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This summer, my mother bought a lot of extracurricular books, "Around the World in 80 Days," The "Around the World in 80 Days" This book is my favorite one of the On the main charges in L Fokker, Around the World in 80 days of the Fokker, Ruya is a gentleman, was born in L He did not like dealing with the outside world, not to participate in the Parliament, not business, not a farm, he is the improvement of the club On one occasion, he and a friend chat, how can we debate villain in a short period of time fled to other Fokker, in order to prove that they can use 80 days around the Earth told a friend playing a At that time, he immediately to good things and servant "road roads lead to" do a good job with the preparation of the He cross-Europe, the Indian Ocean, riding an elephant through the jungles of India, and China's Jing Tao Hailang sea battle, he received the final victory, and has a rich To this end he created a great record at the time - Around the World in the 19th century than the 18th century, around the Earth 10 times See the book, my heart felt Fokker, too powerful, his firm will to overcome the difficult 000-risk insurance 1000, completed a century when the eyes of a book is purely a crazy I Ganwu Dao from the book: in the face of dangerous and difficult circumstances, people should calmly, calmly trying all kinds of difficulties overcome those clothes, the final victory will belong to you!

Up is a slightly-left-of-center The emotional impact of the beautiful, wordless summation of Carl's life that opens the movie is the bass note that resonates through the whole film and is at least as affecting as the scene in Wall-E when he holds his own hands while watching Hello D The rest of the movie, of course, is breathtaking on just about every level, especially the tactile quality of all the characters and textures and the completely realized weather effects and action With no "new" technical milestones (fur in Monsters, I, water in Finding Nemo, realistic camera effects in Wall- E), the design is the main focus, from the hilariously stylized characters to the amazing setting of the I know----that's a interesting trip!

