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doi:1016/004 Copyright © 2008 Elsevier Ltd All rights Experimental evaluation of the growth rate of mould on finishes for indoor housing environments: Effects of the 2002/91/EC directive Marco D'Orazioa, , , Marco Palladinia, Lucia Aquilantib and Francesca Clementib aDepartment of Architecture Construction and Structures - DACS, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona, Italy bDepartment of Food Science, Agricultural-Engineering, Physics, Agricultural Economics and Landscape Science - SAIFET, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona, Italy Received 15 May 2008; revised 3 November 2008; accepted 5 November Available online 21 November Abstract We report the results of a study to evaluate the growth rate of three species of mould on plasters, finishes and paints typically used in structures with heavy weight building The aim was to determine the influence of the chemical composition (in terms of organic fraction of the materials) on the growth rate of The study was carried out in the following steps: – characterization of materials; – inoculation of mould spores (3 species) on 7 types of material (2 plasters, 3 finishes, 2 paints); – growth in a climatic chamber (23 °C and 90% RH); – analysis of the mould growth rate using various experimental techniques (fluorescence microscopy analysis, thermogravimetric analysis, ) Results show a clear correlation between the organic substances contained in paints, plasters and finishes and the growth rate of the This study is part of a more general research program which addresses the effects on indoor environment air quality based on the European directive 2002/91/EC This directive specifically indicates that energy consumption in buildings should be limited and sets threshold values for the thermal resistance of the building walls and As a consequence window manufacturers are improving the thermal property of windows by reducing the air permeability, which may increase the indoor and surface relative humidity percentage (RH%) and lead to the development of mould in the indoor Keywords: Mould; Plaster; Paint; Biocontamination Article Outline Introduction Steps, materials, methods Steps Materials Methods Results Preliminary characterization Growth rate of the mould Correlation between the mould growth area and the content of organic substances Conclusions References Introduction The tendency in industrialized countries to reduce energy consumption has been accelerated in the EC member states by the introduction of the 2002/91/EC directive [1] In fact, this directive fixed the minimum requirements which must be respected when building new structures and when renovating existing buildings so as to have a more effective reduction in energy consumption for the air-conditioning of indoor This strategy has, however, led to some undesired Windows manufacturers are currently producing systems with low permeability (class A4 UNI EN 12207, 2000) in order to obtain better thermal A reduction in permeability, in buildings which are already characterized by a limited amount of air exchange, can increase the indoor and surface RH% in winter [16] Consequently there