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Chinese Antimonopoy Law(adopted at the 29th session of the Tenth National People's Congress on August 30, 2007)Chapter 1: General ProvisionsArticle 1:This Law is enacted for the purpose of preventing and restraining monopolistic conducts, protecting fair competition in the market, enhancing economic efficiency, safeguarding the interests of consumers and social public interest, promoting the healthy development of the socialist market Article 2:This Law shall be applicable to monopolistic conducts in economic activities within the People’s Republic of CThis Law shall apply to the conducts outside the territory of the People’s Republic of China if they eliminate or have restrictive effect on competition on the domestic market of the PRCArticle 3:“Monopolistic conduct” is defined in this law as the following activities:(i) monopolistic agreements among undertakings;(ii) abuse of dominant market positions by undertakings;(iii) concentration of undertakings that eliminates or restricts competition or might be eliminating or restricting competition;Article 4:The State formulates and carries out competition rules which in accordance with the socialist market economy, perfects macro-control, and advances a unified, open, competitive and orderly market Article 5:Undertakings shall through fair competition, voluntary alliance,concentrate according to law, expand the scope of operation, and enhance competition Article 6:Undertakings of a dominant position shall be prohibited to abuse a dominant position, eliminate, and restrict Article 7:For the undertaking in the state-owned economy controlled industries to which are related to national economic lifeline and state security, and in the industries to which the state grants special or exclusive rights, the state protect their lawful The state also lawfully regulates and controls their operation and the price of their commodities and services, safeguards interests of consumers, promotes technical Article 8:Administrative power by government and organisations to which laws and regulations grant rights to administer public issues shall be prohibited to abuse administrative power, to eliminate or restrict Article 9:The State Council establishes the Antimonopoly Commission, which in charge of organizing, coordinating, guiding antimonopoly works, performs the following Article 10:Antimonopoly execution authorities are in charge of antimonopoly execution pursuant to this Article 11:Association of undertakings should intensify industrial self-discipline, guide undertakings to lawfully compete, safeguard the competition order in the Article 12:An “undertaking” in this law refers to a legal person, other organization or natural person that engages in businesses of Chapter 2: Monopoly AgreementArticle 13:Any following agreements among the undertakings competed with each other shall be Article 14:Any following agreements among undertaking and counterparty are prohibited:(i) fix the price for resale;(ii) restrict the lowest price for resale;(iii) another monopoly agreement identified by antimonopoly execution Article 15:Agreements among undertakings with one of the following objectives shall be exempted from application of article 13, 14 if(i) agreements to improve technology, to research and develop new (ii) agreements for the purpose of product quality upgrading, cost reduction and efficiency improvement, of unify standards, norms or Article 16:Association of industry shall be prohibited to organize undertakings to conduct monopoly activities being prohibited by this Chapter 3: Abuse of a Dominant Market PositionArticle 17Undertakings of a dominant market position shall not abuse their