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是一所省属院校,可是一直缺钱没有建好二期工程,所以硬件有点差,环境不是但是学校的其他条件就不怎么样了 那个人说是建筑界得黄埔军校有的太吹牛的


实话说,你的这个摘要太长了,而且不是非常符合论文的规范。你到用色彩心理搜索一下可以发现很多类似的论文。应该有参考作用。你试试看。浅谈色彩心理在建筑环境设计中的应用 【英文篇名】 An Elementary Introduction of the Use of Color Psychology in the Design of Architectural Surroundings 【作者】 郭晓君; 【英文作者】 Guo Xiaojun Department of Architecture; HeBei Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering; 【单位】 河北建筑工程学院建筑系; 【刊名】 河北建筑工程学院学报 , 编辑部邮箱 2000年 02期 ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊 【英文刊名】 Journal of Hebei Institute of Architectural Engineering 【中文关键词】 色彩心理; 错觉; 建筑环境; 应用; 【英文关键词】 color psychology; illusion; architectural surroundings; use; 【中文摘要】 论述了色彩心理对人的影响,以及如何运用色彩的心理错觉调整建筑空间与造型,改善环境气氛,增强建筑环境的表现力 【英文摘要】 This thesis discusses the effect of color psychology on It also explains how to use color psychological illusions to compromise architectural space and model, to improve the environmental atmosphere and enhance the expression of architectural


实话说,你的这个摘要太长了,而且不是非常符合论文的规范。你到用色彩心理搜索一下可以发现很多类似的论文。应该有参考作用。你试试看。浅谈色彩心理在建筑环境设计中的应用 【英文篇名】 An Elementary Introduction of the Use of Color Psychology in the Design of Architectural Surroundings 【作者】 郭晓君; 【英文作者】 Guo Xiaojun Department of Architecture; HeBei Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering; 【单位】 河北建筑工程学院建筑系; 【刊名】 河北建筑工程学院学报 , 编辑部邮箱 2000年 02期 ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊 【英文刊名】 Journal of Hebei Institute of Architectural Engineering 【中文关键词】 色彩心理; 错觉; 建筑环境; 应用; 【英文关键词】 color psychology; illusion; architectural surroundings; use; 【中文摘要】 论述了色彩心理对人的影响,以及如何运用色彩的心理错觉调整建筑空间与造型,改善环境气氛,增强建筑环境的表现力 【英文摘要】 This thesis discusses the effect of color psychology on It also explains how to use color psychological illusions to compromise architectural space and model, to improve the environmental atmosphere and enhance the expression of architectural


Color using in officeAbstract The color is a wordless expression, but it can be deposited into a mood in one's heart through the The effect that color can arouse one’s affectivity can not be Good coordination in color can produce the dulcet environment and the poetic atmosphere, while failure coordination in color will destroy the entire Making the most of the color’s physical characters and the color effects on mental, we can change the space dimension, scale, and separation by using interior colors to some degree, so as to actualize the space penetrating and Therefore, the color is an indispensable factor in the entire design of the Some users may pay great attention to the color coordination in the office space and may have went deep researches in color; but some, especially the labour clerks, may show little concern for it, But thus would make the clerks working in a humdrum environment, and finally influence both the psychology and the working Nowadays, the color function in the office space will undoubtedly be paid more and more attentions in such a developing Key words: color psychology, color sentiment, color image, sensorial effect, dimension and color in office



Color using in officeAbstract The color is a wordless expression, but it can be deposited into a mood in one's heart through the The effect that color can arouse one’s affectivity can not be Good coordination in color can produce the dulcet environment and the poetic atmosphere, while failure coordination in color will destroy the entire Making the most of the color’s physical characters and the color effects on mental, we can change the space dimension, scale, and separation by using interior colors to some degree, so as to actualize the space penetrating and Therefore, the color is an indispensable factor in the entire design of the Some users may pay great attention to the color coordination in the office space and may have went deep researches in color; but some, especially the labour clerks, may show little concern for it, But thus would make the clerks working in a humdrum environment, and finally influence both the psychology and the working Nowadays, the color function in the office space will undoubtedly be paid more and more attentions in such a developing Key words: color psychology, color sentiment, color image, sensorial effect, dimension and color in office

