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《国际援助》杂志是国家新闻出版广电总局批准创办的国家级专业期刊,是国内第一本以研究和探讨国际援助和一带一路工作为主要内容的期刊。《国际援助(双月刊)》子刊《法治中国》专刊杂志,国际标准刊号:ISSN2095-7181,国内统一刊号:CN10-1152/D,期刊级别:国家级。“法治中国影视中心”网址( )是《国际援助•法治中国》官网的主体(互联网新闻信息服务许可证:1112011001,信息网络传播视听节目许可证:0108275,备案序号:京ICP备18010243号—3,京公网安备:110106327435),是影视普法宣传的中坚力量;以法制宣传为主导,以影视宣传为手段,发挥影视特长,互动性强,内容新颖,着力传播法治理念,侧重关注社会焦点、热点法治问题,传递与百姓息息相关的法治内容,力求突出理论性、实践性、实用性的有机结合。“法治中国影视中心”以全新的视听概念和感觉给广大受众展现出一个与众不同的法治新空间,以网络影视来满足广大受众对法治类资讯的广度与深度需求的同时,还通过特有的媒体形式与广大受众形成良性的互动关系以达到推动社会进步的目的。


红十字国际委员会标志汉语:红十字国际委员会 英语:International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) 法语:Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) 西班牙语:Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja (CICR) 葡萄牙语:Comitê Internacional da Cruz Vermelha (CICV) 俄语:Международный Комитет Красного Креста 阿拉伯语:اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر 红十字国际委员会分别于1917年、1944年、1963年三次获得诺贝尔和平奖。 红十字国际委员会于1863年2月9日创立于日内瓦,曾经在日内瓦公约及多次国际红十字大会中正式发表声明,红十字国际委员会是一独立团体,有它自己的章程。

英文缩写:ICRCInternational Committee of the Red Cross 5月8日定为国际红十字日,今天就是哦




Many people think that countries have a moral obligation to help each other, while other argue that the aid money is misspent by the governments that receive it, so the international aid should not be given to the poor countries in the Discuss the two views of international aid, and give your With the process of economic globalization, many countries and regions have strengthened cooperation and liaison in the fields of industry, agriculture, trade and In order to dedicate to the mutual development, many developed countries spare no effort to help the poor countries by means of technological, medical and financial aid, which, to my mind, is quite essential to the development of the (64 words)Firstly, aids from developed countries optimize people's living standard and eradicate poverty in the poor Due to the backwardness of science and technology, people in some undeveloped countries and regions such as Africa, Latin America and Asia suffer a great deal from poverty, hunger and the scarce of International aids from developed countries have improved their living environment and helped them with the development of agriculture, industry and (70 words)Secondly, international aids give good medical care and help promote hygienic condition in the poor Malaria(虐疾), cholera(霍乱) and smallpox(天花)were once severe threats to people's With the help of the World Health Organization and some developed countries, these diseases have been eliminated soon and the residents in the infected areas survived these deadly diseases, which would have devoured millions of lives without international (78 words)Finally, aids to the undeveloped countries in turn benefit the Due to the limitation of natural and human resources, the production cost rises sharply in the developed With a view to reducing cost, many countries transferred their assembly lines and production bases to the developing countries, which not only solves the problem of low rate of employment in the developing countries but also make full use of the local (72 words)Nevertheless, some countries are showing great concern about the mal-expense of their aid aroused by bureaucracy and corruption of some Therefore, the governments should take effective measures to utilize international aids reasonably and prevent Only with the help of international aids, can our world develop more quickly and

红十字国际委员会标志汉语:红十字国际委员会 英语:International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) 法语:Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) 西班牙语:Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja (CICR) 葡萄牙语:Comitê Internacional da Cruz Vermelha (CICV) 俄语:Международный Комитет Красного Креста 阿拉伯语:اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر 红十字国际委员会分别于1917年、1944年、1963年三次获得诺贝尔和平奖。 红十字国际委员会于1863年2月9日创立于日内瓦,曾经在日内瓦公约及多次国际红十字大会中正式发表声明,红十字国际委员会是一独立团体,有它自己的章程。

英文缩写:ICRCInternational Committee of the Red Cross 5月8日定为国际红十字日,今天就是哦






