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(Reuters) - Three Chinese astronauts returned to Earth on Wednesday, touching down in north China's Inner Mongolia after a successful 15-day mission in which they docked with an experimental manned space The Shenzhou 10 spacecraft, China's fifth manned space mission since 2003, completed the final trial docking with the Tiangong (Heavenly Palace) 1, critical in Beijing's quest to build a working space station by China Central Television showed the re-entry of the capsule, dangling from an orange parachute, and its landing on flat grasslands shortly after 8 China China successfully carried out its first manned docking exercise with Tiangong 1 last June, a milestone in an effort to acquire the technological and logistical skills to run a full space station that can house people for long The Shenzhou 10 was commanded by Nie Haisheng, with Zhang Xiaoguang and female astronaut Wang Yaping also on The astronauts began emerging about 90 minutes after landing, helped out of the nose of the capsule by workers in white jumpsuits and into waiting chairs, smiling and waving to the TV "It's good to be home," Nie told CCTV "Space is our The motherland is always our "Wang gave a 50-minute televised physics lecture last week on the effects of weightlessness, widely viewed by middle school students around the "This mission made me realize two dreams: my dream of flying to outer space, and my dream of being a teacher," she told CCTV "If you have a dream, you can "The Global Times, a tabloid published by the same company that puts out the official Communist Party newspaper the People's Daily, echoed some criticism among the public about the expense of China's space "Currently, China's passion to develop space technology mainly lingers at the government Some even blame the government for political vanity and question whether the money couldn't be spent improving people's livelihoods," the paper said in an editorial, published before the The mission went "perfectly", Wang Zhaoyao, director of China's manned space programme, said at a news conference in BChina is still far from catching up with the established space superpowers, the United States and Russia, which decades ago learned the docking techniques carried out by the Shenzhou China must still master launching cargo and fuel via space freighters and recycling air and water for extended manned missions, state media have Plans call for a working space lab, the Tiangong 2, to be put into orbit in two Beijing insists its space programme is for peaceful purposes, but the US Defense Department has highlighted China's increasing space capabilities and said Beijing is pursuing a variety of activities aimed at preventing its adversaries from using space-based assets during a (Reporting and writing by Terril Yue Jones and Michael M; Editing by Nick Macfie) 更多文章请点击

Space scientists lived up to people,they successfully launched its first lunar exploration satellite Chang-e One


Space scientists did not let us down, China successfully launched its first lunar exploration satellite Chang-e One





2021年2 月 10 日晚,中国首次火星探测任务天问一号探测器实施近火捕获制动,环绕器 3000N 轨控发动机点火工作约 15 分钟,探测器顺利进入近火点高度约 400 千米,周期约 10 个地球日,倾角约 10 的大椭圆环火轨道,成为我国第一颗人造火星卫星,实现 " 绕、着、巡 " 第一步 " 绕 " 的目标,环绕火星获得成功。2021年2月24日,中国首次火星探测任务“天问一号”探测器在成功实施第三次近火制动后,进入近火点280千米、远火点9万千米、周期2个火星日的火星停泊轨道,预计将在这条轨道稳定运行3个月左右。首次火星探测任务由地火转移阶段进入火星捕获阶段后,天问一号环绕器携带的中分辨率相机、高分辨率相机、磁强计、矿物光谱分析仪、离子与中性粒子和能量粒子探测仪等载荷将陆续开始工作,对火星开展多维度探测。自 2020 年 7 月 23 日成功发射以来,天问一号探测器已累计飞行 202 天,完成 1 次深空机动和 4 次中途修正,抵达火星时飞行里程约 75 亿千米,距离地球约 92 亿千米,器地通信单向时延约 7 分钟,各系统状态良好。后续天问一号还将经过多次轨道调整,进入火星停泊轨道,开展预选着陆区探测,计划于 2021 年 5 月至 6 月择机实施火星着陆,开展巡视探测。












