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花钱从论文库下的,英文的没有建立食品安全检测标准样品体系构筑和谐生存空间随着人们生活水平的不断提高,人们越来越关注食品安全问题。作为国家质量监督检验检疫部门,构筑食品安全保证体系是我们义不容辞的责任,而食品安全检测标准样品是保证这一体系顺利实施的重要环节。因为标准样品是具有高度均匀性、良好稳定性以及量值准确性的一种方法的溯源性和通用性的实物标准,它确保了文字标准在不同时间、不同空间实施的一致性。在商业交换和贸易往来方面,标准样品还是确认、检验、评定商品质量和解决仲裁纠纷的依据。一、食品安全检测标准样品的作用和意义食品是人类赖以生存和社会发展的样品基础,食品安全是事关人民健康和构建和谐社会的重大战略问题,同时也是全球关注的焦点话题。随着我国综合国力的增强,人民生活水平由“温饱型”转向“小康型”,食品的数量与种类日益丰富,人们对食品的要求由“吃得饱、吃得好”向“吃安全吃健康”转变,对食品安全的认知也不断提高。但是,我国“亿万农民都在生产食品”的现状,特别是新技术、新工艺、新资源食品的生产,以及集约化和工业化生产进程的加快,导致了食品中危害样品的种类越来越多,范围越来越大。近年来屡屡发生的“食物中毒”事件已经引起了国家领导人、各级人大代表、政协委员以及各界人士,包括普通的消费者的极大关注,并表达了深切的忧虑。食品安全是个大概念,人们通常将如下内容归为食品安全检测的范围:农兽药残留、食品微生物、生物毒素、食品添加剂、动植物疫病疫害、转基因、动物源性成分的鉴别、重金属、放射性残留等等。农食产品中农兽药残留问题一直是世界各国重点监控的食品安全问题,也是从事食品安全检测实验室日常检验量较大的一项工作。食品中的致病微生物是“食品中毒”的首要问题。贝类毒素、黄曲霉毒素等生物毒素也是一直困扰着中国对外贸易的要害问题。食品安全检测技术成为食品安全保障不可或缺的重要组成部分。随着我国加入WTO,全球市场一体化步伐的加快,技术性壁垒已成为贸易中主要手段,因此,必将对食品安全检测技术提出更高要求,必须在检测技术上,提供更加准确、科学、权威的检测数据,以应对可能出现的技术纠纷。多年来,在检测方法和标准方面,我国大多数检测部门已采用或等同采用国际先进标准,方法的先进性方面毋庸置疑,但是在标准样品方面,由于检测人员认识上的误区和标准样品的匮乏,存在一定的漏洞。因此,食品安全检测标准样品显得尤为必要和迫切,并具有较为广阔的应用前景。二、国内外食品安全检测标准样品的发展状况按照我国标准样品分类方法,食品安全检测标准样品并没有明确的属于某个分类,它包含在化工产品成份分析(主要是农药标准样品)、地质矿产成份分析、环境化学分析、临床化学分析与药品成份分析和食品成份分析等标准样品类中。我国食品安全检测标准样品的发展虽然取得了较大成绩,但与食品安全检测技术的迅猛发展及国际食品安全检测标准样品的发展水平相比较,仍有较大差距。具体表现在:品种少,不能满足需要。尽管我国颁布的涉及食品安全检测的标准样品已约达120多种,但只占标准样品总数的6%左右。与美国NIST相比较,我国的食品安全检测标准样品不仅数量少,而且浓度范围窄,远不能满足当前食品安全检测技术发展的需要。我国各类食品安全检测标准样品发展不平衡。以标准样品为例,其中70多种食品安全检测标准样品,农药类约占12%;地质矿产成份类约占7%;环境化学分析类约占25%;临床化学分析与药品成份分析类约占50%;食品成份分析类约占6%。与各类食品安全检测技术相对平衡的发展现状相比较,食品安全检测标准样品的发展极不平衡,其中食品成份分析类标准样品所占全部食品安全检测标准样品的结构比例明显偏低;而食品微生物类、转基因类、动物源性成分类等等则均是空白。定值多以单元为主,造成使用不便。在已有的食品安全检测标准样品中,有纯品,也有基体检测标准样品和溶液。单一成份类标准样品较多,特别是早期研制成功的一些标准样品多是定值一些宏观的元素及一些有针对性的元素,如Pb、Cd、As等。这样,在分析多组份试样时,例如,复合农药使用单一组份的标准样品,一次测量不能得到分析结果,常需重复测量,既影响分析速度,又容易因分析条件的变化而引入误差。由于食品安全检测标准样品自身特点,而使其发展受到影响。一般而言,食品安全检测标准样品稳定性差、易受潮发霉,对制备、包装、保存技术有很高的要求。除在制备过程中进行辐照灭菌外,大多对贮存过程提出了低温冷藏的要求, 如猪肝要求在-18℃,牛血清成份及全血中的Pb、Cd要求-20℃等,尽管我国在低温贮存方面的技术不断提高,但还达不到美国NIST的牛肝贮存在液态氮中环境的条件。价格高,影响普遍使用。目前,由于食品安全检测标准样品研制和保存成本较高,加之供方少,造成其价格也较高,这在较大程度上影响了食品安全检测标准样品的发展和普遍使用。如:欧盟的转基因大豆粉检测标准样品在国内卖价为1100元/1克(最小包装),同时还必须购买一个系列(5个含量水平),而不能单买。目前,我国各级检测机构使用的农药残留检测标准样品,大多是纯度不一的进口纯品,基本没有赋值,虽然国外有部分赋值的标准样品,但是价格均比较昂贵,不便于推广应用。我国多年来虽然已研制出很多食品安全分析用标准样品,但是仍有很大的缺口。三、食品安全检测标准样品体系的构建和未来发展前景2000年,我们已经充分地认识到了食品安全检测标准样品的紧缺和重要性。为在该领域的未来发展中能填补空缺,为能在食品安全检测标准样品的发展领域作出贡献,检验检疫系统做了很多相关的研究工作。以辽宁出入境检验检疫局为例,仅2001年到2005年这短短4年的时间里,已成功组织承办了7项APLAC食品安全领域的国际实验室间能力验证计划项目,如:APLAC T030 国际实验室间食品微生物学,APLACT034 国际实验室间转基因产品检测,APLAC T035 国际实验室间食品添加剂,APLAC T036 国际实验室间兽药残留检测,APLAC T046 国际实验室间食品微生物学,APLAC T047 国际实验室间动物源性成分鉴定,APLAC T048兽药残留检测等能力验证项目。同时也组织了多项CNAL能力验证项目。开展了包括食品安全检测样品的制备、样品均匀性和稳定性试验及其评价、样品的定值和不确定度的评估等研究。我国的标准样品在食品安全领域还是薄弱环节,但辽宁出入境检验检疫局在食品安全领域开展样品制备关键技术的研究已经进行了4年多时间,尤其在食品微生物、转基因产品、食品添加剂、农兽药残留等领域申请了6项样品关键制备技术的国家发明专利,为食品安全检测标准样品的研制打下了坚实的基础。随着生产的迅速发展,工业自动化程度不断提高,使用标准样品日益显示出其科学和经济上的重要性,标准样品处于需求量不断增长、品种迅速增加的阶段。为此,应进一步完善和建立我国完整的食品安全检测标准样品体系,有目的、有计划、有组织地开展食品安全检测标准样品的研制工作。可以从如下几个方面入手进行食品安全检测标准样品体系的建设:满足食品安全和公共健康的要求,及时组织食品安全检测标准样品的研究以提供标准样品,以保证食品安全检测标准样品的持续有效地发展。倡导世界标准化的质量控制和研制方法,以便与国际接轨,使我国的食品安全检测标准样品能尽早走向国际。提高预测紧急突发食品安全质量事件的能力,建立针对新领域、新产品或突发食品安全事件等的应急标准样品研发基地。促进管理政策的科学化和人才队伍的建设。着重从国内外空缺和紧缺的食品微生物学、转基因领域、农兽药残留、食品添加剂、生物毒素(尤其是海洋生物毒素)、动植物疫病疫害等领域入手,逐步扩展到食品安全的各个领域。食品安全领域的特殊性和标准样品在食品安全检测方面的重要性,使得食品安全检测标准样品具有特殊重要的意义,在保障食品安全、解决贸易争端和促进经济发展方面均会发挥巨大的作用。未来的5年、10年乃至15年,是中国向建设全面小康社会前进的15年,也是中国的人均GDP由1 000美元向3 000美元增长的15年。在人类迈进21世纪的今天,食品加工技术已由传统的小型作坊迈入了一个全新的发展阶段。食品安全检测标准样品的发展促进了食品安全分析技术的发展,与之相呼应的是分析技术的迅猛发展,更为食品安全检测标准样品的发展创造了良好的机遇和环境。