《格列佛游记》是美国文学史上的一部伟大的讽刺小说,据说伏尔泰、拜伦、高尔基和鲁迅也很推崇斯威夫特的作品。我深深地崇拜着鲁迅,他用枯黄却瘦劲的手指着青年前进的方向,于是我便朝着那个方向,看上了《格列佛游记》--爱屋及乌。但是看过之后,大呼"上当"也于事无补,唯一值得安慰的是可以问问别人对斯威夫特怎么看,来显示自己是"文学青年",更实际地是写一篇不伦不类的读后感交上去凑数。  " Gulliver's travels" is an American history of literature the great irony of the novel, it is said that Voltaire, Byron, and Lu Xun also Golgi a very respected Swift's I deeply adore Lu Xun, he was thin and strong fingers youth direction, so I move in that direction, after" Gulliver's travels" - love But after reading, shouted"" it doesn't help the Also, the only consolation is that you can ask someone how to look for Swift, to show his" literary youth", actual it is to write a book neither fish nor fowl handed in to make up the   每当回想起当年看这本名著的时候,历史的沧桑感便涌上了心头,那些日子真是没有成就感受,很失败。一天仅仅十几页,举"目"维艰,冷不防冒上一句"往事不堪回首",发自于肺腑啊!  Each time I think that reading the classics, historical vicissitudes will come back, and the days are no achievement feeling, is a One day just a dozen pages, as "eye" dimension difficult, cold to take a" past cannot bear to think of the past", come from the heart!  打个比方,读《围城》是一种愉悦的享受,就像是用地道战地雷战打鬼子,越打越过瘾,正打在关头上,钱钟书先生将大笔一搁,鬼子投降了;读《骆驼祥子》也挺爽,应该属于三大战役的那种,共军三下五除二地把蒋介石赶到了台湾,我也三下五除二地干掉了老金;但读《格列佛游记》就大不一样了,是一种受罪,就像血战台儿庄一样,拉锯战,特艰苦卓绝,不但要跟斯威特作斗争,还要与瞌睡虫作斗争,不过"不破楼兰终不还"的我还是取得了"格列佛大捷",但损失惨重,至今想起来还余悸不已。  For example, read" Besieged City" is a pleasure to enjoy, like typical battlefield Lei Zhan playing devils, playing more enjoyable, is in the moment, Mr Qian Zhongshu will be a large, devils surrendered; reading" Xiangzi camel" is also quite cool, should belong to the three that battle, the army neat and quick to send Jiang Jieshi arrived in Taiwan, I also neat and quick to get rid of the old gold; but the reading" Gulliver's travels" is different, is a kind of suffering, like the battle of Taierzhuang, battle, especially extremely hard and bitter, not only to fight with sweet, but also with the sleepy bugs to fight, but" not broken Kroraina eventually not also" I was made" Gulliver's victory", but suffered heavy losses, so far I think also   因此,此后,看到鲁迅拿着烟斗一副正气凛然的样子,总会口不自禁地唱道:"都是你的错,是你我,还让我不知不觉满足的虚荣"……  Therefore, thereafter, see Lu Xun holding pipe an awe-inspiring righteousness like, always opening up sings:" it's your fault, you lied to me, let me also imperceptibly meet cheated vanity"   但是,尽管受了,并未影响鲁迅在我心的地位,我依然固执地认为:斯威夫特是不能与鲁迅同日而语的。  However, despite being lied to, did not affect the status of Lu Xun in my heart, I still stubbornly believe that: Swift and Lu Xun cannot be mentioned in the same breath is   鲁迅,我国伟大的无产阶级文学家、思想家、革命家;斯威夫特何许人也?英国十八世纪罪恶腐朽的资产阶级中的一员。他们的阶级属性有着本质区别(如果赶上"文革"就好了,分清敌我很重要啊)。其二,鲁迅是国产的,斯威夫特是洋货(这好像是废话)。至于第三点,我认为是最最重要的,鲁迅的文章虽艰深生涩但我依稀可辨,斯威夫特的译本虽然都是大白话,但我就是不知所言,所言何干。  Lu Xun, our great proletarian writer, thinker, revolutionary; Swift who? The British eighteenth Century rotten sin asset Their class attribute is having substaintial distinction ( if to catch up with the "Cultural Revolution" as well, distinguish between ourselves and the enemy is ) Secondly, Lu Xun is domestic, Swift is foreign goods ( which seems to be ) As for the third point, I think it is the most important, Lu Xun's article is difficult but I vaguely discernible jerky, the Swift version is written, but I is unintelligible, say   经过一番换位思考,我作出如下推测:大不列颠的可爱青年们也必然不知道鲁迅在说些什么,要表达些什么,以及"可能吧--那简直就是一定的"那种鲁迅特色的矛盾句式。  After a transposition thinking, I make the following conjecture: Britain's lovely youth who also will not know in what Lu Xun said, want to express what", as well as possible -- it is certain that Lu Xun" characteristics of the contradictory 他们正如我一样。 They like   究其原因,彼此在不同的国度,承着不同的文化,对于过去,对于历史,自己的从小就了解,别人的很少去触及。而没有一定的知识垫底,去读这种在特定时期特定环境下的指桑骂槐的作品,看不懂是不足为奇的。  Investigate its reason, each in a different country, the different culture, for the past, for history, his childhood, people seldom go to Without the knowledge base, to read this in a specific period of the specific environment point at one but abuse another work, cannot read is be not at all   我不知道十八世纪美国的辉格、托利两党缠绵悱恻、暧昧的关系,当然也就无从体会斯威夫特笔下的争论吃鸡蛋应先敲哪头、 鞋跟之高低等"原则"问题的"高跟党"与"低跟党"的妙处。  I don't know the United States in eighteenth Century, the Whig party very sentimental, romantic relationship, certainly will not experience Swift's argument to eat eggs should knock which head, heel of level" principle " of "problem" of high party" and" low with the party "  我错怪斯威夫特了,我要有一颗宽容的心。而后来的斯威夫特也渐渐变得可以理解了,给我的感觉是他很正义。  I was wrong about Swift, I have a tolerant Later, Swift has gradually become understandable, gave me the feeling that he was   他讽刺地道出了当时英国的特点:"贪婪、党争、伪善、无信、残暴、愤怒、疯狂、怨恨、嫉妒、淫欲、阴险和野心。"他挖苦地描述了人兽颠倒的怪诞现象:马成了理性的载体,而人则化作脏臭、屎尿横飞、贪婪刁难的下等动物耶胡(yahoo,不是"雅虎")。他大谈人的天性,就是心甘情愿被金钱所奴役,不是奢侈浪费就是贪得无厌。看完《格列佛游记》之后,我们不能不审视自己,我们身上有没有这些顽疾劣根的影子。  He ironically the then British features:" greed, hypocrisy, party, without the letter, cruel, crazy, resentment, jealousy, anger, lust, sinister and " He sarcastically described the animal upside-down paradox: Ma Cheng rational carrier, while others become dirty smelly, urine, greedy for flying vermin Jehu ( Yahoo, not" Yahoo!" ) He discusses the human nature, is to be most willing to be enslaved by money, not extravagance and waste that is be insatiably After reading" Gulliver's travels", we must look at ourselves, we who have these illnesses bad root   有一句话,我认为评论得很经典:以夸张渲染时代的生气,藉荒唐痛斥时代的弊端;在厌恨和悲观背后,应是一种苦涩的忧世情怀。  There is a saying, I think the comment very classic : an exaggerated rendering times angry, absurd to the malpractice by age; in hate and pessimism behind, is a bitter feelings of 没有想到在那些朴实得如同流水账的大白话游记中竟蕴含着这么深邃的内涵。  Had not thought that in those homely as a running account of travels in the vernacular so profound 我知道,  《格列佛游记》还需要再读上一遍,抑或是更多遍。这应该是以后的事了。  I know," Gulliver's travels" also need to read again, or is it more This should be a thing of the



