


1 从万能视角优先到扁平化设计






图1 / Figure 1 通过二维码扫码链接文字信息或网页 / Reading Texts and Browsing Website though Scanning QR Code



2 二维码形式美学

Spatial network structure of Huaihai Economic Zone based on traffic





3 城市地标虚拟化



图2 / Figure 2 通过二维码扫码连接现实和虚拟空间 / Connection between Real and Virtual Space though QR Code


4 二维码建筑设计





5 二维码景观设计


图3 / Figure 3 朱文一工作室提交的“解码”设计竞赛方案 / Proposal “Decoding” by ZHU Wenyi Atelier

在朱文一工作室完成的芝加哥南区水系规划与设计构想中,探讨了二维码景观作为未来城市地标的可能性。景观大师奥尔弗雷德·奥姆斯特德于19世纪后半叶设计了芝加哥南区包括华盛顿公园和杰克逊公园在内的公园体系,水系是其中的点睛之笔。在尊重大师遗产的前提下,结合Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects | Partners (TWBTA)事务所设计的奥巴马总统中心的规划设计方案,朱文一工作室的设想进一步传承和强化南区水系。在杰克逊公园总统中心北面规划的圆形水面周边增加万能视角下“O”形景观廊3。在连接华盛顿公园和杰克逊公园东西方向景观轴线向东与密歇根湖交汇处,设计了一处二维码水上景观,作为未来可能的城市地标(图4)。


二维码 1(QR Code, Quick Response Code)作为桥梁,连接现实与虚拟世界。通过扫码可以做的事情越来越多,扫码阅读及上网浏览网站就是其中之一。今天,已经有超过400个iPhone的QR Code阅读器。现实世界的信息贴上二维码的标签,即可通过二维码扫码链接到其对应的文字信息或网站上(图1)。图1中,左图的扫码信息为296个字符的朱文一教授英文介绍;右图为朱文一工作室网站(http://www.zhuwenyi.com/)。


6 结 语



图4 / Figure 4 芝加哥南区水系构想,朱文一工作室 / A Conceptial Design for South Side Water System , Chicago, by ZHU Wenyi Atelier

笔者提出万能视角优先的视觉体验,在现实世界中呼吁注重城市地标第五立面的设计,在虚拟空间中则提醒城市地标的存在感、挖掘城市地标的形式美。城市地标设计结合二维码图案,探索了城市地标跨越现实世界和虚拟空间的界限,实现现实和虚拟的互动,创造城市地标的现实虚拟化(Real Virtuality,RV)4,这为人们视觉体验城市地标增添了一个维度。






[1]朱文一. 迈向万能视角建筑学(一)[J]. 城市设计,2015(12): 106-112. ZHU W. Towars a God's eye view architecture (1) [J]. Urban Design, 2015(12): 106-112.

[2]朱文一. 迈向万能视角建筑学(二):城市地标之扁平化设计[J]. 城市设计, 2016(4): 106-112. ZHU W.Towars a God's eye view architecture (1) :Flat design in urban landmark [J]. Urban Design, 2016(4): 106-112.



1 二维码又称快速反应码,其英文名称是Quick Response Code,简称QR Code,于1994年由日本Denso Wave公司发明,属于开放式标准,规格公开。参见维基百科、QR Code官方网站(http://www.qrcode.com/)中的相关介绍。

2 参见朱文一工作室获2015“未建成”昌迪加尔知识博物馆竞赛前50名设计方案:http://archasm.in/chandigarh-unbuilt-museum-of-knowledge-top-50/.

3 参见朱文一工作室获2014年芝加哥建筑奖第一名方案:http://www.chicagoarchitecturalclub.org/Competition-2014-Chicago-Prize-AWARDS; 参 见 朱 文 一 工 作 室获2016 ArcBazar建筑设计竞赛第一名方案:https://www.arcbazar.com/school-design/competition/obamapresidential-center-united-states-illinois-chicago.

4 本文提出的现实虚拟化RV(Real Virtuality)不同于虚拟现实。参见百度词条:虚拟现实(Virtual Reality, VR)。


Figure Sources


All figures are provided by ZHU Wenyi Atelier.

图5 / Figure 5 芝加哥南区水系构想之密歇根湖水景设计,朱文一工作室 / A Conceptial Design of Waterscape on Lake Michigan for South Side Water System , Chicago, by ZHU Wenyi Atelier


Towards a God’s Eye View Architecture (3):Urban Landmark Design with QR Code

ZHU Wenyi

1 God’s Eye View Architecute and Flat Design of Urban Landmark

This is the third article in the trilogy of “Towards a God’s Eye View Architecture”. It discusses the mixture of the virtual and the reality of architectural experiences in a way of God’s Eye View Architecture.

In the article “Towards a God’s Eye View Architecture (I)”[1], the author proposes that Google Earth in the era of portable Internet provides an all-round visual experience of architectural with a God’s eye view and the interface from a God’s eye view to a Man’s eye view. This kind of experience greatly expands the visual experience of the architecture that was prioritized by Man’s eye view in the past.God’s eye view gives a priority to the building’s roof treated as the main facade of the building in the visual experience. Such idea will raise the long-neglected fifth facade of the building, that is, the roof of the building, to a priority position.It can alleviate and prevent the situation of the ridiculous rooftops made up of equipment and other debris in most contemporary cities.

