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摘要 就是论文的主要内容,概括性的总结下论文的思想,比如说你讲述下你论文写了什么东西。论文的价值,还有论文涉及的一些新亮点,优点,以及关键字也可以列一下,一般还是要英文翻译的,

据学术堂了解,医学论文一般采用的是中文摘要,有些为了国际交流,还有外文(多用英文)摘要。所以,我国国家级医学期刊,通常都要求中、英摘要,而且采用了国际医学期刊要求的格式化摘要(structured abstract)。下面是医学论文摘要的写作方法:1、目的:应简要说明研究的目的和意义,一般用1-2句话简要说明即可,不必太过冗长。目的部分的文字最好不是对文题的简单重复。2、方法:应简述研究的材料(对象)、方法、设计方案、观察的指标、资料的收集处理和统计学分析方法等。3、结果:应简要列出主要的结果,包括阳性结果和阴性结果,描述结果要尽量用具体数据,而不要过于笼统。4、结论:应根据研究的目的和结果,得出适当的结论,并指出研究的价值和今后有待探讨的问题。

回答 论文摘要是对论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述,要求扼要地说明研究工作的目的、研究方法和最终结论等,重点是结论,是一篇具有独立性和完整性的短文,根据内容的不同,摘要可分为以下三大类:报道性摘要、指示性摘要和报道指示性摘要。 提问 研究方法指的是什么 回答 “研究方法是指在研究中发现新现象、新事物,或提出新理论、新观点,揭示事物内在规律的工具和手段。论文的研究方法:规范研究法,实证研究法,案例分析法,比较分析法,思维方法,内容分析法,文献分析法,数学方法。” 提问 研究结论又是什么 回答 也就是论文的主体段落,虽然可能看起来没什么,但做起来可能还比论文内容还要麻烦许多。首先,写作要点允许稍微改变和操纵想法和评论,用证据支持每一个陈述。因为这是一篇研究论文,任何评论都不应该直接得到研究中的事实支持。为研究提供一个好的解释,和没有事实的陈述相反,陈述事实而不发表评论,可能你确实想提供一些证据,但要保证论文是独一无二的,需要尽可能的添加评论。不过要防止内容过长而直接使用引号,虽然论文是基于研究,但关键还是由自己提出了想法,除非打算使用的引用是非常有必要的,不然可以试着用自己的话来解释和分析 提问 上面提到的教学方法是什么意思? 回答 升级一下服务吧,以便更好的咨询 更多5条 




Lung cancer is a disease with high morbidity and mortality,it can be divided into small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung due to the completely difference of the clinical treatment and prognosis between small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer, it is of great significance to assist clinicians to identify classification By firstly using the method of image segmentation to extract lung parenchyma from the lung cancer CT image in this article, and create the gray level co-occurrence matrix which is utilized to extract image texture feature of lung

后续Pulse signal is one of the basic symbol of a human The pulse signal detection plays a very important role in clinical, teaching and scientific Currently, special medical equipments are often used in the monitoring of the pulse There are many problems lie in these medical equipments, such as fixed and single function, huge volume, higher price and imperfect analysis In this paper, a pulse signal acquisition and analysis system was designed and The system mainly consists of two parts: hardware and Hardware part is using HK - 2000 series integrated pulse sensor to complete the pulse signal acquisition and The software part is using LabVIEW as login interface and interface of main Signal acquisition interface is written by VB program, yet through the LabVIEW calling VB program to realize real-time display and storage of pulse With friendly interface and simple operation, this system also enhances the automatic analysis function compare with the traditional medical instruments, and it has a certain application