dominant market positions to conduct following conducts:(i) sell commodities at unfairly high prices or buy commodities at unfairly low prices;(ii) sell commoditiews at prices below cost without legitimate Article 18:The following factors will be taken into consideration in finding dominant market position:(i) market share in relevant market, and the competition situation of the relevant market;(ii) ability to control the sales markets or the raw material purchasing Article 19:Undertakings that have any of the following situations can be assumed to be have a dominant market position:(i) the relevant market share of one undertaking accounts for1/2 or above;(ii) the joint relevant market share of two undertakings accounts for 2/3 or above;(iii) the joint relevant market share of three undertakings accounts for 3/4 or Chapter 4: Concentration of UndertakingsArticle 20:A concentration refers to the following situations:(i) the merger of undertakings;(ii) the acquisition by undertakings, whether by purchase of securities or assets, of control of other Article 21:A concentration falls under the notification criteria issued by the State Council, a report must be notify in advance with the antimonopoly execution Without notification the concentration shall not be Article 22:A concentration refers to following situations, shall not notify to the antimonopoly execution Article 23:Undertakings which notify a concentration in advance with the antimonopoly execution authorities, shall submit following documents or materials:(i) summary of notification;(ii) the effect on competition on the relevant market of the concentration;(iii) agreement of Article 24:In case that the documents submitted by the notifying undertakings are not complete, shall submit the rest of the documents and materials with a set period stipulated by antimonopoly execution It will be taken as not notified, when the added documents and materials are not timely Article 25:The antimonopoly execution authorities shall preliminarily review the notified concentration and take the decisions whether to precede review and notify the undertakings in written form within 30 days, calculated from the date of receipt of the complete filing documents and materials referred to article 23 submitted by the Article 26:If the antimonopoly execution authorities has decided to precede the review, shall review and decide whether to prohibit the concentration and notify the undertakings in written form within 90 days, calculated form the date of the decision being Article 27:In the review of a concentration the following factors shall be considered:(i) market share in the relevant market of the undertakings concerned and their ability to control the market;(ii) concentrate degree of the relevant market ;(iii) effect on the market entry and technology Article 28:If a concentration has or may have effect of eliminating or restricting competition, the antimonopoly execution authorities shall take decision of Article 29:The antimonopoly execution authorities shall make a decision of approval with restrictions and conditions where a concentration will reduce the negative effect on Article 30:The antimonopoly execution authorities shall announce the decisions of prohibition or conditional concentration to Article 31:In case the acquisition of domestic enterprises by foreign investors or other manners to concentrate referred to national security, besides being reviewed according to this law, shall be carried out national safety review according to related Chapter 5: Abuse of Administrative Power to Eliminate or Restrict Competition内容较多,这里显示不全,具体可以参考如下网站 _BOlCaw9H2oSW_UPt6TyWYs4_kDVPjs5RA7pmjj7dMhHF5vhwv1Pm