实话说,你的这个摘要太长了,而且不是非常符合论文的规范。你到用色彩心理搜索一下可以发现很多类似的论文。应该有参考作用。你试试看。浅谈色彩心理在建筑环境设计中的应用 【英文篇名】 An Elementary Introduction of the Use of Color Psychology in the Design of Architectural Surroundings 【作者】 郭晓君; 【英文作者】 Guo Xiaojun Department of Architecture; HeBei Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering; 【单位】 河北建筑工程学院建筑系; 【刊名】 河北建筑工程学院学报 , 编辑部邮箱 2000年 02期 ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊 【英文刊名】 Journal of Hebei Institute of Architectural Engineering 【中文关键词】 色彩心理; 错觉; 建筑环境; 应用; 【英文关键词】 color psychology; illusion; architectural surroundings; use; 【中文摘要】 论述了色彩心理对人的影响,以及如何运用色彩的心理错觉调整建筑空间与造型,改善环境气氛,增强建筑环境的表现力 【英文摘要】 This thesis discusses the effect of color psychology on It also explains how to use color psychological illusions to compromise architectural space and model, to improve the environmental atmosphere and enhance the expression of architectural




Color using in officeAbstract The color is a wordless expression, but it can be deposited into a mood in one's heart through the The effect that color can arouse one’s affectivity can not be Good coordination in color can produce the dulcet environment and the poetic atmosphere, while failure coordination in color will destroy the entire Making the most of the color’s physical characters and the color effects on mental, we can change the space dimension, scale, and separation by using interior colors to some degree, so as to actualize the space penetrating and Therefore, the color is an indispensable factor in the entire design of the Some users may pay great attention to the color coordination in the office space and may have went deep researches in color; but some, especially the labour clerks, may show little concern for it, But thus would make the clerks working in a humdrum environment, and finally influence both the psychology and the working Nowadays, the color function in the office space will undoubtedly be paid more and more attentions in such a developing Key words: color psychology, color sentiment, color image, sensorial effect, dimension and color in office







2014年8月学校官网显示,学院设有11个校级研究所。 校级研究所(11个): 序号科研机构编码科研机构名称所属学院1 0201 建筑工程诊断与改造工程技术研究中心 土木工程学院 2 0202 抗震减灾研究所 土木工程学院 3 0203 桥梁隧道及道路工程研究所 土木工程学院 4 0301 室内环境研究所 能源与环境工程学院 5 0302 供热平衡技术研究所 能源与环境工程学院 6 0303 水质技术研究所 能源与环境工程学院 7 0401 机械与材料加工技术研究所 机械工程学院 8 0601 信息技术研究所 信息工程学院 9 0701 城乡规划研究所 建筑与艺术学院 10 0702 建筑设计研究所 建筑与艺术学院 11 0703 建筑技术研究所 建筑与艺术学院 1998年-2008年,学院共立有486个科研项目,其中国家级2项,省部级59项,省厅局级238项,横向项目10项,校级项目186项。有31项科研成果获得省厅级以上奖励,其中省科技进步二等奖2项,三等奖9项。省建设厅科技进步一等奖15项,二等奖4项,三等奖2项。获专利2项。发表论文2728篇。 2008-2012期间学院鉴定水平为国际先进的项目共计40项 ,共承担省部级以上科研课题38项 ,取得国家专利达14项 。仅2012年学院共完成论文79篇,科技成果1项,软件著作专利1项。 馆藏资源2014年8月学校官网显示,图书馆有中外文藏书总量为53万册,其中纸本图书09万册,电子图书44万册,国内外期刊2094种。电子文献存贮容量12T,可在线使用27个中外文书、刊、学位论文、会议论文等多种类型数据库。 学术期刊《河北建筑工程河北建筑工程学院学报》创刊于1984年,是河北建筑工程河北建筑工程学院主办的以建筑工程技术为主的综合性学术期刊(季刊,国内外公开发行)。该刊已加入《中国学术期刊综合评价数据库》《中国期刊全文数据库》《中国科技期刊数据库》《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》《万方数据中国数字化期刊群》,该刊所刊论文均被全文收录。