So what are the princples of architectural design in a God’s eye view architecture? The author proposed five principles of the flat design of urban landmarks in the article entitled “A God’s Eye View Architecture (II): Flat Design of Urban Landmarks”[2], namely to emphasize 2-dimentional effect, to pursue minimalist style, to address typographic arrangement, to create meaningful symbols, and to utilize the figure-ground relationship in a smart way. At the same time,it is emphasized that in the era of mobile Internet, not only the design of urban landmarks, but also the design of all buildings must take into account the profound impact of the flattening of the building triggered by a theory of God’s eye view.

In an era of the information explosion, people have fundamentally changed the way they experience architecture. The God’s eye view is also reflected in the fact that the vast majority of buildings that are visually experienced by more and more people are on the interface of smart mobile platforms.In China, according to statistics, less than 20%of people currently use mobile phones to make phone calls. The trend in the future demonstrates that fewer and fewer people will make calls on mobile phones, and more and more people will use mobile phones to browse the webpages. Mobile phones have become the main channel for people to obtain information. Particularly in China, the WeChat community is already the most commonly used platform for most Chinese people. Under such circumstances, the portrait-screen of mobile phone where people obtain building information is changing the landscape-screen of the reading mode that other computer displays have.

Ironicaly, people read mostly portrait-version books 30 years ago. But this habit was changed by personal computers invented 30 years ago. After having computers, people gradually became accustomed to reading books on landscape-screen. With the advent of the mobile Internet era, more and more people are accustomed to browsing smartphones through small portrait-screens. This seems to be consistent with the way people read books 30 years ago. This may be one of the reasons why smartphones are developing so rapidly. What is important is that the small portrait-screens of smartphones has become the main channel for more and more people to obtain information. This means that all architectural designs need to take into account both the flat design with a God’s eye view, and the portrait-screens of the experience of the building on a small screen.

The above is not only a supplement to the flat design of architecture under the God’s eye view, but also leads to the mixture of the virtual and the reality. On the mobile Internet, it is possible to explore and realize a wonderful combination of virtual and real architecture via using both satellite maps on Google Earth observed from the God’s eye view and flat design of architecture.

2 QR Code Form Aesthetics

The QR Code (short for Quick Response Code)serves as a bridge connecting the real world with the virtual one. There are more and more things you can do by scanning the code. One of them is web sites scan. Today, there are over 400 iPhone QR Code readers. The real-world information is labeled with a QR code, which can be connected to its corresponding text information or website through a QR code (Figure 1). The left of Figure 1 is a brief introduction with 296 characters of Professor ZHU Wenyi and the right is the website of ZHU Wenyi Atelier (http://www.zhuwenyi.com/ ).

The form of the QR code gives the impression of a mysterious pattern of black and white, three corners resembling the Chinese character “回 ”. In addition to its advantages of fast response and high information capacity, its advantage is its strong artistic form. The QR Code uses many geometric squares corresponding to the binary to represent the text numerical information, convert the information into a binary geometric shape, and to generate a matrix pattern. The combination of black and white small squares generated on a mathematical binary basis must have its own unique aesthetics.

The first is simplicity. For those advocating minimalism, the QR Code must be its favorite. Because the QR Code pattern is presented as a flat two-dimensional plane, and it is minimized to black and white only. In the article “Towards a God’s Eye View Architecture (II): Flat Design of Urban Landmark”, the design principles of urban landmarks in two dimensions are introduced, followed by a sense of overall form of the QR Code pattern gives people a balanced and stable feeling. Similar to the Seal Cutting Art in Chinese culture, the QR Code Graphicform is quite a bit of a charm that is “black and white”. This is a very artistic pattern. If there is a proportional relationship such as gold ratio between digital and aesthetics, is there any kind of aesthetic proportional relationship between QR Code patterns based on the binary principle? Yes.The third is a sense of dynamics. Three similar“ 回 ” squares are placed on the three corners of the square pattern, and a smaller “回 ” is laid out in the center of the lower right corner. Such a con-

figuration makes the QR Code pattern produce an elegant dynamic feeling.

The aesthetics of the QR Code proposed in this paper are still very basic. The author believes that it is not a question of whether or not the QR Code pattern has aesthetic value, but as a widely-used“form” everywhere, we should pay attention to and study the QR Code pattern from different perspectives.

3 City Landmark Virtualization

Urban landmarks are the most important typologies in a city. From the point of view of visual experience, the God’s eye view architecture has provided a full range of visual experience modes established in virtual space or in a combination of virtual space and real space observed from a God’s eye view, a bird’s-eye perspective, and a Man’s eye view. This approach greatly develops the visual experience from the Man’s eye view nowadays.