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反垄断执法机构 ——《反垄断法》释义之七 作者:文 / 王晓晔 来源(期刊):中国商界杂志(2008年第5期) 文章点击数:650 任何一部法律的效力相当大程度上是取决于它的执法机构。因此,如何设置我国反垄断执法机构,使这部法律真正成为我国市场竞争秩序的守护神,就成为人们普遍关注的问题。我国2007年通过的反垄断法第9条规定,“国务院设立反垄断委员会,负责组织、协调、指导反垄断工作⋯⋯。”第10条规定, “国务院规定的承担反垄断执法职责的机构依照本法规定,负责反垄断执法工作。国务院反垄断执法机构根据工作需要,可以授权省、自治区、直辖市人民政府相应的机构负责有关反垄断执法工作。”这说明,参与我国反垄断行政执法的机构可分为三层:一是国务院反垄断委员会;二是国务院规定的承担反垄断执法职能的机构;三是经国务院反垄断执法机构授权的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府相应的机构。 一、国务院反垄断委员会 严格地说,国务院反垄断委员会不是一个反垄断执法机构,因为它的任务只是组织、协调和指导反垄断执法工作,而不参与反垄断案件的调查和案件的裁决。国务院反垄断委员会主要履行下列职责: 1、研究拟定有关竞争政策。竞争政策是市场经济国家为保护和促进竞争而实施的基本经济政策,目的是确保竞争机制能够发挥优化资源配置的作用,提高企业生产效率,增大消费者社会福利。竞争政策一般包括以下内容:(1)禁止企业间订立限制竞争的协议或者协调其市场行动,特别是禁止它们商定价格、限制数量和分割销售市场。(2)禁止滥用市场支配地位的行为包括掠夺性定价、拒绝交易、价格歧视、搭售或者附加其他不合理条件等。(3)控制企业合并,目的是防止市场集中度过高,维护竞争性市场结构。鉴于我国国情,我国竞争政策还包括禁止政府部门滥用行政权力限制竞争的行为。与国家的货币政策、财政政策等其他经济政策相比,竞争政策的特点是以国家的反垄断法为基础,即竞争政策就是一种法律化的经济政策。除了反垄断法,竞争政策还体现在国家对某些在过去被视为自然垄断或者国家垄断的行业或者部门实行放松管制和促进自由竞争的政策。 2、组织调查、评估市场总体竞争状况,发布评估报告。掌握市场总体竞争状况不仅是制定国家竞争政策的基础和前提条件,而且也是执法机构恰当执行反垄断法的基础和前提条件。鉴于市场竞争与市场结构有着密切的关系,反垄断委员会调查和评估市场总体竞争状况时,尤其应当重视企业集中的情况和市场集中度。 3、制定、发布反垄断指南。我国2007年通过的反垄断法只有57条,大多数规定非常简单,有些只是原则性规定。因此,反垄断法赋予反垄断法委员会制定和发布反垄断指南的任务。反垄断指南一般是出于可操作性的目的,对适用反垄断法的各种情况进行分析,或者对反垄断法的概念进行解释。反垄断指南非常重要,它不仅可以给反垄断执法机构的执法工作提供指导,而且也可以给企业的生产经营活动提供指导。 4、协调反垄断行政执法工作。在我国目前情况下,国家商务部、国家工商局和国家发改委可能共同承担执行反垄断法的任务,这种情况下,国家就需要一个机构来协调反垄断行政执法工作,以避免多家机构可能产生的执法不统一问题。反垄断行政执法的协调可以表现在很多方面。反垄断委员会拟定竞争政策,制定和发布反垄断指南,这些就是重要的反垄断协调工作。此外,多家机构执行反垄断法可能会产生管辖权冲突和法律冲突,反垄断委员会就有必要出面协调这些冲突。根据我国现实情况,国务院反垄断委员会的协调工作不仅涉及国家商务部、国家工商局和国家发改委的反垄断执法工作,而且可能涉及电信、电力、邮政、铁路、银行、保险等领域的行业监管工作,因为这些行业的改革方向都是打破垄断,引入竞争机制,行业监管势必会涉及市场竞争。 5、国务院规定的其他职责。这即是说,国务院出于实际工作的需要,可能赋予反垄断委员会其他职责,例如与国外反垄断主管机关和国际组织进行交流合作以及进行竞争政策双边、多边国际协定谈判的任务。这即是说,在反垄断行政执法权被分割在多家机构手中的情况下,如果一种权限不宜交付个别执法机构,它可以被交付给国务院反垄断委员会。 我国反垄断法没有明确规定国务院反垄断委员会的组成。根据国务院提交全国人大常委会的反垄断法草案的规定,这个委员会是由国务院有关部门、机构的负责人和若干专家组成。这些部门和机构应被理解为是与执行反垄断法相关的机构,但不排除某些与国家竞争政策关系密切的机构,尽管它们不是专门执行反垄断法的机构。我国反垄断法也没有明确国务院反垄断委员会的工作规则,只是规定这些规则由国务院规定。因为反垄断委员会基本上是一个拟定国家竞争政策的机构,这些政策对企业的市场行为有极其重要的指导意义,这个机构的工作规则和议事方式应当体现透明度和程序公正的原则。 二、反垄断执法机构 因为国务院反垄断委员会承担组织、协调和指导反垄断行政执法工作的任务,并履行研究拟定有关竞争政策、制定和发布反垄断指南等多项职责,我国反垄断执法机构的主要任务就是发动反垄断调查程序、审理案件和对案件做出行政裁决。这也即是说,反垄断行政执法机构是一个准司法机构。根据第10条的规定,反垄断行政执法分为中央和地方两级机构。 1、反垄断中央执法机构 在我国反垄断法颁布后的初期阶段,将有国家商务部、国家工商行政管理总局、国家发改委三家机构分头执行反垄断法。商务部享有反垄断执法权的主要依据是2006年以商务部为首的六部委共同发布的《外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》。根据这个规定的第10条,商务部对外资并购境内企业享有审查权,包括反垄断审查的权力。在经商务部审查的外资并购活动中,引人注目的有美国凯雷收购中国的徐工案,法国SEB集团收购中国的苏泊尔案。2006年,法国SEB收购中国苏泊尔的反垄断调查是商务部启动的第一个反垄断调查。反垄断法颁布之后,国家商务部对外资并购的反垄断审查权将扩大到所有的企业并购活动。目前,国家商务部执行反垄断法的下属机构是“反垄断调查办公室”。2007年3月,该办公室还发布了《外国投资者并购境内企业反垄断申报指南》。。 国家工商行政管理总局享有反垄断执法权的依据主要是1993年颁布的《反不正当竞争法》。这部法律规范不正当竞争行为,也规范某些限制竞争行为,如该法第6条和第7条的规定。根据以往的工作经验,国家工商行政管理总局公平交易局的反垄断执法活动将集中在禁止滥用市场支配地位的方面。此外,它还有权监管不涉及价格问题的垄断协议。 国家发改委享有反垄断执法权的主要依据是我国1997年颁布的《价格法》。该法第14条第1款规定,经营者不得“相互串通,操纵市场价格,损害其他经营者或者消费者的合法权益。”根据该法第5条,国务院价格主管部门统一负责全国的价格工作,包括执行《价格法》第14条第1款的任务。国家发改委执行反垄断法的机构主要是其下属的价格司,其任务主要是禁止价格卡特尔以及涉及价格的其他垄断行为。国家发展改革委员会2003年发布过《制止价格垄断行为暂行规定》,依法查处过一些串通价格的行为。 2、地方反垄断执法机构 出于建立全国统一、开放和竞争性大市场的需要,我国反垄断法把反垄断执法作为中央事权,明确规定由国务院规定的承担反垄断执法职责的机构负责反垄断执法工作。这即是说,地方各级人民政府及其有关部门均不享有反垄断行政执法权。然而,考虑到我国辽阔疆域,人口众多,如果所有案件全部由国务院反垄断执法机构来处理,工作量势必太大,反垄断执法机构事实上也不可能有足够的时间进行反垄断调查,反垄断执法工作就会成为一句空话。因此,反垄断法第10条第2款规定,国务院反垄断执法机构根据工作需要,可以授权省、自治区、直辖市人民政府相应的机构负责有关反垄断执法工作。这即是说,省、自治区、直辖市人民政府的相关机构虽然没有执行反垄断法的职责,但它们可在国务院反垄断执法机构授权的范围执行反垄断法,例如授权处理省、自治区、直辖市行政区域具有限制竞争影响的案件。 三、执行反垄断法的其他机构 我国反垄断法第53规定,“对反垄断执法机构依据本法第28条、第29条作出的决定不服的,可以先依法申请行政复议;对行政复议决定不服的,可以依法提起行政诉讼。对反垄断执法机构作出的前款规定以外的决定不服的,可以依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。”这说明,人民法院在我国反垄断执法中也将发挥重要作用。实际上,出于程序公正的考虑,行政执法机构的决定接受司法审查已成为法制国家的一项基本原则。我国反垄断法刚刚通过,人民法院在反垄断法领域尚未发挥重要作用。但随着反垄断法的实施,特别是随着反垄断司法审查案件逐步增加,人民法院毫无疑问将成为执行我国反垄断法的一支重要力量。

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