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我推荐 杂志《美文》 散文写作在中国源远流长。在汉语写作的长河中,散文写作呈现出语言表达能力的宏远与精微。要了解中国文化,不能不读散文;要了解当代散文现状,建议读《美文》杂志。 《美文》杂志由作家贾平凹主编,1992年创刊。近十年来,它基本展示着当代散文写作的最新状态,发表了海内外作家一系列精心之作。优秀的作者队伍和挑剔的读者阅读,一直是《美文》杂志的立足之本。 《美文》杂志为半月刊,每月分上半月和下半月各出一期。 上半月刊以成人阅读为主,强调散文写作的平民意识和创新精神,为散文写作提供朴实、自由、宽松的发表园地,展示作者的最佳新作。 下半月刊以文学少年阅读为主,全面刊发中小学生创作的优秀散文作品,展现新一代少年的文学风采,不拘一格,力推少年写作好手,以多样化和包容性培植文学少年新星。 上半月刊和下半月刊可根据不同年龄和阅读兴趣分别订阅。






看你写的是什么方面的文章,每个期刊都是不一样的。一般核心的都是比较好的,但是也是有一定的难度的,我都是在壹品优 ,还是挺顺利的。





《中国古典散文精选注译套装8册》百度网盘pdf最新全集下载:链接: 提取码:fh6d简介:由清华大学出版社出品!中央文史馆馆员、中华书局原总编辑、国家古籍整理出版规划小组秘书长傅璇琮先生力作!

I am a favorite in the Red Shizhang, the people running the I now time every day on the road almost always more than two minutes, it is already several months, I have not the least bit annoying, on the tram every day, as always seems to start Mirulu: Trams and on the road most of the people did not know each other, so we do not leave out the faces, than not Auditorium, at the banquet, Amun, as people desperately to each other blindly Park, video theaters, playgrounds, inside the restaurant guests are Meikaiwenxiao everyone, then at least pretended to like, grass, courts, hospitals, pharmacies all of the customer Meitouzhou dozens profiling, it would be under these two monotonous, we are the world's mediocre and On the car and the people inside it have万般hue, sitting in the car you, as long as you keep eyes wide open and observed 30 minutes, you can almost see the world in the face of all the people of the bitter feeling with all the people You sit quietly appreciation of the seats, with the cars guests to let you honestly from their Xingse boost speculated the behaviour of the life of the mind with the present, outside the pedestrian - show your face, You may Yazhuo Medal, they will not know, and so they are constantly traversed series, you can take them to a mutual comparison, this is indeed the ranks of ordinary people than any tournament are much more interesting, pedestrian steady road can be said that God designed the tournament, of course, over the festive season when we play the red Lulu has And in the way we feel is the most appropriate to wait it out, and the most able to absorb the outside world is We usually always Officer, decent thing or wrong thing or, our attention is focused, in particular, inevitably, the only way, in particular taking the long way to the familiar, in the past has not yet reached the destination, our loss is slow, not focusing on one of, it is no不留神 Life in a hurry, we have a good time to look at the real life So no matter where one begins, awareness is the way of life the most convenient Cars, boats, sidewalks can be said to be three tickets Life Expo Unfortunately, many people regarded them as waste paper, empty walk the road of a

I am a favorite in the Red Shizhang, the people running the I now time every day on the road almost always more than two minutes, it is already several months, I have not the least bit annoying, on the tram every day, as always seems to start Mirulu: Trams and on the road most of the people did not know each other, so we do not leave out the faces, than not Auditorium, at the banquet, Amun, as people desperately to each other blindly Park, video theaters, playgrounds, inside the restaurant guests are Meikaiwenxiao everyone, then at least pretended to like, grass, courts, hospitals, pharmacies all of the customer Meitouzhou dozens profiling, it would be under these two monotonous, we are the world's mediocre and On the car and the people inside it have Many changes hue, sitting in the car you, as long as you keep eyes wide open and observed 30 minutes, you can almost see the world in the face of all the people of the bitter feeling with all the people You sit quietly appreciation of the seats, with the cars guests to let you honestly from their Xingse boost speculated the behaviour of the life of the mind with the present, outside the pedestrian - show your face, You may Yazhuo Medal, they will not know, and so they are constantly traversed series, you can take them to a mutual comparison, this is indeed the ranks of ordinary people than any tournament are much more interesting, pedestrian steady road can be said that God designed the tournament, of course, over the festive season when we play the red Lulu has And in the way we feel is the most appropriate to wait it out, and the most able to absorb the outside world is We usually always Officer, decent thing or wrong thing or, our attention is focused, in particular, inevitably, the only way, in particular taking the long way to the familiar, in the past has not yet reached the destination, our loss is slow, not focusing on one of, it is no Pay Life in a hurry, we have a good time to look at the real life So no matter where one begins, awareness is the way of life the most convenient Cars, boats, sidewalks can be said to be three tickets Life Expo Unfortunately, many people regarded them as waste paper, empty walk the road of a





