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AbstractHospital information system (HospitalInformation System), also known as the"hospital management information system", refers to the use of computer software and hardware technology, network communication technology and other modern means, the integrated management of the hospital and its affiliated departments of stream of people, logistics, financial flow, produced in variousstages of medical data acquisition, storage, processing, extraction, transmission,summary, generate a variety of information processing, information systems to provide comprehensive, automated management and all kinds of services for the overall operation of the Hospital information system (HIS) has become a symbol of the modern management of the This paper expounds thedevelopment process of hospital information system of outpatient registration system database management Analysis of the various functional design of the relation database management system has various functions realization,design description methods and algorithms, and concrete implementationrequired related technologies used in Hospital information management system to prepare the implementation of theoutpatient doctor patient information, information, management of drug information, at the same time, also realized the information of patient treatment,patient registration and some other commonly used function After several tests, the system can be in the normal operation of the windowsoperating system to install the SQL Server2005, is a practical, reliable andconvenient operation of the hospital information management system, realize the basic functions of information management system for hospital outpatient, has achieved the anticipated Keywords: information management system for hospital outpatient department;management information system; database connection望采纳 ,最好加分赏赐,哈哈。

“毕业论文”用英文是dissertation dissertation[ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃn] 专题论文,学位论文;学术演讲 毕业论文; 博士论文; 论文; 学位论文 例句:He was involved in writing his doctoral 他在聚精会神地写他的博士论文 I have not yet footnoted my 我还没有给我的论文加上脚注 I'm working my notes up into a 我正在把我的笔记修改成论文

毕业论文是Graduation thesis 若要在论文里指论文就可以直接说thesis或者paper

【大学生】 毕业讠仑 文              应该是本科毕业讠仑 文      Undergraduate Thesis; 研究生毕业讠仑 文分为 硕士研究生毕业讠仑 文          和博士研究生讠仑 文 分别为         Master's Thesis和PD Thesis。有总称为Graduate Thesis。啊哈(这个“啊哈”乃证据助词,)希望一品 优刊  帮到伱了(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ


毕业论文是Graduation thesis 若要在论文里指论文就可以直接说thesis或者paper

A Thesis Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of B A/B S in ***这是标准的学士学位毕业论文的说法,BA代表文学学士,BS代表理学学士,***处填上专业。


paper|ˈpeɪpə(r)|[可数名词] an academic article about a particular subject that is written by and for specialists 论文例句:a recent paper in the Journal of Medicine最近刊在《医学学报》上的一篇论文