回答 论文摘要是对论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述,要求扼要地说明研究工作的目的、研究方法和最终结论等,重点是结论,是一篇具有独立性和完整性的短文,根据内容的不同,摘要可分为以下三大类:报道性摘要、指示性摘要和报道指示性摘要。 提问 研究方法指的是什么 回答 “研究方法是指在研究中发现新现象、新事物,或提出新理论、新观点,揭示事物内在规律的工具和手段。论文的研究方法:规范研究法,实证研究法,案例分析法,比较分析法,思维方法,内容分析法,文献分析法,数学方法。” 提问 研究结论又是什么 回答 也就是论文的主体段落,虽然可能看起来没什么,但做起来可能还比论文内容还要麻烦许多。首先,写作要点允许稍微改变和操纵想法和评论,用证据支持每一个陈述。因为这是一篇研究论文,任何评论都不应该直接得到研究中的事实支持。为研究提供一个好的解释,和没有事实的陈述相反,陈述事实而不发表评论,可能你确实想提供一些证据,但要保证论文是独一无二的,需要尽可能的添加评论。不过要防止内容过长而直接使用引号,虽然论文是基于研究,但关键还是由自己提出了想法,除非打算使用的引用是非常有必要的,不然可以试着用自己的话来解释和分析 提问 上面提到的教学方法是什么意思? 回答 升级一下服务吧,以便更好的咨询 更多5条 

题记】简单的来讲,论文摘要就是整篇文章和浓缩预览,它被排放在论文的首要位置。论文摘要是文章的灵魂,很多老师审稿时没有时间查看论文正文内容,往往是通过文章的摘要了解论文的研究内容及研究层次,因此,写好论文摘要无比重要,今天小编给大家带来非常简单的论文摘要写作方法,让你一分钟看懂哦!摘要主要要包括论文的六个要素,即: 题目 目的 方法 结果 结论 关键字提示各位同学,上面6个要素,缺一不可,一篇好的论文全看摘要文字的浓缩水平,切记,切记!一般学术期刊小论文和本科毕业论文的摘要字数控制在300字以内,硕士和博士的毕业论文摘要控制在1000字以内。提示各位同学,摘要文字切莫冗繁拖沓,直抒胸臆即可,千万不能为了凑字数而是降低整篇文章的层次,比喻一下,整篇论文是一个人的话,摘要就是人的脸面,可千万不能打脸哦!有论文需要的童鞋关注公众号哲匠文案设计


据学术堂了解,医学论文一般采用的是中文摘要,有些为了国际交流,还有外文(多用英文)摘要。所以,我国国家级医学期刊,通常都要求中、英摘要,而且采用了国际医学期刊要求的格式化摘要(structured abstract)。下面是医学论文摘要的写作方法:1、目的:应简要说明研究的目的和意义,一般用1-2句话简要说明即可,不必太过冗长。目的部分的文字最好不是对文题的简单重复。2、方法:应简述研究的材料(对象)、方法、设计方案、观察的指标、资料的收集处理和统计学分析方法等。3、结果:应简要列出主要的结果,包括阳性结果和阴性结果,描述结果要尽量用具体数据,而不要过于笼统。4、结论:应根据研究的目的和结果,得出适当的结论,并指出研究的价值和今后有待探讨的问题。


后续Pulse signal is one of the basic symbol of a human The pulse signal detection plays a very important role in clinical, teaching and scientific Currently, special medical equipments are often used in the monitoring of the pulse There are many problems lie in these medical equipments, such as fixed and single function, huge volume, higher price and imperfect analysis In this paper, a pulse signal acquisition and analysis system was designed and The system mainly consists of two parts: hardware and Hardware part is using HK - 2000 series integrated pulse sensor to complete the pulse signal acquisition and The software part is using LabVIEW as login interface and interface of main Signal acquisition interface is written by VB program, yet through the LabVIEW calling VB program to realize real-time display and storage of pulse With friendly interface and simple operation, this system also enhances the automatic analysis function compare with the traditional medical instruments, and it has a certain application

Lung cancer is a disease with high morbidity and mortality,it can be divided into small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung due to the completely difference of the clinical treatment and prognosis between small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer, it is of great significance to assist clinicians to identify classification By firstly using the method of image segmentation to extract lung parenchyma from the lung cancer CT image in this article, and create the gray level co-occurrence matrix which is utilized to extract image texture feature of lung


