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以粘土和适量的水为型砂的主要粘结剂,制成砂型后直接在湿态下合型和浇注。湿型铸造历史悠久,应用较广。湿型砂的强度取决于粘土和水按一定比例混合而成的粘土浆。型砂一经混好即具有一定的强度,经舂实制成砂型后,即可满足合型和浇注的要求。因此型砂中的粘土量和水分是十分重要的工艺因素。以型砂和芯砂为造型材料制成铸型,液态金属在重力下充填铸型来生产铸件的铸造方法。钢、铁和大多数有色合金铸件都可用砂型铸造方法获得。由于砂型铸造所用的造型材料价廉易得,铸型制造简便,对铸件的单件生产、成批生产和大量生产均能适应,长期以来,一直是铸造生产中的基本工艺。砂型铸造所用铸型一般由外砂型和型芯组合而成。为了提高铸件的表面质量,常在砂型和型芯表面刷一层涂料。涂料的主要成分是耐火度高、高温化学稳定性好的粉状材料和粘结剂,另外还加有便于施涂的载体(水或其他溶剂)和各种附加物。粘土湿砂型铸造的优点是:①粘土的资源丰富、价格便宜。②使用过的粘土湿砂经适当的砂处理后,绝大部分均可回收再用。③制造铸型的周期短、工效高。④混好的型砂可使用的时间长。⑤砂型舂实以后仍可容受少量变形而不致破坏,对拔模和下芯都非常有利。缺点是:①混砂时要将粘稠的粘土浆涂布在砂粒表面上,需要使用有搓揉作用的高功率混砂设备,否则不可能得到质量良好的型砂。②由于型砂混好后即具有相当高的强度,造型时型砂不易流动,难以舂实,手工造型时既费力又需一定的技巧,用机器造型时则设备复杂而庞大。③铸型的刚度不高,铸件的尺寸精度较差。④铸件易于产生冲砂、夹砂、气孔等缺陷。粘土干砂型制造这种砂型用的型砂湿态水分略高于湿型用的型砂。粘土砂芯用粘土砂制造的简单的型芯。 这种砂型所用的型砂称为化学硬化砂。其粘结剂一般都是在硬化剂作用下能发生分子聚合进而成为立体结构的物质,常用的有各种合成树脂和水玻璃。化学硬化基本上有3种方式。① 自硬:粘结剂和硬化剂都在混砂时加入。制成砂型或型芯后,粘结剂在硬化剂的作用下发生反应而导致砂型或型芯自行硬化。自硬法主要用于造型,但也用于制造较大的型芯或生产批量不大的型芯。② 气雾硬化:混砂时加入粘结剂和其他辅加物,先不加硬化剂。造型或制芯后,吹入气态硬化剂或吹入在气态载体中雾化了的液态硬化剂,使其弥散于砂型或型芯中,导致砂型硬化。气雾硬化法主要用于制芯,有时也用于制造小型砂型。③ 加热硬化:混砂时加入粘结剂和常温下不起作用的潜硬化剂。制成砂型或型芯后,将其加热,这时潜硬化剂和粘结剂中的某些成分发生反应,生成能使粘结剂硬化的有效硬化剂,从而使砂型或型芯硬化。加热硬化法除用于制造小型薄壳砂型外,主要用于制芯。


Lubricant NLubricatingPointLubricatingMethodLubricant Name, BrandChangePeriod1Main bearingOil ring bring oil (small type the mill)Winter:N220 Limited pressure gear oilSummer:N320 Limited pressure gear oilAbout 6months2Rolling bearingGrease cupZL-1H combined Li Lubricate greaseAbout 3months3ReducerSplash lubricationAccording to instructions of decelerator4Girth gear and pinionAbove middle type the mill should use the thin oil stationWinter: N220 Limited pressure gear oilSummer: N320 Limited pressure gear oilSupplemented as necessary5Motor According to instruction of motorN After the main bearing and the reducer first times is loaded the lubricating oil to use a 1~2 month, should emit completely the oil, and the clean is clean, again adds the clean lubricating The winter of in the table note refers to ambient temperature of the machine in below +10 ℃, above +10 ℃ according to the summer to Ⅶ Easy rub and vulnerable partsEasy rub and vulnerable parts are many, for the liners, the division plates, the grate board, bolt of liner, the When our company delivers goods generally matching the assembly drawing, the assembly drawing of rotary unit part, the driving device, the main bearing and so on, the user may according to damage the spot, looks up the name and the code number on the corresponding blueprint, orders to this company, we will supply zealously at your Ⅷ AppendixStochastically delivers goods the detailed Main The instruction booklet (contains instruction booklet for motor and reducer and thin oil station) Drawing: The assembly drawing, the rotation part, the driving pinion part, and the main bearing Packing list, product Spare parts (when ordering user must explain)Ball mill test necessary working instruction: After the ball mill installment being finished and unload test run is normal, before the load test run to weigh out the warehouse according to the ball mill Canadian ball to join 1/3 of steel ball quantity, at the same time adds 1/5 