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Reading MagazineHardwork weeklyDiscussion with MQian Xuantong on ancient history booksTurn "the music history without music"into the music history with audible works

Reading magazineStrive WeeklyDisscuss ancient history with MQianxuantongTurn "the music history without music"into the music history with audible works

Reading and music enthusiasts exchange platform

Reader's magzineEffoft weeklyDiscussion with Qianxuantong on ancient historical booksTurn "music history without music " into "music history in which music can be heard"


“音乐爱好者”"Music lovers"

amateur music lovers musician 的意思是:音乐家英文解释是:someone who plays a musical instrument (as a profession)是music lovers 还是 musician 主要看在音乐方面的造诣如何~~~中国业余音乐爱好者联盟 CHINA MUSICAL LOVERS UNION

难!… 我觉得都很重要 因为虽然你知道两个单调意思 但它们连在一起意思就不同了 我觉得听欧美音乐要不求甚解 听的就是那种感觉! 如果要记英语 就请您记记歌手的名字

Music lovers


Music lovers

music fan/lover

Music lovers

“音乐爱好者”"Music lovers"


my hobby Different people have different For example,someone likes reading, someone likes swimming and someone likes collecting and so I used to read books because by reading books I could learn many funny But now I don't like it just because I need a Traveling is my favorite hobby By traveling I can visit many different places of interest and learn a lot about people, places and It's very I love I have great fun in What is your hobby?Let's share together!


music can transfer every thing likes love ,likes family bond,likes friends love

I am a boy (girl),a boy (girl) love to sing,a dream of standing by singing in my girl on the I like music,don't know I have no gift for singing,and thus give up learning vocal music chose the electronic Electronic organ good magic,gently with finger according to the black and white keys,will send a clearand DHappiness,like drummed his fingers on the black and white keys,play a song ofBeethoven's "Ode to joy",cheerful melody and fingerfriction keys issued a "rustling" sound intertwined,ringing in my When trouble,habitually put their hands on the keyboard chaos by stretch,will all unhappy vent to the electronic organ body,it screeched as it is in blame myact on impulse in handling things,when the mood is calm,touch it,say:"I'm sorry!I beg your Before theunhappy moments disappear in People often say:"music can cultivate people's heart!" This point,and I Sitting at the front of the flowers bloom,the man with theouter heaven Imperceptibly,I have become a little CompositionStarted to like pop music,began to pay attention to the so-called "super girls",began to have their Like to listen to the Angela song,also likes to sing her "Invisible wings" is my constant Away from the intense study life,sitting in the electronic organ,tune intothe piano sound,tone,song also follow:"every time inwandering alone in the strong,every time I was hurt " Yeah!Everyone has a pair of invisible wings,let us brave,strong; wings carrying our dreams,with efforts into dynamic,fly to the highest Electronic organ is my past,started to learn the piano and guitar,the future will continue to experience the challenge of feeling!Thank you for the music,thank you my electronic organ,thank the song "invisible wings"!I haveno longer the timid boy (girl),I became brave,becomehave the confidence to go beyond the self!The only constant,is a first hand Chuaizhuo dream of Music,affect me!Music,let me waving a pair of invisible


三联书店的改版《爱乐》更适合初入门的爱好者,定价不高,每期介绍一位作曲家及其作品《人民音乐:留声机》 引进《留声机》,更倾向于唱片,当然里面也有许多介绍国内音乐的文章。赠送两张CD,CD内容主要为当月最新出版CD的遴选,其中好多提到的CD在国内没有销售。杂志定价高