may be an increased growth of mould species on some parts of the Numerous studies have been conducted in recent years to address the environmental aspects that favour the growth and the subsequent sporulation of fungi Rousseau [2] and Hud [3], indicate the following factors: oxygen availability; a suitable temperature range; a substrate of deposit that acts as nourishment; and a certain degree of humidity [4], [34] and [36] Krus et [5] have studied these conditions, together with a series of other specific factors that can influence the growth of fungi: pH value and the roughness of the substrate on which the mould grows, the light, the biotic interaction and the exposure Baughman and Arens [6] have underlined that, although moulds can grow at temperatures between 0 °C and 40 °C, a range going from 22 °C to 35 °C can be considered optimal for the species that are most frequently found inside On the contrary, the level of airborne spores in the indoor environment, which is one of the conditions able to influence the development of moulds, is dependent on seasonal changes in the external environment [7] Adan [7] has verified that there are a considerable number of buildings that offer favourable temperature conditions for the germination and the growth of mould on construction material and indoor environment Sedlbauer [8], [9], [10] and [11] has recently completed an important research and development study of models which are able to estimate mould growth inside buildings, classifying the various These different authors appear to be in agreement, however, in indicating that different kinds of fungi require minimum levels of humidity in the support surface material in order to proliferate and these values vary for different species [6], [12] and [35] Ayerst [12] has conducted experiments in order to characterize the ideal conditions and the minimum values of humidity required in the substrate for mildew These experiments indicate a range between 71% and 94%, according to the fungi Moulds (typically present on construction materials) can be separated into three groups on the basis of their water activity (aw) [13]: primer colonizer or storage moulds, capable of growing at aw < 8; secondary colonizer or phyllophane fungi, requiring a minimum aw between 8 and 9; and tertiary colonizer or water-damage moulds, needing aw > The last class includes the most toxic mould species for human Although each species has a preferential humidity for growth, the International Energy Agency [33] indicates an average RH% of 80% as the critical threshold for mould A reduction in moisture content in building materials to below 80% RH% is, therefore, the way to reduce mould Only a limited amount of information is available about the influence of the composition of the finish materials on the germination and development, in terms of percentage, of 可以的话留下你的联系e-MAIL 这种文章太多了 就随便搞了一篇的一部分让你看看·· 明天帮你找找!至于翻译的话比较困难··看情况,找到的话给你翻译个abstract吧·

中文名称:环境影响评价 英文名称:environmental impact assessment 定义1:在大型建设项目或区域开发计划实施前对其可能造成的环境影响进行预测和估价。 应用学科:地理学(一级学科);环境地理学(二级学科) 定义2:依据国家有关环境保护的法律、法规和标准,对拟建工程项目在建设中和投产后排出的废气、废水、灰渣、噪声及排水对环境的影响以及需要采取的措施进行预测和评估,并提出书面报告。 应用学科:电力(一级学科);环境保护(二级学科) 定义3:对兴修水利等人类活动所引起的环境改变及其影响的评价。 应用学科:水利科技(一级学科);环境水利(二级学科);环境影响(水利)(三级学科)