of raw material to carry on the small load revolution, the normal work 48 hours later stop the machine, and the bolt of liner and all fixed bolts of each part would be screwed tighten one by one, again revolve for 48 hours later, might add 1/3 of raw material to carry on the trial Related stipulation of trial production, please refer to instruction booklet content of ball mill to carry This company debugging personnel may appropriate readjustment according to various user’s craft


Low pressure casting method of history   The prototype of the low-pressure casting method can be traced back to the beginning of this Suitable for the aluminium alloy is 1917 in France, Germany, in 1924 application, but did not form large-scale industrial For commercial purposes is after world war ii began to produce the in 1945, M Lewis by Britain created o lu massey library company, start production storm-water pipeline, beer vessel After that the fifties, Austria and Germany began to produce cylinder   In 1958, American ze lots pull road, in small implied it car engine parts (cylinder head, body, gear box) was the widespread use al-alloy castings, and used the low pressure casting This is still widespread adoption of low pressure casting method is indispensable to promote, especially in the world of the car industry caused a tremendous Low pressure casting method was introduced into our country is in 1957 around, but the real cause the attention of industry, begin to have various research, bring equipment from about 1960 But this broken before the common sense the epoch-making technique, almost no riser, and has, as a kind of "technology" established gravity gold casting technology compared with completely different difficulty, so the industry's reaction compare   Under such circumstances, 1961 light car with air-cooling cylinder head production become low pressure casting method in our country in the meanwhile, the After developing very fast, in overcoming the multiple technical problems later, using low pressure casting method has the material utilization high and easy to implement note soup with advantages, automation car parts as the center, progressively establish light alloy castings main casting method is firm Currently in al-alloy castings production, low pressure casting supplies have accounted for about 50 percent, and with its huge production and excellent quality is famous in the Products branch out into car related components, such as the cylinder head, gas cylinder, brake drum, clutch cover, the wheel hub, inlet guhya pipe, Especially since 1970, widely used in the wheel hub, and along with the recent car lightweight and improve performance requirements, such as in past never had the complex internal quality and mechanical properties of the strict request, cylinder head, gas on cylinder body use will increase




