凝铸着无数企业职工的心血与汗水,冥冥之中我也在默默为一些永远远离这些繁华的生命惋惜痛心。他们就如同这浩瀚星空陨落的一颗颗流星,只在一瞬间就消失在了人们的视线中。在年复一年的工作中,我深深感到:如果说还有什么可以和幸福等同的话,我会毫不犹豫地回答——安全!虽然是两个普通的字眼,但却联系着千家万户,涉及到我们每个人,因此它在每个人的心中有着不同的分量。 安全是一项长期、艰巨、复杂的系统工程,不仅是企业生产的薄弱环节,同时也直接影响着家庭的安危。2004年来到神木化工这个新建的企业,作为班长,我更加感到安全生产,责任重大,因为我所带领的是一批刚刚毕业的学生。看着他们一张张年轻的面孔,让我想起刚参加工作时发生在我自己身上的一起电弧短路事故,虽然没有给我的脸上留下痕迹,但却是当头棒喝,将我从安全意识淡薄的悬崖边上打了回来。我给他们讲发生在我身边一例例血的教训,因为公文写作一时的疏忽和麻痹而付出的代价往往是惨痛的,而那些侥幸者,他们虽在抢救之下活了下来,可他们的身体和心灵却留下了难以弥补的创伤和痛苦。痛定思痛,从一幕幕血的教训中我们应该树立一个正确的、坚强的安全意识。 曾给他们讲看过的一篇文章,至今还记忆犹新,某火电公司在一化工工厂施工时,一位日本专家曾这样说施工人员:“你们中国人的确有不怕死的可贵精神,在施工现场有不戴安全帽的现象。在日本,厂长,经理开会时安全帽都系得紧紧的。”这是对违章现象的莫大讽刺。它一针见血地言明了一些人安全意识的淡薄与无知,对自己的轻视就是对家庭和社会的犯罪。安全的警钟要常鸣,奉劝可叹的“勇士们”,收起你的蛮干和无知吧!有人说:安全生产的难点在我们自己,在我们自身的安全意识。仔细想想不无道理今天。“安全生产月”活动的展开,《安全生产法》的颁布实施,“两票三制”的严格执行……,这不都是为了搞好安全生产,领导和职工们用血的教训组成的努力与决心。安全的隐患像一只狡猾的狐狸,隐藏着、等待着、观望着我们的违章行为,伺机侵吞我们健康的生命。“在岗一分钟,安全六十秒”,我们每个人都应该做到这一点。在工作岗位上的每一分钟,我们不仅要做到保证自己的人身安全、同时要保证自己所辖的电气设备和电网的安全。 谁都清楚,灿烂的青春之花,会在安全的沃土上开的绚丽多姿,也会因事故的肆虐变得淡然无光。展望未来,我们每个人该走的路还很长,肩负的责任也很重。在新形势、新目标下,我们的一举一动应当更稳健更成熟。当我们看见红艳艳的骄阳拔地而起,金色的沙漠上管道纵横……,每一个静止的、运动的生命体都被渲染的蓬勃、美丽。我们一定会情不自禁地感叹:生命竟是如此美丽而精彩!然而,有两个字是至关重要的,因为如果没有这两个字的相拌相依,我们将无法感受和拥有这美好的一切,这就是安全!英文:Security for everyone are not unfamiliar, while a chemical enterprise, meaning it contains especially We are in the production line every day, always and everywhere are talking about safety, it gives a better development of our business prospects, while the combination of too many people's concerns and responsibilities, each of the builders of a chemical company can feel The major I was a child living in the area, security to my first lesson is to see the mother of a child standing on the streets every day, anxiously awaiting the return from work on time and the scene of his father, his father's safe return are included each person who cares deeply about the family ,The mother figure that has become highly anticipated not erase the memories of memory I grew up saddled with the expectations of parents, carries his own dreams into this particular industry, chemical industry, to become a glorious electrical To work, the monasteries of the many examples of safety, I deeply felt the profound security Responsibility for security means that a person's security is not only responsible for myself, more concern for your family is responsible; safe and equal effectiveness, we can better understand the chemical safety to bring the vitality of Happened around me over the years too many accidents, whether it is witnessed by two colleagues arc burn, or crushed to death in gas stove exploded colleagues father, oxygen compressor pulley to death by colleagues aunt, No one is not very Factory safety education have been held in the exhibition, the display is a sister unit to accidents occurring A picture of startling photographs, appalling, tragic death, crippled by falling, being arc burn, a section of text is written in blood and tears of the When night fell, watching the myriad of twinkling lights, neon lights, I would be filled with This wonderful night coagulation casting numerous blood and sweat of enterprise workers, somewhere I have also never far away in silence for some sorry sad lives of these They like the vast sky fallen out one meteor, only to disappear in a flash in the people's Work year after year, I deeply feel: If there is anything to with happiness, I would not hesitate to answer - safe! Although they are two common words, but contact with the families, and