The food security of our country is improving constantly "The fruit has no taste of fruit! ""Chicken eaten now is all carnivorous chickens that raise! ""The beefsteak is put into the pan and surfaced once heating! "……A lot of persons show, our food was not healthy in the past now, but the actual conditions were not so: From the point of science and health, we take good than any time in the Spain " interesting " monthly magazine number publish one entitled as November <>Article,understand among them the whole story: Perhaps much food has really lost it already existing " natural taste ", but been improved greatly on However, in these decades, about the checking and controlling and finishing on food production and intermediate link which consume the roller chain all the time of food hygiene, that is to go on while the industry of food such as the processing, packaging transform, starting point and terminal point never in this roller chain go Not only checked and controlled the mode and sounded the police whistle for this kind in serious " food crisis " happening in recent years, make consumers lose confidence to food production and links consumed in the roller chain Mad cow disease started in, in whom Britain find, cause cause of disease to add animal bone meal the feed of " pollute " This kind of bone meal is from the animal dying of illness at Mad cow disease spread in the herds of cattle of Britain rapidly, later, the person of the beef of edible disease was infected Later, Belgium take place chicken feed " pollute ", cause chicken dioxin incident that content exceeded standard again, and chicken polluted is for Animal's diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease, swine fever breaking out in recent years,, it is damaged to cause consumers' confidence Nowadays, high pathogenic bird flu has already spread to a lot of countries and regions, if the Model H5N1 virus causes interpersonal infection, may cause 4 million deaths in the whole But " food crisis " constant to take place, impel international health organ introduce each link overall to food production go on measure that monitor too, from to construct kind, poultry brood, reap to crop, poultry's domestic animal slaughters and processes plant, transportation, sell and consumer last consumption, to reach food On the other hand, various " food crisis " consumer that attack, become to food hygiene already too and security issue extremely sensitive, they highly pay close attention to the quality of the food consumed by In including little additive, not including antibiotic, not using ripener, not including pesticide residues , people's requirements for food are higher and