This summer, my mother bought a lot of extracurricular books, "Around the World in 80 Days," The "Around the World in 80 Days" This book is my favorite one of the On the main charges in L Fokker, Around the World in 80 days of the Fokker, Ruya is a gentleman, was born in L He did not like dealing with the outside world, not to participate in the Parliament, not business, not a farm, he is the improvement of the club On one occasion, he and a friend chat, how can we debate villain in a short period of time fled to other Fokker, in order to prove that they can use 80 days around the Earth told a friend playing a At that time, he immediately to good things and servant "road roads lead to" do a good job with the preparation of the He cross-Europe, the Indian Ocean, riding an elephant through the jungles of India, and China's Jing Tao Hailang sea battle, he received the final victory, and has a rich To this end he created a great record at the time - Around the World in the 19th century than the 18th century, around the Earth 10 times See the book, my heart felt Fokker, too powerful, his firm will to overcome the difficult 000-risk insurance 1000, completed a century when the eyes of a book is purely a crazy I Ganwu Dao from the book: in the face of dangerous and difficult circumstances, people should calmly, calmly trying all kinds of difficulties overcome those clothes, the final victory will belong to you!

I went to the amusement park with my friends last weekend,and we had a good At first,we went to the roller It's really And then,we went to 3D cinima,and saw a movie To tell you the truth,it was a little At last ,we went to the corsair And we all screamedIt's an unfogettable experience for And I want to go to that amusement park again!


impression after reading

读后感Thought after reading

[读后感英语怎么说]读后感英语怎么说一、读《Anne of green gables》有感有几个翻译,选其中一个吧 Read the green gables Anne of Read \"Anne of green gables\" T Read \"Anne of green gables \" having feeling——个人认为这个比较好,读后感英语怎么说