外国语学院英语论文格式规范(附样例) A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese Idioms (题目:二号,黑体,加粗,居中,除了英语小词外,其他单词首字母都要大写;另外:除了题目外,论文中所有英文的字体均采用“Times New Roman”) 外国语学院 2001级英语教育 1030120011XX XXX 指导老师:XXX (学院、专业、学号、作者姓名、指导教师姓名(小四号宋体字,加粗),依次排印在论文题目下,上空二行,居中) 【Abstract】 This paper centers on the different expressions of …… (英文摘要:上空二行;题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用其他任何标点符号;采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗;单倍行距) 【Key Words】 idiom; comparison; English; Chinese (英文关键词:题目采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,加粗,两个单词的首字母要大写,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用任何其他标点符号,采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗,除了专有名词外,其他单词的首字母不大写,各单词之间用分号“;”隔开,分号之后空一格;最后一个关键词之后不用任何标点符号;单倍行距) Introduction (顶格,除了第一个单词及专有名词外,其他单词首字母都不要大写;标题最后不用任何标点符号,上空两行) In both English and Chinese, … So, this essay is trying to focus on the differences between Chinese and English idoms in terms of their essential meaning, customary usage and typical expression (Chang Liang, 1993:44; Li Guangling, 1999) (段落第一行缩进4个英文字符;夹注的标注法:出现在夹注中的作者必须与文后的参考文献形成一一对应关系;注意一个或多个作者间的标点符号,时间、页码等的标注法;另外,汉语参考文献的作者要以拼音形式出现,不能出现汉语姓氏;夹注出现在标点符号之前) The similarities between English idioms and Chinese idioms In English, … And it can be clearly seen in the below examples: (1) I don’t 我不知道 (2) I am not a 我不是诗人 (正文中的例子以(1),(2)…为序号排列,直至最后一个例子;而①, ②…则为脚注或尾注的上标序号) … The differences between English idioms and Chinese idioms 1 The characteristics of English idioms (正文章节序号编制:章的编号: ,, ,…;节的编号:1,2…,1,2…;小节的编号为:1, 2…小节以下层次,采用希腊数字加括号为序,如(i),(ii)…;之后再采用字母加括号,如(a), (b),…;每章题目左顶格,小四号字,加粗;每节(及小节以下)题目左顶格,小四号字,不加粗但要斜体;所有章节的题目都单独一行,最后不加任何标点符号) … In conclusion, … 2 The characteristics of Chinese idioms … Feng (1998) found some problems as shown in the following examples (注意此句中夹注的另一种写法): (9) We never know the worth of water till the well is (10) People take no thought of the value of time until they lose … 1 The analysis of the differences between English and Chinese idioms … (i) … … (ii) … … Conclusion … Bibliography (References) (小四号,加粗,后面不加任何标点符号) Sanved, The Oxford book of American literary anecdotes[C] New York: OUP, 常亮,“关于英语的偏离否定”[J] 《外国语文》,1993,4: 冯树健,“否定之否定新说”[J] 《英语辅导》,1998,6: 李光陵,“不完全否定浅析” [J] 《大学英语》,2000,30: (论文最后的参考文献中所有文献的排列顺序:尾注:按照编号顺序夹注:英文文献----网络文献----汉语文献,各个文献的先后以作者的姓氏字母或拼音为序,不用单独加序号或编号;每个参考文献的第二行起必须缩进4个英文字符;5倍行距;另外,与文中的夹注一一对应;不同类型的参考文献写法请参照写作指南中附件2的内容) (以下内容单独一页) 汉英习语的对比研究 (题目:二号,黑体,加粗,居中) 【摘 要】 汉英的习语问题是个既简单有复杂……   ……   …… (中文摘要:上空二行;题目采用黑体五号字,加粗,置于粗体方括号【】内,缩进2个汉字字符,方括号中的“摘要”两个字之间空一格;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用其他任何标点符号,采用楷体五号字,不加粗,单倍行距; 第二行起要顶格;字数约400字,约8-10行;) 【关键词】 习语;对比;英语;汉语 (中文关键词:题目采用黑体五号字,加粗,置于粗体方括号【】内,缩进2个汉字字符;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用其他任何标点符号,采用楷体五号字,不加粗,单倍行距;各单词之间用分号“;”隔开,分号之后不空格;最后一个关键词之后不用任何标点符号;单倍行距) 一、\x09基本格式: 论文只能打印在每页纸的一面上,不得打印在正反面上论文纸的大小尺寸为A4纸打印侧面装订 二、题名页: 论文题名页上打印格式基本相近,中、英文对照,中文题目页在第一页,英文题目页在第二页一般由顶部往下三分之一页处打印论文题目,论文题目都用大写字母,下隔八行打印论文调查者姓名、所属电大,再下隔八行视实际情况打上提交日期XX年XX月XX日以及课程名称:论文项目设计 上述各项内容都应打印在论文题名页的中间部位 三、摘要及关键词页 摘要及关键词页上打印格式同论文题名页,中、英文对照,中文题目页在上,英文题目页在下一般根据提要的内容多少安排打印中文题目摘要采用宋体一号,加粗,摘要正文部分采用宋体,小四号关键字题目部分采用宋体三号,加粗,关键字短语部分采用宋体,小四号英文题目摘要采用Times New Roman字体,字号为一号,加粗,摘要正文部分采用Times New Roman字体,字号为小四 四、致谢页 学员可以自选致谢页,一般不要求写中文英文大标题采用Times New Roman字体,字号为一号,加粗,正文部分采用Times New Roman字体,字号为小四 五、目录页 英文大标题采用Times New Roman字体,字号为一号,加粗,小标题部分统一采用Times New Roman字体,字号为三号,加粗注意在右方注明对应的页号,中间虚线连接 六、正文页 论文的正文需隔行打印,正文采用Times New Roman字体,字号为小四大标题为Times New Roman字体,字号为三号、加粗字副标题为Times New Roman字体,字号为三号、加粗 七、尾注、参考文献页与附录页 尾注、参考文献页与附录页(大标题采用Times New Roman字体,字号为一号,加粗)正文部分如尾注、参考文献目录与附录可不必隔行打印,字体为Times New Roman小四




CheEr concerning Nineveh piano piano practice in the value of etudesAbstract: an excellent pianist, and have the skills and skill and profound understanding of With the increase of the piano, also etudes, and CheEr is Austrian composer and pianist, is famous in his piano piano etudes the study status is Based on the analysis of his piano etudes, let us perceive him to learn of his music and the importance of Keywords: CheEr Nineveh, Etudes, Learn the piano

毕业论文用英语的翻译:毕业 论文 迅捷在线翻译:Graduation (毕业) thesis(论文)参考一下


毕业论文thesis[英][ˈθi:sɪs][美][ˈθisɪs]论文,毕业论文; 论点,论题; 命题; 复数:theses易混淆单词:THESIS例句:He completed his doctorate in 1999 with his thesis on the technical subject of structural 1999年,朱竞翔获得博士学位,博士论文写的是结构设计的技术问题。It is a beguilingly simple thesis, one particularly attractive to the western business executives who have joinedthe china gold 但这是一个具有欺性的简单论点,对参与中国淘金浪潮的西方企业高管尤其有吸引力。We have a grand new thesis of the emerging 我们现在得出了一套全新的新兴市场理论。The question now is whether the overstretch thesis was wrong or simply 目前问题是,过度扩张说是错误命题还是只是言之过早。The thesis is that women still do so badly at work mainly because we are not ambitious 书的主题是:女性的工作表现仍如此糟糕,主要是因为我们不够有雄心。同义词:dissertation[英][ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃn][美][ˌdɪsərˈteɪʃn]专题论文,学位论文; 学术演讲; essay[英][ˈeseɪ][美][ˈɛsˌe, ɛˈse]散文; 随笔,杂记文; 尝试,企图; 试验; 尝试; 试验; 经常说的:English dissertation(英语论文)Graduation thesis(毕业论文)