As we all known,food safety problems are more and more popular in our country,because more cases about food safety problem have Firstly,As the old saying goes,the food is what matters to the Food plays an important role in people's So food safety influences people's health and Secondly,some producers only think about earning money without thinking about ensuring food hey produce unqualified Thirdly,some food supervisory departpents don't perform their duty This behavior make some producer ignore the safety of If we want to solve problems that is illustrated former,we must call on the supervisory department to manage the food And the producers must paly their Lastly,we hope that there is law that punish illegal In recent years, China’s food industry occurs security issus frequently, which makes people worried and lose Food safety, related to the people’s health, safety and healthy development of economy, is the major issue of national stability and social Since the Sanlu Incident occurred in 2008, the entire society increasingly concerned about food safety It was in this context that the food safety issue was referred to an unprecedented 近几年,中国食品工业经常发生安全问题,这使得人们很担忧并失去了信心。食品安全与人们的健康,安全以及经济的健康发展息息相关,是国家稳定和社会发展的主要问题。自2008年三鹿事件发生以来,全社会对食品安全问题的关注越来越高。正是在这种情况下,食品安全问题被提到了一个空前的水平。There are the following main issues in food security: using poor quality raw materials in the food manufacturing process, adding toxic substances, excessive use of food additives, abusing of chemical additives and so There are many reasons to cause this problem, and regulators, producers and even consumers share The entire society should try effort to avoid food safety 食品安全主要存在以下问题:在生产食品过程使用劣质的原材料,添加有毒物质,过量使用防腐剂,滥用化学添加剂等等。引起这一问题的原因有很多,监管者,生产者甚至是消费者都有责任。全社会应该尽力避免食品安全问题。


A Food Poisoning Accident Last month, I witnessed a food poisoning accident happening to my At that time the situation was really very dangerous and Though finally they got out of danger, this accident is still vivid in my That day was Julie’s birthday, one of my In order to celebrate it, her roommates bought a big birthday cake for her from a supermarket They shared the cake However, after a while, all of them felt abdominal pain, nausea and Two of them even cannot stand up because of great We rushed to send them to the It turned out that the cake they ate had expired its guarantee Futunately, due to timely treatment, they all recovered very However, this accident leaves me a deep I think it is very urgent to take effective measures to improve food Firstly, the government should strengthen supervision and administration on food More importantly, to those who immoral businessmen, more strict punishment should be Besides, we consumers should be more careful in buying Only in this way can we make sure that no same accident


