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计算机科学与技术这一门科学深深的吸引着我们这些同学们,上计算机系已经有近三年了,自己也做了一些思考,我一直认为计算机科学与技术这门专业,在本科阶段是不可能切分成计算机科学和计算机技术的,因为计算机科学需要相当多的实践,而实践需要技术;每一个人(包括非计算机专业),掌握简单的计算机技术都很容易(包括程序设计),但计算机专业的优势就在于,我们掌握许多其他专业并不“深究”的东西,例如,算法,体系结构,等等。非计算机专业的人可以很容易地做一个芯片,写一段程序,但他们做不出计算机专业能够做出来的大型系统。今天我想专门谈一谈计算机科学,并将重点放在计算理论上。 计算机理论的一个核心问题——从数学谈起: 记得当年大一入学,每周六课时高等数学,天天作业不断(那时是六日工作制)。颇有些同学惊呼走错了门:咱们这到底念的是什么系?不错,你没走错门,这就是计算机科学与技术系。我国计算机科学系里的传统是培养做学术研究,尤其是理论研究的人(方向不见得有问题,但是做得不是那么尽如人意)。而计算机的理论研究,说到底了,如网络安全,图形图像学,视频音频处理,哪个方向都与数学有着很大的关系,虽然也许是正统数学家眼里非主流的数学。这里我还想阐明我的一个观点:我们都知道,数学是从实际生活当中抽象出来的理论,人们之所以要将实际抽象成理论,目的就在于想用抽象出来的理论去更好的指导实践,有些数学研究工作者喜欢用一些现存的理论知识去推导若干条推论,殊不知其一:问题考虑不全很可能是个错误的推论,其二:他的推论在现实生活中找不到原型,不能指导实践。严格的说,我并不是一个理想主义者,政治课上学的理论联系实际一直是指导我学习科学文化知识的航标(至少我认为搞计算机科学与技术的应当本着这个方向)。 其实我们计算机系学数学光学高等数学是不够的(典型的工科院校一般都开的是高等数学),我们应该像数学系一样学一下数学分析(清华计算机系开的好像就是数学分析),数学分析这门科学,咱们学计算机的人对它有很复杂的感情。在于它是偏向于证明型的数学课程,这对我们培养良好的分析能力极有帮助。我的软件工程学导师北工大数理学院的王仪华先生就曾经教导过我们,数学系的学生到软件企业中大多作软件设计与分析工作,而计算机系的学生做程序员的居多,原因就在于数学系的学生分析推理能力,从所受训练的角度上要远远在我们之上。当年出现的怪现象是:计算机系学生的高中数学基础在全校数一数二(希望没有冒犯其它系的同学),教学课时数也仅次于数学系,但学完之后的效果却不尽如人意。难道都是学生不努力吗,我看未见得,方向错了也说不一定,其中原因何在,发人深思。



According to the computer technology in recent years of vigorous development, has brought about a profound revolution to the office environment, in this paper, nowadays, more and more computer talent emerging social, computer industry of supply exceeding demand in employment, students if not a good research now the computer market and planning good his career, the future is very not easy, as is I summarized in China in recent years, the IT industry development and elaboration of individual career planning

Abstract along with computer technology's full scale development, our life as well as the work is day by day In order to cause the management to be more scientific, to be more convenient, is more At the same time, can also help the telecommunication cost concerned personnel to raise the working efficiency and the grade of Reduces the nonessential loss for the telecommunication Thus effective enhances the telecommunication bureau economy the The terminal cost system's development then fast develops, it can realize to the different model program controlled switch the primitive telephone bill information which fixed time or hands down from generation to generation immediately to the cost center carries on prompt accurate classified, the inquiry, the browsing, the revision, the deletion, statistical, the telephone bill information printing and so Can inquire the customer telephone conversation data promptly, avoids causing the phone bill to dispute, enhances the customer the degree of this article by through to the telecommunication bureau cost center routine work's analysis, realized fully based on the management science angle the computer technology development has managed the influence which for the telecommunication bureau brings, in this paper had demonstrated comprehensively used the VB program control to realize the automated cost system's design and to realize in the cost system's immediate cost pattern plate key words: VB cost system

According to recent years, computer technology to flourish, to the office environment has brought a profound revolution, the paper discusses the current emergence of a growing number of computer professionals social, employment in the computer industry oversupply, students Okay, now if you do not investigate the computer market and plan their own careers, the future is very bad to go, as is the development of the domestic IT industry in recent years, career planning and self-exposition I summarized