he last little high-old wuthering heights


关于旅游的作文,关于旅游读后感随着人们生活水平的不断提高,外出旅游的人越来越多。“关于旅游的作文,关于旅游读后感”有人认为“山河处处令人陶醉,游览归来硕果累累”;有人则认为“匆匆去,急急归,游来游去只有累”。从以上两种截然不同的说法来看,旅游也有决窍,旅游也要讲究些方法。 “看” 一 是在游览前要千方百计地找到有关景点介绍或导游材料,“关于旅游的作文,关于旅游读后感”对准备去的景点、古迹文物及路线等尽可能多了解一些。不读有关材料光靠想象得如何如何美,这样,只能助长期望值的增高,实地一看会感到失望和扫兴。二 是在观看各景点时,对你感兴趣的景致、文物要仔细看、用心看,从而悟出一些更深刻的东西。通过看,可使你的游览情绪越发高涨。 “听” 不管在哪个景点,你都要注意聆听导游人员的讲解。因为你看到的毕竟是表面的东西,而典故或有关传说会更使景点变得趣味无穷。 “记” 一 是把所见所闻和游览感受记在随身携带的笔记本上。那些景致和景点的妙章绝句、警世之言光念念是记不牢的。久而积累,这是一笔财富,日后翻来,还会记忆犹新。二 是用相机把值得纪念的地方拍下来,过后看看录像或相片,颇有旧地重游之感。掌握好旅游方法的“看、听、记”,就一定能使你的旅游开心充实,“关于旅游的作文,关于旅游读后感”大有收获。如何选择旅游方式时下,旅行方式多种多样,选择余地很大,出发之前不妨作个比较。一、自助旅行 吃、住、行、游、购、娱,所有事情全由游人自己搞定,操作起来比较繁琐,特别是国庆节旅游旺季,购买机票、车票以及在旅游热点地区解决住宿问题时可能会遇到麻烦。但困难也是挑战,只要找到窍门,问题也容易解决,方法如下:第一,避开旅游热点地区,选择一些风光秀美、旅游的“冷点”地区旅游。第二,提前订房订票,游人算好旅途时间,提前委托朋友或旅行社订房订票,可避免临时抱佛脚的不知所措。第三,结伴同行,以情侣或家人同事相约一起旅行,2人也可成行,4--5人最佳,十数人也可,好处是旅途不寂寞,互相有照应,费用也可节省很多。记住,结伴同行一定要推举一位精明能干的领头人,负责统一解决大家的吃、住、行等问题,千万不能各行其事,否则会一团糟。第四,采取半自助方式,即通过旅行社解决往返车票和机票,“关于旅游的作文,关于旅游读后感”到达旅游点后游客自己解决吃、住、游等其他问题。自助旅游虽然有一点麻烦,但游客吃、住、行、游客全凭自己作主,自由自在,特别是在一些风光迷人或文化厚实的地方,可以有足够时间去体会和留连。自助旅游的不足在于:首先,旅行时间加长,常常因为不熟悉当地情况而导致等待、搭错车等情况发生,因此不适合跨地区旅行。其次,费用将增加,常会有预算外支出,机票、酒店房价等也不能拿到更大的折扣。再次,自助旅行也较辛苦,需要很好的身体条件,特别是到一些未开发好的地方,路上的颠簸、折腾是避免不了的。二、随团旅游 此方式已逐渐被大多数游客所接受,因此每到节假日便是旅行社最繁忙的时候。随团旅行最大的好处是省钱省心(特别是全包团),可以独自一人也可全家大小一起参团,旅途中的吃喝拉撒几乎不用自己操心,你只需要养好精神一路吃喝玩乐便可。随团旅游在费用方面一般比自助旅游要节省的多,因其在机票、酒店、用车及吃饭、门票等方面均属集体消费,而且当地有熟悉情况的地接社接待,费用几乎可压至最低。另外,旅行社设计的游览行程一般较为科学合理,选择景点也以最具有代表性部分或精华部分为基础,适当增减次要景点,基本上能满足大多游客的要求。游客的主要任务在于选择最佳旅游线路。三、自驾车旅行 此方式只是少部分人的选择,满足部分具备条件的人,自己驾车辆出外旅游,乐得更加逍遥自在。自驾车旅行分自备车和到旅行社租车两种形式,一般是游客先到旅行社咨询情况,问清路线、里程、时间安排及价格之后,自己开车去旅行。 自驾车旅行不适合长时间、长距离旅行,因为长途跋涉会使驾驶者过于疲劳增加不安全因素,也容易迷路。自驾车旅行最好有多位持驾照的朋友同行,便于途中交替开车、减少旅途隐患,增加旅途乐趣。其他旅行方式还有骑自行车旅游、徒走背包旅游、野营、探险考察旅行等等,游客可视情况而定。!

