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About Sonnet 18                                                      K081141141    刘艳KEY WORDS:  Beauty Transiency  SummerABSTRACT:  Sonnet 18 is one of the poems of Shakespeare’ssonnet, the age of Shakespeare is in the Elizabeth time of England, which is aworld of love poems, As a result, writing sonnet has become the modern Then Shakespeare’s sonnet is become the outstanding works in this Hissonnet is totally different from others which is known as affectation, emptyand weak, as we can say meaningless, this poem is 18th of hissonnets, which is dedicated to young nobleman, This long poem encompasses abrilliant satire on contemporary English society through the experiences of ayoung noble, with great literature TEXT: Not only because of the ingeniousstructure, rich vocabulary of it, but also because it is a reflection of humanismin Elizabeth age made it has a high literarystatus, and is enjoyed the reputation of I will appreciate and analyze sonnet 18 from 3        Firs, as the background of it and thelife of S William Shakespearewas born to John Shakespeare and mother Mary Arden some time in late April 1564in Stratford-upon-A There is no record of his birth, but his baptism wasrecorded by the church, thus his birthday is assumed to be the 23 of A Hisfather was a prominent and prosperous alderman in the town ofStratford-upon-Avon, and was later granted a coat of arms by the College ofH All that is known of Shakespeare's youth is that he presumablyattended the Stratford Grammar School, and did not proceed to Oxford orC He was said to be a teacher, Shakespeare entertained theking and the people for another ten years until June 19, 1613, when a canonfired from the roof of the theatre for a gala performance of Henry VIII setfire to the thatch roof and burned the theatre to the The audienceignored the smoke from the roof at first, being to absorbed in the play, untilthe flames caught the walls and the fabric of the Amazingly therewere no casualties, Sonnets make up of majority of Shakespeare’s poetry Shakespeare did not originate the sonnet The basic structure of thesonnet arose in medieval Italy, its most prominent exponent being the EarlyRenaissance poet P The appearance of English sonnets, however, occurredwhen Shakespeare was an adolescent (around 1580) Both Edmund Spenser andPhilip Sydney, among others, worked in this form a decade or so beforeShakespeare took it up in the early 1590s, possibly seeking to exploit theongoing popularity of the sonnet among literary patrons of the What wecall Shakespearian sonnets today have different forms with the Italian sonnetsin that the Shakespearean sonnets end with a rhymed couplet and follows therhyme scheme abab cdcd efef In 1609, “Shakespeare’s S Never beforeImprinted” was published, which collected 154 sonnets commonly thought to bewritten between 1593 and Concerning the content, these sonnets canroughly be categorized into three groups: sonnet 1—17 addressed a young man’slove of a lady; sonnet 18—126 describe the young man’s relationship withanother young male poet; sonnet 127—154 portrait a mysterious dark-haired Given this and the intimacy of the themes broached by Shakespeare in thesonnets, it is natural that scholars would entertain a search forautobiographical sources, and that this search would focus on three identityissues: (1) who is the young man to whom Sonnets 1-126 are addressed? (2) whois

