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Advances in Linear Algebra & Matrix Theory 线性代数与矩阵理论研究进展Advances in Pure Mathematics 理论数学进展American Journal of Computational Mathematics 美国计算数学期刊

AMS(美国数学学会)电子期刊当然,这些期刊大部分文章仅能阅读摘要而已,多数要想阅读全文可能还需要有相关权限 AMS出版社介绍美国数学学会成立于1888年,宗旨是为了通过专业出版,会议等不同方式的交流,促进数学及其相关科学领域内的专业研究及学术水平的国际间的相互提升。目前全球有超过3万人的个人会员,近600个学术机构会员。AMS网 址 /epubsearch/ AMS电子刊介绍美国数学学会的期刊主要分为四大类,分别是研究型期刊、会员期刊、翻译期刊、代理期刊,共21份期刊。其中Journal of American Mathematical Society 在2011年全球289种纯数学类期刊中影响因子排名第一,Memoris of the American Mathematical Society 排名第八。美国数学学会从其出版的21种期刊中精选出8种质量最高、订阅用户数最广的电子刊作为电子刊集团采购的刊物。内容涵盖美国数学学会自己出版的六份核心刊物以及俄罗斯科学院出版的两份核心数学刊。具体可以访问如下8本期刊的全文内容:1、Journal of the American Mathematical Society(JAMS)《美国数学会志》 刊载高水平的理论数学与应用数学研究论文。2、 Mathematics of Computation (MCOM)《计算数学》 发表数值分析、计算方法应用、数学表和其它辅助计算进展方面的论文。3、Memoris of the American Mathematical Society (MEMO)《美国数学协会论文集》该杂志是专门研究发表在纯数学和应用数学的所有领域的文章。4、Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (PROC)《美国数学会会报》 发表中等篇幅的理论数学与应用数学研究原始论文,并设专栏发表短小精练的出众论文。5、Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (TRAN)《美国数学会汇刊》 刊载较长篇幅的理论数学与应用数学研究论文。6、 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society (MOSC)《莫斯科数学会汇刊》 莫斯科数学会出版的数学专题论丛的英文选译版。7、STPetersburg Mathematical Journal (MMJE)《圣彼得堡数学杂志》 刊载前苏联的一些顶尖的数学科学家的论文。8、Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics (TPMS)《概率论与数理统计学》 刊载数学统计学的相关资讯。

具体可以访问如下8本期刊的全文内容:Journal of the American Mathematical Society(JAMS) 《美国数学会志》 刊载高水平的理论数学与应用数学研究论文。Mathematics of Computation (MCOM) 《计算数学》


Proves Ddesargues theorem with the perspective correspondence method the abstract: Gives in the projective geometry with perspective correspondence's method the Desargues theorem new, the more succinct key word: Projective geometry; Perspective correspondence; Range of points; Group of

The pigeon-hole principle's utilization domain is widespread, it is in a combinatorics most cardinal principle, may solve using the pigeon-hole principle many involves the existence combination In the 20th century period, many research are aim at the pigeon-hole principle the promotion, has achieved the crest in the Ramsey Is precisely as a result of the pigeon-hole principle utilization universality, but in view of different type topic explanation method existence very big difference, therefore the pigeon-hole principle's structure method is also many and This article has carried on the reorganization, the summary in view of these methods, has formed seven commonly used structure

To prove the theorem of Desargues by means of thperspective correspondenceAbstract: To offer newer and more concise proof of Desargues Theorem in projective geometry by means of thperspective Key words: projective geometryprojective geometry,thperspective correspondence,point range and wiring harness


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Abstracts: Principle of the use of holes for a broad range, it is a mathematical combination of the most basic principle, the application of the principle holes can solve many problems concerning the existence of a combination of In the 20th century, many studies are directed at holes the promotion of the principle, Ramsey theory, in which reached its It is precisely because of the extensive use of pigeon holes principle, and subject to different types of answers to very different methods, so the principle of the structure of holes is also a variety of In this paper, these methods have been collated and summarized to form seven commonly used construction Keywords: pigeonhole principle; structure; pigeons; cage; Category



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