Low pressure casting method of history   The prototype of the low-pressure casting method can be traced back to the beginning of this Suitable for the aluminium alloy is 1917 in France, Germany, in 1924 application, but did not form large-scale industrial For commercial purposes is after world war ii began to produce the in 1945, M Lewis by Britain created o lu massey library company, start production storm-water pipeline, beer vessel After that the fifties, Austria and Germany began to produce cylinder   In 1958, American ze lots pull road, in small implied it car engine parts (cylinder head, body, gear box) was the widespread use al-alloy castings, and used the low pressure casting This is still widespread adoption of low pressure casting method is indispensable to promote, especially in the world of the car industry caused a tremendous Low pressure casting method was introduced into our country is in 1957 around, but the real cause the attention of industry, begin to have various research, bring equipment from about 1960 But this broken before the common sense the epoch-making technique, almost no riser, and has, as a kind of "technology" established gravity gold casting technology compared with completely different difficulty, so the industry's reaction compare   Under such circumstances, 1961 light car with air-cooling cylinder head production become low pressure casting method in our country in the meanwhile, the After developing very fast, in overcoming the multiple technical problems later, using low pressure casting method has the material utilization high and easy to implement note soup with advantages, automation car parts as the center, progressively establish light alloy castings main casting method is firm Currently in al-alloy castings production, low pressure casting supplies have accounted for about 50 percent, and with its huge production and excellent quality is famous in the Products branch out into car related components, such as the cylinder head, gas cylinder, brake drum, clutch cover, the wheel hub, inlet guhya pipe, Especially since 1970, widely used in the wheel hub, and along with the recent car lightweight and improve performance requirements, such as in past never had the complex internal quality and mechanical properties of the strict request, cylinder head, gas on cylinder body use will increase



将金属熔炼成符合一定要求的液体并浇进铸型里,经冷却凝固、清整处理后得到有预定形状、尺寸和性能的铸件(零件或毛坯)的工艺过程。现代机械制造工业的基础工艺。铸造生产的毛坯成本低廉,对于形状复杂、特别是具有复杂内腔的零件,更能显示出它的经济性;同时它的适应性较广,且具有较好的综合机械性能。但铸造生产所需的材料(如金属、木材、燃料、造型材料等)和设备(如冶金炉、混砂机、造型机、造芯机、落砂机、抛丸机等)较多,且会产生粉尘、有害气体和噪声而污染环境。 铸造是人类掌握较早的一种金属热加工工艺,已有约6000年的历史。公元前3200年,美索不达米亚出现铜青蛙铸件。公元前13~前10世纪之间,中国已进入青铜铸件的全盛时期,工艺上已达到相当高的水平,如商代的重875千克的司母戊方鼎、战国的曾侯乙尊盘和西汉的透光镜等都是古代铸造的代表产品。早期的铸造受陶器的影响较大,铸件大多为农业生产、宗教、生活等方面的工具或用具,艺术色彩较浓。公元前513年,中国铸出了世界上最早见于文字记载的铸铁件——晋国铸鼎(约270千克重)。公元8世纪前后,欧洲开始生产铸铁件。18世纪的工业革命后,铸件进入为大工业服务的新时期。进入20世纪,铸造的发展速度很快,先后开发出球墨铸铁,可锻铸铁,超低碳不锈钢以及铝铜、铝硅、铝镁合金,钛基、镍基合金等铸造金属材料,并发明了对灰铸铁进行孕育处理的新工艺。50年代以后,出现了湿砂高压造型,化学硬化砂造型和造芯、负压造型以及其他特种铸造、抛丸清理等新工艺。 铸造种类很多,按造型方法习惯上分为:①普通砂型铸造,包括湿砂型、干砂型和化学硬化砂型3类。②特种铸造,按造型材料又可分为以天然矿产砂石为主要造型材料的特种铸造(如熔模铸造、泥型铸造、铸造车间壳型铸造、负压铸造、实型铸造、陶瓷型铸造等)和以金属为主要铸型材料的特种铸造(如金属型铸造、压力铸造、连续铸造、低压铸造、离心铸造等)两类。铸造工艺通常包括:①铸型(使液态金属成为固态铸件的容器)准备,铸型按所用材料可分为砂型、金属型、陶瓷型、泥型、石墨型等,按使用次数可分为一次性型、半永久型和永久型,铸型准备的优劣是影响铸件质量的主要因素;②铸造金属的熔化与浇注,铸造金属(铸造合金)主要有铸铁、铸钢和铸造有色合金;③铸件处理和检验,铸件处理包括清除型芯和铸件表面异物、切除浇冒口、铲磨毛刺和披缝等凸出物以及热处理、整形、防锈处理和粗加工等。