英美文学教学的几点倡议    文学史应与文学作品选读并重  关于中国学生来说,学习英美文学存在着言语障碍。作家与作家之间的写作作风悬殊,言语特征更是千差万别。为了使学生精确天文解原著的内容,进步学生的文学鉴赏才能,在教学过程中,教员应将文学史和文学作品有机分离起来。  其一,联络历史背景来深入了解作品。任何文学作品都是一定社会历史文化的产物,是作家对社会境况的一种深沉深思。文学史教材普通依照时间次第编写,不只具有文学学科的特性,还具有历史学科的特性。只要把作品放到一定的历史环境中,才干了解作品的内涵和社会意义。以英国文学为例,大致可分为五个时期,即文艺复兴时期、新古典主义时期、浪漫主义时期、维多利亚时期和现代主义时期。其文学流派分别为人本主义、新古典主义、浪漫主义、批判理想主义和现代主义。文艺复兴时期,Shakespeare塑造了Portia、Bassanio、 Antonio、 Hamlet等一系列人本主义代表;新古典主义时期,Fielding描写了Tom Jones等道德说教的典型形象;浪漫主义时期,Byron塑造了Don Juan等Byron式的英雄人物;维多利亚时期,Dickens笔下的David Copperfield曾是资本主义社会的受害者,无情地批判了资本主义的罪恶;现代主义时期,Lawrence塑造了Paul等在当时的社会环境中团结的、扭曲了的人物性格。文学教员应该搜集相关的文学背景和历史背景材料,力图把最能阐明问题的贴切而又生动的资料引见给学生,并使学生在学习文学史的过程中理解一定的英美两国历史。其二,导入文化语境,辅助文学史与作品教学。文化语境“三源泉”,即古希腊、罗马神话故事,《圣经》故事和亚瑟王传奇故事,是贯串整个英美文学的脉络。因而,说明文化语境有助于学生更好天文解文学作品。纵观英美文学历史,像Shakespeare、Milton、Melville、Faulkner等作家的作品,大局部都有直接援用或间接借用这些文化语境源泉。文学教员自身应该熟习并研读这些文化语境源泉故事,并向学生讲述这些故事,否则学生阅读文学作品时不能吃透原文的内涵,特别是作品中包含的文化内涵。例如,Milton在《Paradise Lost》中直接援用了《圣经》故事:撒旦造反、伊甸园、偷食禁果等。假如没有文化语境学问,学生在阅读时很难逾越文化鸿沟。  其三,分离作家生平,把握作品的思想肉体。剖析文学作品,把握它的思想肉体必需联络、调查作家的生平,特别是他终身当中对他的文学创作产生了宏大影响的事情和人物,以及他的创作思想。例如在学习DHLawrence的《Sons and Lovers》时,学生需求理解他的生平,父亲是一位粗鄙的煤矿工人,母亲是一位有教养的教员,对婚姻不满,把本人的全部情感倾注到她的两个儿子身上——DHLawrence和他的哥哥。哥哥不幸夭折,母亲的爱全部给了DHLawrence。母亲的爱超越了母亲对儿子正常的爱,以致于DHLawrence不能与异性开展正常的关系。他后来与一位已婚女子结了婚,但他的终身都生活在母亲的阴影之中,能够说《Sons and Lovers》是他的生平写照。  采取互动教学法进步教学质量和学习效果  在传统的教学形式中,教员是所谓的“百科全书”,是高高在上、不可动摇的权威。学生常常具有较高水平的焦虑感和被动感。在教学中,师生之间应该是一种对等协作的关系。这种关系不只是表如今教员与学生共同处理言语认知方面的问题,而且也表如今包括师生情感、人格在内的肉体整体互动的过程中。教员应置信学生具有客观能动性,具有学习的潜力和才能。这关于学生加强自自信心、消弭焦虑感、处理被动学习尤为重要。英美文学对学生来说是生疏的,学习起来有一定的艰难。因而,学生难免会产生畏惧感和单调感。教员应该充沛调动学生的积极性,鼓舞学生查找相关材料,请求他们依据本人所查找的材料和信息停止陈说和发表意见,充沛调动学生的客观能动性和思想的发明性。教员可为学生提供思绪,或对学生的陈说停止评论,使学生认识到本人思想的共同之处和欠缺之处。另外,研讨标明学生与学生之间的互动可显著提升学习效果。因而,在教学过程中,能够采取学生之间互相协作的教学形式,行将学生分红若干小组,每个小组担任查询某一作家或某一文学时期的相关材料。学生在课堂上,将所控制信息讲述出来,并加以本人的评价。在这个过程中,学生之间互相协作可处理言语问题并停止思想沟通 论文网 。这样,有助于培育学生友好协作肉体。在英美文学教学过程中,不同的学生之间具有信息差。不同的学生会对某一作家或作品从不同的视角来认识和评价。教员要认识到这种差别,做到“有教无类、因材施教”,针对不同的状况采取不同的处理方法。固然一个人的视野是有限的,但学生经过互相交流,能够丰厚和拓宽本人的视野。  教员完善学问构造  作为一名高校英美文学教员,首先不只要熟习英美两国文学,还要理解和通晓中国文学及熟习其他国别的文学,以便在教学中做到熟能生巧,满足学生学习文学专业学问的需求;其次,除文学专业学问外,教员应具有广博的人文学科学问,要做到通晓一门、熟习几门、涉猎多门。对人文学科中的历史、哲学、心理学等与文学严密相关的学科具有广博的学问;再次,教员须控制文献检索、材料查询的办法,具有科学研讨和实践工作的才能,并且熟习现代多媒体等各种先进的教学手腕。在教学过程中,教授学生如何查阅文献,并培育学生具有一定的独立学习的才能;最后,英美文学教员须控制丰厚的本国文化学问,使学生理解英美文学史和作品的同时,进步对本国文化的酷爱。努力培育出具有国际视野的人才,并能停止中西比照,加强对文化差别的敏理性,认识中西文化各自的优势,扬长避短。   三、结论  传统的英美文学教学形式曾经不能有效地培育学生对英美文学的兴味,提升学生的文化涵养和人文素质。英美文学教学需求变革,其中教学过程的变革尤为重要。在这一过程中,只要完成教员与学生、学生与学生、文学史与文选的互动,才干使整个教学系统顺利地运转,从而进步教学质量和学习效果