《旅行社意义》读后感这本书不厚,读得很快,读的时候很有感觉,在主人公的经历中,让人感觉到生命的可贵,以及生命存在的意义。书中内容的结构很自由,比如:书中第十六章只用了短短几行字,而第二十七章却写了二十多页。这种大胆的方式我还是第一次见,但那几行字所表达的意思毫不逊色于几页字。作者的功力之深不得不让人不佩服。 书中写旅行的内容并不多,而写这次旅行的缘由却超过了一半,从原因说起,的确是一个很好的选择。在旅行之前,他的妻子几乎是他的全部,在经历了种种不幸之后,他决定去徒步旅行,而在旅行中他遇到了很多人,他们的经历各有不同,但他们的经历都很不可思议,但似乎所有的这些人都和主人公产生了共鸣,而主人公艾伦也在那些人的影响下渐渐明白生活的意义。当然,那些人不包括叛徒拉夫。或许他一路的收获就是对旅行的意义的最好的诠释,抑或是人生本来就是一场旅行,他的经历也是对旅行的意义的最好诠释。 书中有很多很具哲理性的句子,如:那些重要的事情看上去就和其他每件事情一样,只有当你回过头看的时候,才会发现它们的重要性。还有:我们可以否认现实,但我们无法逃开否认现实所带来的后果等等。这些进句子使人不得不仔细思考,探寻其更深层的含义,思考人生的意义。 看着这本书,似乎不看完心里就觉得不安,或许这是我看得最快的一本书了,只用了三天就看完了,书中的内容让人着迷,总想往下看,总想让作者明明白白的告诉自己旅行的意义到底是什么。就这样一直在找,可是没有找到。但却意外地发现原来旅行并不是那么简单的,其意义也就更加深刻了。那似乎只是一种感觉,似乎就只是想放松一下自己,从某种状态中走出来。但我认为旅行的意义不仅在于此,旅行还应该是给自己的灵魂一个真正地与大自然接触的机会,让自己感悟自然的魅力,从内心得到升华。当然,旅行中遇到的人也会给自己启示。或许在旅行中可以找到那个懂自己的人,与他交换经历,成为很好的朋友,这也是人生中的一大乐事。 旅行本来就是一件相对自由的事,在旅途中我们可以做很多平时不能做或不方便做的事,就在这个时候我们能够发现一新的自我,一个好久不见的自我。虽然我们似乎做不到像艾伦那样徒步旅行去那么远的地方,但我们可以出去走走,抑或是乘交通工具去。也许这样我们不会对旅行感触太深,但是我们需要的是与大自然的接触,并非一定要让自己累得半死,去体验所谓旅行的意义。我们要做的只是自己,毫无保留的自己! 如果人生是一场旅行的话,你是否认真考虑过这场旅行该当如何进行?你是否停下来认真思考过?停下来与自己的灵魂接触过?你旅行的意义又是什么?我想这些都是我们应该考虑的,不然我们的生活不免会有些枯燥,有些让自己摸不着头脑。销售学中有一句我很喜欢的话:没有需求就没有销售。同样的道理,如果我们没有需求,就不用去做那么多事儿了。所以做事之前停下来想一想,你需要什么?你的目标是什么?你要怎么做才能吧它们做好?这样做事情才有意义,才不会令自己迷茫、不知所措。就像旅行一样,我们走得太快,又怎么能尽情地欣赏周围的风景呢?我们没有目的地,又怎么知道要去哪呢?我们没有地图,又怎么知道要走那条路呢?我们不准备足够的水和食物,又怎么能保证自己不会在旅途中饿死或渴死呢?…… 人生的旅行,漫长而又短暂,漫漫人生路,我们该如何走过?这是一个很值得思考的问题。现在我们该做些什么,而我们又在做些什么,自己心里必须清清楚楚,还要不停地将它们拿出来作对比,仔细观察吧!这是生活在我们这个时代的人需要学会的一件很重要的东西,不仅在旅行中需要用到,在我们的日常生活中也要用到。停下来,做自己,当然不是把自己做了,而是停下来等等自己的灵魂,让自己的心与灵魂接触,让自己彻底明白自己,然后就可以做自己想做的事儿了,只要跨过了心里的那道坎儿,似乎做什么事儿都特别顺利。或许这就是旅行的意义,旅行需要的或许就只是自己与自己内心最基本的交流而已。 旅行是一件很奇妙的事情,希望大家多多指教。

《中国国家地理》读后感 昨晚我百无聊赖地来到了学校读书馆的期刊室,随手拿起来两本书:《旅游学刊》和《中国国家地理》。随便看了一下其中一本书的目录,感觉那本《旅游学刊》好像没有什么好看的。《中国国家地理》还不错,里面有说到格聂的“第十三女神”——格聂山,新疆的红色作物、还有盐路……不过最吸引我的是《难以相信中国发现大量的弃老洞》! 我们中国不是以敬老爱幼为传统美德么?怎么会有弃老洞的存在???我带着一大堆的问号往下看。 在我国的湖北等地大量的弃老洞,它们的存在与当地广为流传的弃老传说,对中华民族的敬老传统提出


