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糖尿病本身并不可怕,可怕的是会引起一些并发症,出现心脏、脑、肾脏或眼镜等多种急、慢性并发症,如:糖尿病酮症酸中毒、高渗性非酮症性糖尿病昏迷、糖尿病眼病、糖尿病肾病、糖尿病足、糖尿病神经病变、糖尿病心肌病、糖尿病骨关节病等。导致肾、眼、足等部位的衰竭病变,且无法治愈。  糖尿病一般是由遗传因素与环境因素造成的,可以多吃一些同时含有桑叶、葛根、苦瓜的洗胰清糖素调理,这三种对血糖下降稳定血糖有帮助,也有修复胰岛,预防控制并发症的功效,平时不能吃含糖的食物,禁吸烟喝酒。饮食主要以苦瓜、洋葱、香菇、柚子、南瓜可降低血糖的食物为主,比如肉类、五谷杂粮产品等,比时还要多喝水。 ‍

出现以下情况,提示发生了糖尿病并发症:  1、口渴、咽干:提示血糖升高,血粘度增大。有些人由于口渴中枢不敏感,尽管血糖增高,但无口渴症状。  2、疲乏无力:机体细胞内代谢产物堆积,帮有严重疲乏无力。  3、血压上升:血糖上升,则血容量增多,出现血压高。  4、周身发胀:提示血糖降低过快,造成细胞内水肿。  5、腹胀便秘:可能是胃肠平滑肌无力、自主神经受损、双胍类药物服用过多。  6、头痛头晕:两种情况易发生头痛头晕:血压高和低血糖。  7、皮肤脱屑:皮肤干燥、脱屑、奇痒,提示有皮肤症状。  8、双足麻木:双足刺痛,继之麻木,似袜套样知觉缺失,提示有糖尿病末梢神经炎发生。  9、皮肤变色:苍白、发凉,不久变为暗紫,显示足部缺血。严重足部缺血是中部发生肢端坏疽的信号。  10、牙齿松动:为牙槽骨质疏松或牙周炎感染所致。  11、视物不清:出现近视物体不清,而视物件尚好,提示眼调节功能降低,可能出现轻度糖尿病性白内障。  12、视野变红:突然出现视野变红或视物红染,提示有眼底出血。  13、性功能低下:提示有自主神经受损。  14、皮肤水疱:主要由“三高”引起。  15、尿蛋白阳性:提示肾小管功能下降。尿蛋白持续阳性,预示已经发生糖尿病肾病。 16、脑血管意外:患者突然感到头晕头痛,口角流涎,脸面一侧发紧,对侧麻木,手握筷落地,周身难以支持,为脑血管意外先兆或脑梗死指征。  17、出汗分布异常:如发现皮肤某些部位不排汗,汗量过少或过多,提示自主神经功能受损。



Diabetes is a group characterized by high blood sugar and metabolic Hyperglycemia is due to defects in insulin secretion or action of biological damage, or both Longstanding diabetes high blood sugar, leading to a variety of organizations, particularly chronic damage to the eyes, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, nerves, and Cause of genetic factorsType 1 or type 2 diabetes are significant genetic Diabetes onset familial tendency, 1/4 to 1/2 patients have a family history of Clinically, there are at least 60 or more kinds of genetic syndromes may be associated with Type 1 diabetes has multiple DNA sites involved in the pathogenesis, which DQ polymorphism loci HLA antigen genes most In type 2 diabetes has found a variety of mutations in specific genes, such as the insulin gene, insulin receptor gene, glucokinase genes, mitochondrial envirnmental factorEating too much physical activity to reduce obesity leads to type 2 diabetes is the most important environmental factors that make individuals with susceptibility to type 2 diabetes genetic Type 1 diabetes patients with immune system abnormalities, after some viruses such as coxsackie virus, rubella virus, parotid gland virus infection leads to autoimmune reactions, destroy the insulin β Clinical Polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia and weight lossThe typical "little" severe symptoms of high blood sugar, more common in type 1 When ketosis or ketoacidosis, "a little" more obvious Fatigue, weakness, obesityMore common in type 2 Type 2 diabetes often before the onset of obesity, if not timely diagnosis, weight will gradually an blood sugarIt is the Sole Criterion for the diagnosis of Obviously "a little" symptoms, as long as the abnormal blood glucose level can be diagnosed Asymptomatic diabetes diagnosis requires two abnormal blood glucose Suspects to be done to 75g glucose tolerance UrineOften Positive urine when blood glucose concentration exceeds the renal threshold for glucose (160 to 180 mg / dl) Renal glucose threshold increased blood sugar even reach a diagnosis of diabetes can be Therefore, urine is not measured as diagnostic KetonePositive urine ketone ketosis or Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c)Is a non-enzymatic reaction of glucose and hemoglobin product of the reaction is not reversible, stable HbA1c levels reflect the average blood glucose level before taking the blood of two Analyzing the state of glycemic control is the most valuable Glycated serum proteinIt is a non-enzymatic reaction with glucose serum albumin product of the combination, before taking reflect the average blood glucose level of 1 to 3 Serum insulin and C-peptide levelsReflect reserve islet β Type 2 diabetes early or obese normal or elevated serum insulin, as the disease progresses, islet function gradually decline, decreased insulin LipidDiabetic dyslipidemia common in poorly controlled blood sugar Expressed as triglycerides, total cholesterol, elevated LDL cholesterol Reduce high-density lipoprotein cholesterol Immune IndexesIslet cell antibodies (ICA), insulin autoantibodies (IAA) and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) antibodies are type 1 diabetes humoral immune abnormalities of three important indicators, which GAD antibody positive rate, long duration of 1 Great value diabetes In type 1 diabetes in first-degree relatives also have some positive rate, meaning there is prediction of type 1 Urinary albumin excretion, RIA or enzyme-linked methodCan be easily detected by urinary albumin excretion, early diabetic nephropathy urinary albumin increased diagnosisDiabetes diagnosis usually is not difficult, fasting blood glucose greater than or equal to 0 mmol / l, and / or two-hour postprandial blood glucose greater than or equal to 1 mmol / l can be After the diagnosis of diabetes to be typing:1 diabetesAge of onset of light, mostly <30 years, sudden onset, polydipsia and polyuria more food weight loss symptoms, high blood sugar levels, many patients with ketoacidosis as the first symptom, serum insulin and C-peptide levels low, ICA, IAA or GAD antibody Oral medication alone is invalid, required insulin 2 diabetesCommon in the elderly, a high incidence of obesity, often associated with hypertension, dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis and other Insidious onset, early without any symptoms, or only mild weakness, thirst, blood sugar tolerance test were not obvious to be done to confirm the Serum insulin levels normal or increased early and late

全文链接:有关两型的分析:The incidence of type 1 diabetes for youth aged 0–9 years was 4 per 100,000 person-years and 4 per 100,000 person-years for youth aged 10–19 The incidence of type 2 diabetes was 1 per 100,000 person-years for youth aged 10–19



科学出版社 《糖尿病自我管理全书》王建华青岛出版社《糖尿病怎么吃:专为中国人写的防治糖尿病饮食手册》向丁红,陈伟南海出版社《糖尿病就得这么治》牧田善二





中国糖尿病防治指南,应该属于图书,参考文献著录格式如下,[1] 《中国糖尿病防治指南》编写组 中国糖尿病防治指南[M] 北京:北京大学医学出版社, 2004:起止页码请核对著者、书名、出版地、出版社、出版时间等项。



