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Expression of dominant-negative versions of both cAMP response element-binding protein and CAAT/enhancer-binding protein blocked the glucose response of the proximal region in a dose-dependent mannerdominant-negative版本的表达两个营和CAAT磷酸腺苷反应要素结合蛋白质/ enhancer-binding蛋白质堵住了葡萄糖响应的地区近端”的态度

Subcortical ischemic vascular disease is a disease becomes the leading cause of small to multiple subcortical lacunar infarcts and white matter lesions of the brain damage of ischemic cerebrovascular disease, is caused by vascular cognitive damage to the most common SIVD can cause gait disorders such as Parkinson-like gait, ataxia of gait, ataxia, or no incentive for the frequent falls, a study shows that gait abnormalities may be early signs of vascular This will lead to gait impairment SIVD pathology, type of gait disorder, gait disorder and the relationship between cognitive impairment, gait disorder analysis and evaluation, and treatment were

Subcortical ischemic cerebrovascular disease (with ischemic vascular subcortical, SIVD) is a group to become the main causes, small in subcortical multiple lacunar infarction and cerebral white matter lesions as main brain damage of ischemic cerebrovascular disease, is a cause of vascular cognitive impairment (vascular cognitive resulted VCI), the most common SIVD can cause gait obstacles, such as Parkinson's appearance, all lose tonal gait gait, walking instability or without apparent cause of frequent fall, a study showed that abnormal gait might be early vascular This paper will SIVD gait obstacles in pathological mechanism, gait types, gait obstacles and cognitive impairment of the relationship, gait obstacles analysis and evaluation, Request terminology translation correct statement is smooth, grammar,

Subcortical ischemic cerebrovascular disease is a group to become the main causes, small in subcortical multiple lacunar infarction and cerebral white matter lesions as main brain damage of ischemic cerebrovascular disease, is the most common vascular cognitive impairment of SIVD can cause gait obstacles, such as Parkinson's appearance, all lose tonal gait gait, walking instability or without apparent cause of frequent fall, a study showed that abnormal gait might be early vascular This paper will SIVD gait obstacles in pathological mechanism, gait types, gait obstacles and cognitive impairment of the relationship, gait obstacles analysis and evaluation,


用有道翻译,翻译过来是肺的移植(升高)(单人或双人)是一个选择一个更数量有限的病人,以高度的肺功能受损后,血碳酸过多症和二次肺高血压。尽管进步在过去的25年里,短期和长期的--term肺移植的结果并不好像其它固体器官[56个,57]。肺功能改善,但运动能力还可以是有限的,由于周边肌肉功能障碍[58]。肺部复原进一步改善锻炼和生命质量,在肝移植后(59)。根据国际社会对心脏病和肺病的反式-种植园的注册表对肺气肿的生存在一年的85%,在三年是68%,signi -ficant并发症还削弱生存[60]。

MD: medical doctor医学博士MM: medical master医学硕士MB: medical bachelor医药学士

Subcortical ischemic cerebrovascular disease (with ischemic vascular subcortical, SIVD) is a group to become the main causes, small in subcortical multiple lacunar infarction and cerebral white matter lesions as main brain damage of ischemic cerebrovascular disease, is a cause of vascular cognitive impairment (vascular cognitive resulted VCI), the most common SIVD can cause gait obstacles, such as Parkinson's appearance, all lose tonal gait gait, walking instability or without apparent cause of frequent fall, a study showed that abnormal gait might be early vascular This paper will SIVD gait obstacles in pathological mechanism, gait types, gait obstacles and cognitive impairment of the relationship, gait obstacles analysis and evaluation, Request terminology translation correct statement is smooth, grammar,

Expression of dominant-negative versions of both cAMP response element-binding protein and CAAT/enhancer-binding protein blocked the glucose response of the proximal region in a dose-dependent mannerdominant-negative版本的表达两个营和CAAT磷酸腺苷反应要素结合蛋白质/ enhancer-binding蛋白质堵住了葡萄糖响应的地区近端”的态度


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普通英语词汇特定医学词义类,如colon在普通英语中指冒号,但在医学英语中一般指结肠;pupil在普通英语中可以指学生,但在医学英语中是指瞳孔; 医学词素合成的术语类。这类词汇数目很大,且一般单词偏长,不懂规律、没有构词知识的话是很难掌握的。很多人对医学词汇的印象都来自于此,并且把这一类词汇误认为是医学词汇的全部。 独立医学术语类,即非医学词素构成的医学专业专用术语,如feces,nausea,vomiting等。全面了解医学词汇的类型、构词特点及其正确翻译对理解医学英语文献起着至关重要的作用。





用有道翻译,翻译过来是肺的移植(升高)(单人或双人)是一个选择一个更数量有限的病人,以高度的肺功能受损后,血碳酸过多症和二次肺高血压。尽管进步在过去的25年里,短期和长期的--term肺移植的结果并不好像其它固体器官[56个,57]。肺功能改善,但运动能力还可以是有限的,由于周边肌肉功能障碍[58]。肺部复原进一步改善锻炼和生命质量,在肝移植后(59)。根据国际社会对心脏病和肺病的反式-种植园的注册表对肺气肿的生存在一年的85%,在三年是68%,signi -ficant并发症还削弱生存[60]。

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Pearson correlation coefficient analysis using the QLQ-C15-PAL scale relationships between the different dimensions, we found that fatigue (FA) and loss of appetite (AP), pain (PA) are highly It is worth mentioning that the overall quality of life (QOL) were weakly correlated with the other dimensions (r <4) The results show a correlation than Kikuko Miyazaki et al study in Japan to get a low correlation, but with Dong Wook Shin et al study in Korea is almost the Therefore, this study made this correlation data more support for palliative care by the patient's quality of life more in addition to symptoms and functional factors beyond this Individual's subjective evaluation of the quality of life should include more social psychological variables (such as patients with flu, relationship problems, ), it is precisely because of these important factors in the evaluation of the quality of life in the absence of scale, leading to overall quality of life (QOL) In the QLQ-C15-PAL scale of exclusion [19]