What Is Grid Storage? Based on current and proposed products, it appears that a grid storage system should include the following: Modular storage arrays: These systems are connected across a storage network using serial ATA The systems can be block-oriented storage arrays or network-attached storage gateways and Common virtualization layer: Storage must be organized as a single logical pool of resources available to Data redundancy and availability: Multiple copies of data should exist across nodes in the grid, creating redundant data access and availability in case of a component Common management: A single level of management across all nodes should cover the areas of data security, mobility and migration, capacity on demand, and Simplified platform/management architecture: Because common management is so important, the tasks involved in administration should be organized in modular fashion, allowing the autodiscovery of new nodes in the grid and automating volume and file Three Basic Benefits Applying grid topology to a storage network provides several benefits, including the following: R A well-designed grid network is extremely Rather than providing just two paths between any two nodes, the grid offers multiple paths between each storage This makes it easy to service and replace components in case of failure, with minimal impact on system availability or P The same factors that lead to reliability also can improve Not requiring a centralized switch with many ports eliminates a potential performance bottleneck, and applying load-balancing techniques to the multiple paths available offers consistent performance for the entire S It’s easy to expand a grid network using inexpensive switches with low port counts to accommodate additional servers for increased performance, bandwidth and In essence, grid storage is a way to scale out rather than up, using relatively inexpensive storage building

如何在不影响课程进度的前提下,省时而又有效地开展培养同学们的口语能力的活动,我有以下几点体会: ①Say something about your bedroon/school… 在学完一至两个单元后,可抽出一节课专门让同学们谈一 谈自己的卧室、学校或教室等等,这一口语活动在初一第一学期就可以做。为了让更多的学生都能参加,在此 之前可先复习一下小学学过的there be 句型以及“介词短语+be+名词”结构和“介词短语+you can see… ”结构。 这样做的好处是能有效让同学们根据这些句型轻松自然地描述出大脑里的图画。 ②Summary based on a dialogue 这一活动在初二就可以做。在这之前不妨先概括一下如下的句型结构: want/ask/tell sb (not) to dosth; want to do sth; ask if sb would like to do sth 以及一些简单句。 ③Text retelling 尽量用自己的语言口头改编、 复述较长的课文。在开展这一活动之前,允许同学们头一 天进行适当准备。不要限制同学们一定不要写提纲,甚至允许事先写出来。因为口头表达与书面表达是密切相联 的。只要同学们口头复述时不看书面提纲或内容即可。为了让全体同学有一个正确的标准,教师最好口头作一个 示范,让同学们有效地模仿。模仿在语言学习的初级阶段是相当重要的、不可缺少的步骤。 ④Make sentences 在平时的课堂教学中,当我们在学习一个新的词组和句型时,在给出典型的例句后, 应多多鼓励同学造句。同学们只要将例句看懂了都会非常乐意争先恐后地造句。有的句子甚至出乎意料的精彩 。这样做,不仅使同学们很轻松有效地学会了新词组、新句型,而且还为口语能力的形成打下了扎实的基础。 ⑤Debate/Argument 老师们可以根据学生学习的内容和实际水平,适当地选一个topic,让同学们展开争论。 如:Is it good or bad toplay video games in spare time? 还有在初二下学期学习情态动词can, ma y,must,can't时,就可给出一个model,让同学们模仿。如:给出一个实物让对方说出是什么: A What do you think it may be, B I think it may be an C It can't be an I think it must be a D How can it be a banana? A banana is long but it It must be an E It can't be an Anyone with eyes can see it isa…这样在模仿争论的同时,不知不觉中 掌握了情态动词的用法,从而也提高了同学们的口语表达能力。 ⑥Describe sb or sth you like best 随着一、二年级的知识积累,我们可以适当地让同学们在一节课的 前十分钟或后十分钟描述一下他(她)最喜欢的人或物。 以上只是我的个人观点,希望这些观点能让个同学们的口语有所提高。最后,祝住同学们都能学会英语,都能学懂英语,都能学好英语!