The computer The computer is widely used in education,and some people think teachers do not play important roles in the To what extend do you agree or disagree? In this period of communication, computer has been used in all kinds of fields widely, and plays a particular role in our Especially computer has become more and more important in educational field, therefore dozens of people considered teachers could be replaced computers that will go with the current of the The above point is certainly wrong; this essay will outline three The main reason is that people's brain better than Firstly, people design all kinds of computer's Secondly, computer doesn't have logistic Computer only can defend on that designer inputted computer's programs to judge a question's right or In other words, computer can't defend on thinking that computer independently analyzes a question's right or In case, designer inputted programs that are Computer output the result that also will be If this kind of problem happened in classroom, students would be infused plenty of wrong Another reason is that computer's programs designed software of education that could be amended If software of education of bugs were found, commonly these of problems couldn't be solved in the The software was amended that means total of program were corrected, not only parts of program were inserted or amended Last but not the least reason is computer is mechanical, it couldn't be suited all kinds of students and different As students' intellect is different, same of software couldn't base on every status of student to set a perfect In conclusion, computers couldn't instead of the position of teachers in the classroom, however computer is an absolutely good helper for 在计算机广泛应用于教育,一些人认为没有老师在课堂上发挥重要作用。到何种程度你同意或不同意? 主要的原因是,人们的大脑比电脑。首先,人们设计计算机的各种程序。其次,计算机没有逻辑思维能力。电脑只能在该设计师保卫输入计算机的程序来判断问题的对错。换句话说,计算机不能捍卫独立思想,计算机分析问题的正确或错误。在情况下,输入的程序设计是错误的。计算机输出的结果,也将是错误的。如果这发生在课堂这类问题,学生将注大量的错误信息。 另一个原因是,计算机程序设计的教育可以修改艰软件。如果教育软件的漏洞被发现,通常这类问题不能得到解决,在课堂上。该软件进行了修订,这意味着总计划得到纠正,不仅在程序部分,插入或修改通常。 最后但并非最不重要的原因是计算机的机械,它不可能适合学生和各种不同的要求。此外,学生的智力是不同的,相同的软件无法对每一个学生的身份的基础设置一个完美的项目。 总之,不能代替教师在课堂上的地位电脑,但电脑是教师绝对的好帮手

The computer The computer is widely used in education,and some people think teachers do not play important roles in the To what extend do you agree or disagree? In this period of communication, computer has been used in all kinds of fields widely, and plays a particular role in our Especially computer has become more and more important in educational field, therefore dozens of people considered teachers could be replaced computers that will go with the current of the The above point is certainly wrong; this essay will outline three The main reason is that people's brain better than Firstly, people design all kinds of computer's Secondly, computer doesn't have logistic Computer only can defend on that designer inputted computer's programs to judge a question's right or In other words, computer can't defend on thinking that computer independently analyzes a question's right or In case, designer inputted programs that are Computer output the result that also will be If this kind of problem happened in classroom, students would be infused plenty of wrong Another reason is that computer's programs designed software of education that could be amended If software of education of bugs were found, commonly these of problems couldn't be solved in the The software was amended that means total of program were corrected, not only parts of program were inserted or amended Last but not the least reason is computer is mechanical, it couldn't be suited all kinds of students and different As students' intellect is different, same of software couldn't base on every status of student to set a perfect In conclusion, computers couldn't instead of the position of teachers in the classroom, however computer is an absolutely good helper for 在计算机广泛应用于教育,一些人认为没有老师在课堂上发挥重要作用。到何种程度你同意或不同意? 在此期间的通讯,计算机已被应用于各种领域广泛,并发挥在我们生活中的特殊作用。特别是电脑已经成为越来越重要,在教育领域,因此,教师数十人认为可以取代电脑,将与当前的时代。上述的当然是错误的,这篇文章将阐述三个原因。 最主要的原因是,人们的大脑比电脑。首先,人们设计计算机的各种程序。其次,计算机没有逻辑思维能力。电脑只能在该设计师保卫输入计算机的程序来判断问题的对错。换句话说,计算机不能捍卫独立思想,计算机分析问题的正确或错误。在情况下,输入的程序设计是错误的。计算机输出的结果,也将是错误的。如果这发生在课堂这类问题,学生将注入大量的错误信息。 另一个原因是,计算机程序设计的教育可以修改艰软件。如果教育软件的漏洞被发现,通常这类问题不能得到解决,在课堂上。该软件进行了修订,这意味着总计划得到纠正,不仅在程序部分,插入或修改通常。 最后但并非最不重要的原因是计算机的机械,它不可能适合学生和各种不同的要求。此外,学生的智力是不同的,相同的软件无法对每一个学生的身份的基础设置一个完美的项目。 总之,不能代替教师在课堂上的地位电脑,但电脑是教师绝对的好帮手。

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有啥好些的。比尔盖茨成功有几点,你能做到你也能成功。 研究欲望强,对新鲜事有创作精神。至于说他废寝忘食的幸苦工作,那全是客套话。 脾气不好,这就是他那作为老板的特点。这点也不一定是正确的老板行为。 其实也没什么好大的智慧,只是微软开创了计算机程序的新天地,不断的壮大,所以很容易垄断,很容易高利润。 智慧都是后天环境不断磨炼出来的,成功了,你就是智慧的结晶。