In general, an urban landmark is a kind of City Business Card, which carries the inheritance of urban cultural genes. Specifically, urban landmarks are richer in history, legends, and anecdotes than ordinary buildings. In reality, you can see many successful urban landmarks; through the cyber virtual space, you can also enjoy the beauty of the landmarks of the city, and so you can browse and read the stories of the city landmarks. It should be pointed out that the story of browsing and reading urban landmarks needs to be obtained from the tour guides when they need to get or read from the books in reality; in the cyber virtual space, the text needs to be obtained from the browser on a smartphone or a computer. In other words, directly “reading” the city landmarks will not work.

The author attempts to explore the posibility of virtualizing city landmarks from an God’s eye view.From the point of view of visual experience, apart from being passively viewed by the God’s eye view, a city landmark can be designed to have the form of connecting virtual space on the Internet.This will greatly represent the richness of the original meaning of a city landmark observed from the God’s eye view. The virtualization of urban land-marks can provide a new idea for designing urban landmarks from the God’s eye view.

4 Architectural Design with QR Code

There is a QR Code pattern that connects the functions of the real world and the virtual world, and at the same time representing the aesthetic value of the form. This provides new possibilities for designing urban landmarks under an God’s eye view.The QR Code building as a landmark of a city is a direct conversion of the generated QR Code form into the fifth facade of the building. Urban landmarks designed in such a way can be read directly by smartphone’s small screen through the QR Code reading APP. The proposal “Decoding” (Figure 2)was proposed by ZHU Wenyi Atelier in 2015 for the “Unfinished Chandigarh,” the Chandigarh Museum of Knowledge Design Competition , to mark the 50th anniversary of the death of architect Le Corbusier. The specific design method is to input the knowledge museum website or the texts of the introduction into the QR Code generator to obtain the corresponding a QR Code pattern. According to the site size, with the 3.3 m × 3.3 m cube box as a unit, the fifth facade of the building is designed according to the requirements of the QR Code pattern and the public building of the knowledge museum.

From an God’s eye view, the fifth facade of the building is unique in form and can be read by a QR code reader as an APP in smart phone. The QR Code may be a introductory of museum consisting of 4,000 letters and numbers, or it may be an official website of the knowledge museum. After searching for a knowledge museum on a smartphone, people can scan the building’s roof image for receiving information (Figure 3). In a sense,this kind of urban landmark building that can be scanned and coded can be understood as a future form of real-virtual architecture in a digital era.

5 Landscape Design with QR Code

Under a God’s eye view, it is possible to design a QR Code pattern landscape as a landmark of a city,combining the QR Code form with the landscape design to create landscape art.

In the concept of water system planning and design in the Southern Side of Chicago, proposed by Zhu Wenyi Atelier, the possibility of the QR Code landscape as a future city landmark was explored. The master of landscapes, Alfred Olmsted, designed the park system in the South Side of Chicago including Washington Park and Jackson Park in the latter part of the 19th century. There is a fantastic water system there. Under the premise of respecting the heritage of the master, combined with the planning and design plan of the Obama Presidential Center designed by Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects| Partners (TWBTA), the South Side water system was further extended and strengthened. In addition to the round lake planned in the north of the Center in Jackson Park, an O-shaped corridor with the God’s eye view was added. At the junction of the east-west axis of Lake Washington and Jackson Park and Lake Michigan, a QR Code waterscape was designed as a possible urban landmark in the future (Figure 4).

In the QR Code waterscape design, the square pattern of the readable part was hidden in the overall water-level landscape art composed of small cubes by means of a combination of floating cubes. The freestyle composition of the QR Code waterscape occupied more than 4 hectares of water, and the giant pattern facilitates the identification of the QR code on the smartphone’s small screen under the God’s eye view. The small cubes floating on the water can also change the composition according to the changes of the content, form a new QR Code pattern, and can create a QR Code city landmark that can be dynamically updated.

In terms of meaning of the QR Code, Obama’s famous mottos can be generated because there is the Center nearby in Jackson Park, and the Obama Foundation website (http://obama.org/) can also be created for people who can get infomation directly and quickly (Figure 5).

6 Conclusion

There are thousands of buildings in the world. Perhaps most of the buildings serving as background buildings do not need to consider the issue of visual identity. However, because of its landmark requirements, urban landmarks have high requirements for visual identity. A successful city landmark must be iconic. In the age of being digital, a city landmark is a business card both in the real world, and in a virtual world.

The author’s God’s eye view - priority visual experience calls for attention to the design of the fifth facade of the city landmark in the real world. In the virtual space, it reminds the presence of the landmarks and explores the beauty of the landmarks of the city. The combination of urban landmark design and QR Code pattern explores the boundaries between urban real and virtual space, realizes the interaction between reality and virtuality, and creates Real Virtuality (RV) of urban landmarks. So there is one more option of the visual experience of urban landmarks.

In today’s world, with the rapid changes in technology, the new forms brought by it are dazzling.In the history of modern architecture, advances in science and technology have contributed to the development of architecture. In the exploration of architectural forms, so-called High-Tech architecture has emerged. The QR Code architecture proposed by the author is a combination of architecture and information technology. It may be viewed as an exploration of the new typology of high-tech architecture in the 21st century.

《城市设计》 2018年第1期

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