involves each of us, and that in every human heart has a different Security is a long-term, arduous and complicated systematic project, not only weak link in production, but also a direct impact on the family's Chemical Engineering in 2004 came to this new enterprise Shenmu, as squad leader, I feel more safe production responsibility, because I have just led a group of graduate They looked at a picture of the young faces reminds me of the first job in my own body with the arc short circuit, although not to leave marks on my face, but it is the wake-up call, I will be weak from a security awareness cliff called I told them my side in case of patients with bloody lessons, because the document writing negligence and paralysis and is often painful price to pay, and those lucky who under the rescue, though they survived, their bodies can be and the mind is left irreparable trauma and Bitter experience, the lessons from the scenes of blood, we should set a correct, strong safety Had given them read an article about, still fresh in my memory, a thermal power companies in the construction of a chemical plant, a Japanese expert has said construction workers: "You Chinese people are not afraid of death is indeed a valuable job in construction site with the phenomenon of not wearing In Japan, the director, manager, department meetings helmets are "This is the great irony of squatter It is implicit sharply some people's weak sense of safety and ignorance, contempt for their family and society is Chang-ming to the safety alarm, advise the regrettable "warriors", You put your reckless and ignorant it!Some people say: safety in our own difficulties, in our own Think about it makes sense "Safety Month" activities started, "Safety Act" enacted "three-two votes" system of strict implementation of , this is not all to improve safety, leadership and staff have learned the composition of blood hard work and Safety hazards like a cunning fox, hidden, waiting, watching our illegal acts, and await the misappropriation of our health "In the post a minute, sixty seconds security", we all should doT In the workplace every minute, we not only have to do to ensure their personal safety while under the jurisdiction to ensure their own safety of electrical equipment and power No one knows the youth of brilliant flowers, the fertile soil in the safe open and varied, the ravages of an accident will become indifferent Looking to the future, each of us to go a long way to go, shouldering heavy In the new situation and new objectives, our actions should be more stable and more When we see the bright red of the sun where they stand, vertical and horizontal pipes golden desert and every stationary and moving beings have been rendered prosperous and We can not help but sigh: Life could be so beautiful and wonderful! However, the word is crucial,Because without these two words mixed phase dependent, we will not have this wonderful feeling and everything, this is safe!OK!!!望采纳!!!!!!

化工企业安全管理浅析 01-19 浅析危险化学品行业安全标准化的实施 01-07 对中小液化石油气站储罐火灾的几点看法 12-15 浅析化学灾害事故处置中个人防护问题 12-01 浅谈化工企业泄漏的治理措施 10-27 浅谈乡镇化工企业的安全生产管理 10-27 论化学危险品安全管理的重要性 10-27 化工企业对外来施工队伍的安全管理工作探讨 10-27 浅论化工安全生产责任制 10-27 我国涂装作业安全及安全标准化现状 10-17 浅谈泄漏造成的危害、原因及预防 05-21 浅谈安全生产方针的科学实践 05-15 浅述火灾爆炸事故预防措施(化工企业) 05-14 溶解乙炔气瓶安全技术浅析 05-13 剖析危害识别与风险评估方法及存在问题 05-08 浅述化工厂异常噪音和振动 05-08 浅述职业性(三起)隐匿式砷化氢中毒事故病因分析 05-07 浅论建立OHSMS的必要性 05-06 试论危险化学品仓库加强安全管理 05-06 浅述氯碱企业安全用氯管理 05-06