Lung cancer is a disease morbidity and mortality are high, can be divided into small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung Due to small cell lung cancer and the clinical treatment and prognosis of non-small cell lung cancer are completely different, assist clinicians to identify classification diagnosis has important This paper image segmentation method is utilized to extract the lung cancer lung parenchyma of CT image, and create its gray level co-occurrence matrix and gray level co-occurrence matrix is utilized to extract image texture feature of lung Then texture feature dataset for SPSS pca dimension reduction, generate new data samples, the use of BP neural network, RBF neural network and support vector machine learning algorithm for training The classification results show that the degree of sensitivity and the characteristics of BP neural network classification results can reach above 8 and the coincidence rate is relatively Support vector machine (SVM) classifier classification results followed, RBF used in the classification of the Key words: lung cancer;Gray level co-occurrence matrix;Texture feature;Neural network;Support vector machine (SVM)The pulse signal is the life of the human basic symbol, one of the pulse signal detection in clinical, teaching and scientific research plays a very important Current pulse signal monitoring is using special medical instrument, the instrument is fixed, single function, huge volume, high price, analysis of such problems as In this paper, a pulse signal acquisition and analysis system was designed and The system mainly consists of two parts of hardware and Hardware part using HK - 2000 series integrated pulse sensor complete the pulse signal acquisition and Software part do the login interface with LabVIEW and main form interface, signal acquisition interface by VB programming, VB program to realize the calling through the LabVIEW real-time display and storage of pulse This system friendly interface, simple operation, enhance the function of automatic analysis of traditional medical instruments, has a certain application 采纳我的我的比楼下好


报告中写的很明确,左肺门区肿瘤伴有左肺上叶阻塞性肺炎,肿瘤侵犯纵膈,这里说的肿瘤应该就是肺癌。 根据这个报告看应该是一张复查的ct检查结果,并不是初诊的诊断意见。

Lung cancer is a disease morbidity and mortality are high, can be divided into small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung Due to small cell lung cancer and the clinical treatment and prognosis of non-small cell lung cancer are completely different, assist clinicians to identify classification diagnosis has important This paper image segmentation method is utilized to extract the lung cancer lung parenchyma of CT image, and create its gray level co-occurrence matrix and gray level co-occurrence matrix is utilized to extract image texture feature of lung Then texture feature dataset for SPSS pca dimension reduction, generate new data samples, the use of BP neural network, RBF neural network and support vector machine learning algorithm for training The classification results show that the degree of sensitivity and the characteristics of BP neural network classification results can reach above 8 and the coincidence rate is relatively Support vector machine (SVM) classifier classification results followed, RBF used in the classification of the Key words: lung cancer;Gray level co-occurrence matrix;Texture feature;Neural network;Support vector machine (SVM)The pulse signal is the life of the human basic symbol, one of the pulse signal detection in clinical, teaching and scientific research plays a very important Current pulse signal monitoring is using special medical instrument, the instrument is fixed, single function, huge volume, high price, analysis of such problems as In this paper, a pulse signal acquisition and analysis system was designed and The system mainly consists of two parts of hardware and Hardware part using HK - 2000 series integrated pulse sensor complete the pulse signal acquisition and Software part do the login interface with LabVIEW and main form interface, signal acquisition interface by VB programming, VB program to realize the calling through the LabVIEW real-time display and storage of pulse This system friendly interface, simple operation, enhance the function of automatic analysis of traditional medical instruments, has a certain application 采纳我的我的比楼下好

Lung cancer is a disease with high morbidity and mortality,it can be divided into small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung due to the completely difference of the clinical treatment and prognosis between small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer, it is of great significance to assist clinicians to identify classification By firstly using the method of image segmentation to extract lung parenchyma from the lung cancer CT image in this article, and create the gray level co-occurrence matrix which is utilized to extract image texture feature of lung