“别给我一个网站让我自己找”真懒~ 有也不给你,呵呵


the problem of food securityNowadays,there is an increasing number of problem in the food security aspect,such as the swill-cooked dirty oil and the milk Because of last year's Sanlun scandal, food safety become a hot topic and how can we prevent another milk scandal?In my opinion,it is the lack of credit that lead to the serious problem of food We should strengthen the propaganda and education so that we can enhance people's safety consciousness and change their moral Besides,we should strengthen the legal system and the supervision of food security Only in this way can we live a healthier and happier

From this incident,we can see that there are still more things to be Firstly,the government needs everything possible to ensure the quality of products,particularly the safety of food as this concerns everyone's Secondly,as for the producers,it is very important for them to be morally They should never try to pursue profit or economic growth at the expense of health and life of Thirdly,we consumers must attach importance to the things we eat and develop an awareness of how to protect our legal rights if Only in this way will we be able to build a more secure and harmonious


Hunger breeds discontentment, food safety is a big thing, it affects the human body health, related to people's The television broadcast, newspaper newspaper, revealed that one is terrified of the truth: the cup makes us greedy words as pearl milk tea, he is not fit to be seen from the processing out of the "underground factory"; the red jujube, jujube bubble is incredibly blue discoloration of water in medicine Recently had the make known to every family, raise a Babel of criticism of the "Sanlu milk powder", get How can we believe that the food is safe to eat every day? When the past primary school, school, school I was always attracted by the aroma of barbecue stalls, boneless chicken, stinky Such a superb collection of beautiful things of the food, provoked my slobber flow down three thousand feet, but do not know whether it is harmful to health, can only and step back, swallow slobber, away from the But I really don't want to eat? Absolutely not, in the final analysis or food safety issues that I formed doubt, therefore between "good" and "security", I'm Like the "Sanlu milk powder" incident, Erie, Mengniu Dairy products such as milk enterprises was found to contain melamine, the market milk sales have fallen sharply, the major brands of dairy products to be questioned, many parents of newborn children don't know to choose which brand of milk powder! Arguably, food safety is But who can guarantee that what food is safe? Food safety is not the reprint shelf-life can slip by, in good conscience to make money, take people's health when the stakes!


A Food Poisoning Accident Last month, I witnessed a food poisoning accident happening to my At that time the situation was really very dangerous and Though finally they got out of danger, this accident is still vivid in my That day was Julie’s birthday, one of my In order to celebrate it, her roommates bought a big birthday cake for her from a supermarket They shared the cake However, after a while, all of them felt abdominal pain, nausea and Two of them even cannot stand up because of great We rushed to send them to the It turned out that the cake they ate had expired its guarantee Futunately, due to timely treatment, they all recovered very However, this accident leaves me a deep I think it is very urgent to take effective measures to improve food Firstly, the government should strengthen supervision and administration on food More importantly, to those who immoral businessmen, more strict punishment should be Besides, we consumers should be more careful in buying Only in this way can we make sure that no same accident





食品安全food safety; food security

As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for Food safety is very important for Nowadays, there are more and more food safety Many people use bad substitutes for low-cost It scares We are all very worried about buying bad things, and businesses ignore our food safety for their own 翻译:俗话说的好,民以食为天,食品的安全对于人们来说是很重要的。现在的食品安全问题越来越多。很多人为了低价生产而用不好的代替品。这令我们感到很害怕。我们都很担心买到不好的东西,商家为了自己的利益而不顾我们的食品安全。

Great changes in my hometown More than twenty years ago,my hometown was just a small,old and poor st of people were here were few The people didn't have enough food to eat and wore old They had a hard Great changes have taken place in the past twenty Now there are many tall They are very Roads are wide and People and take buses or drive their own cars to go to Many people have cell phones and personal Children can get a good People's living conditions have improved a Thanks to the government's y hometown is becoming more and more 我的家乡发生了巨大的变化二十多年前,我的家乡只是一个小,老和贫穷的城镇。大多数的人都是农民。有几家工厂。人们没有足够的食物和穿着旧衣服。他们有一个艰苦的生活。发生了巨大的变化在过去的二十年。现在有许多高大的建筑物。他们非常漂亮。道路是广泛和清洁。人们和坐车或自己开车去上班。许多人有手机和个人电脑。孩子们可以得到良好的教育。人民生活状况改善了很多谢谢到政府的努力。我的家乡变得越来越美丽。