农业环境保护作用与影响 摘要:伴随着我国全球环境的改变,对农业生产带来了诸多的制约的同时,农业污染问题日益突出。而农业环境污染问题的不断出现不但对环境产生了一定的污染,同时对农业经济而言产生了重点的损失,因此,现阶段亟待解决此问题。而环境影响评价具体对进行的项目以及技术进行科学的监控,并对其可能带来的环境影响完成合理的预测,并在此基础上提出相应的预防对策,能够有效地减少农业生产所带来的环境污染。基于此,本文主要对环境影响评价在我国农业环境保护中的作用与影响进行了探讨。 关键词:环境影响评价;我国农业;环境保护;作用与影响 我国作为农业大国,其发展程度在一定程度上制约着我国社会经济的可持续发展。其中农业环境保护作为核心环节需给予高度的重视。 1环境影响评价概述 1含义。环境影响评价主要对建设项目或规划可能产生的环境影响进行有针对性,预见性以及全面性的预测以及评估,并提出切实可行的防御对策以及整改方案,最大限度地减少不良影响因素对环境产生的制约,同时对方案的具体执行给予全方位的监督以及管控,在此过程中,能够划分为多个层次,例如现状环境影响评估,环境预测以及评估,跟踪调查以及评估和环境影响后评价。2环境影响评价的作用。环境影响评价具有预测的效果,实际是依据所在地区具体状况实现监控以及跟踪,从而科学的预测不同污染浓度以及污染物所带来的危害,并对空间时间转换时污染物对环境产生的影响以及危害程度,并提出有效地解决对策,最大限度的保护环境免受破坏。在具体工程实施时,环境影响评价利用相应的技术对污染因素进行有效地识别,并对其完成全面的探讨,从而为相关部门设置相符合的预防对策。同时利用对项目的跟踪调查以及评估及环境影响后评价,收集和调查项目污染数据,对项目的防治措施的有效性、经济性进行分析,为环境管理部门提供更加准确的环保资料和行之有效地管理措施。 2农业环境污染的来源与现状分析 1化肥、农药、农膜的过量。现阶段,伴随着我国污染的日益加剧,人们的环保意识也逐渐增强,通过有效地农业生态保护措施加强环境保护,并在此基础上推行测土配方施肥、使用生物农药、开展高效生态种植模式。但根据具体状况来看,因农村劳动力大量流失,传统农业不断向现代化农业进行转变,导致劳动力整体素质缺乏,在农业生产过程中过度依靠化肥,农药等化学物质,造成农业环境的污染,其中化肥农业的投入只有30%真正利用率,而40%成分残留在土壤层,高达30%的划分伴随着地表径流,土壤淋溶等形式流入水体当中。并且,在植物生长过程中,反复的施加农药,在此过程中由于大部分农户利用手动机械施药,导致跑、冒、滴、漏等状况非常普遍,同时农药对土壤的污染也较为严重。2畜禽养殖业排污。随着养殖业的进一步规模化,增大了畜禽粪和其他废弃物,同时现代养殖业的管理不规范,给对农业环境的影响是非常巨大的。通过实践研究能够发现,大部分的畜禽粪便只是通过简单处理,即用做农作物肥料,更甚者会直接将其投放到土壤以及沟渠等水体之中。而畜禽粪便当中,具有诸多的污染成分,例如包含大量的氮、磷以及多种重金属元素,若未对其进行科学的处理,其对农业环境带来的危害不容小觑。3农村生活垃圾。伴随着我国农村经济的快速崛起,带动着人们的日常生活质量得到了进一步提升,从而带来了更多的生活垃圾。同时,农村居民缺乏必要的环保意识,同时缺乏相应的公共服务设备以及并未建立相应的管理机制,从而导致农村环境的进一步恶化。4农业固废。据不完全统计,我国每年大概有5亿t秸秆产生,而大部分秸秆被就地焚烧,从而导致大量的烟尘以及有毒气体产生,对农村环境带来严重的污染。同时,大量的秸秆随意堆放与道路周围,田埂以及沟渠当中,制约所在区域卫生环境以及交通通行。5工业废水。我国工矿企业受到技术水平的制约,导致工业水循环使用效率低下。大多数的工业废水直接排放当江河胡泊当中,不仅对农业灌溉水源以及渔业养殖水产生了严重的污染,同时利用受到污染的水进行灌溉以及养殖,从而对土壤,农业物以及渔业造成危害。 3环境影响评价在农业环境保护的作用 1构建健全的农业环境保护制度。农业环境保护制度的完善能够为环境影响评价工作的有效开展提供必要的标准以及指导。在此过程中,相关工作者需以自身工作经验以及所在区域农业环境具体状况,依托于国家以及政府农业环保制度增强环保意识,建立健全符合区域农业环境保护的相关规范,促进环境影响评价后期的控制对策的有效开展。而项目完成环境影响评价后,对其报告完成有效地审查,将农业环保更好地融合到环境影响评价当中,保证农业的可持续发展。2有针对性地制定控制措施。完成相关环境保护评价后,需指定有效地预防对策,比如:安全农作物的生长周期受到的污染完成科学的分类。对污染物维护机理研究过程汇总需安全分子以及细胞层面入手。根据以上措施的应用能够更好地提升环境保护工作的开展[1]。3加强监督和管理。要想解决农村环境保护中存在的问题,还要加强农村环境保护工作的监督和管理。①加强农业环境管理,制定保护和改善农业环境、防止污染和生态破坏的法规,完善相关体制。②加强工矿企业(包括乡镇企业在内)的“三废”污染的有效治理。③制定有利于农业综合开发的技术经济政策。④加强农业环境监测网建设[2]。 4环境影响评价在农村环境保护中的影响 1健全农业环境保护标准。环境标准作为农业环境保护基础环节,发挥着非常关键的作用。因此,需健全相关农业环境保护标准,并根据项目具体状况完成科学的评价,进一步体现其定性化以及定量化的特性,保证环境整体质量的同时,为环境保护工作的有效开展创造良好的环境[3]。2进一步完善了环境影响评价方法。环境影响评价在农业环境保护当中的有效运用,可以有效地发挥预防的效果。通过实践可知,农业环境保护以及现代化的项目建设过程中,二者之间的媒介主要为环境影响评价。在具体执行过程中,污染物的转移以及扩散均通过模型完成科学的计算。但在此过程中,由于环境影响经济缺乏对迁移扩散的影响,不利于提升农业环境的保护力度。因此,通过环境影响评价的有效开展能够意识到农业环境保护工作的复杂性,并有针对性地制定相关评价和保护措施[4]。 5结束语 农业相关部分需加强环境保护重视程度,将其落实到实处,严格审批环境影响报告,把好质量关,加强环境影响评价的应用,确保农业环境的质量和农产品的安全生产。与此同时,建立健全相关法律法规,实现污染物、污染源和污染浓度做出量化评价标准,同时加大环保措施,按照所在项目具体状况设置相符合的评价手段以及预防对策,保证农业的长远发展[5]。 参考文献 [1]李红伟论我国环境影响评价制度的完善[J]科技创新导报,2013,08:168- [2]赵芳,姜文斐,汪玲探讨农业生态园生态环境影响评价[J]农业与技术,2014,3402: [3]胡云云,缪若妮,王萌试论农业政策的环境影响评价[J]中国环境管理干部学院学报,2014,2401:15-18+ [4]刘玲,汪泓娟,杨军,吴越休闲农业建设项目环境影响评价研究[J]台湾农业探索,2016,03:43- [5]钟志鲲生态县建设指标在现代农业园区规划环境影响评价中的应用[J]化学工程与装备,2015,06:283-



环境影响评价Environmental impact assessmentHuman health and wellbeing in environmental impact assessment in New South Wales, Australia: Auditing health impacts within environmental assessments of major projects作 者:Patrick J Harris;Elizabeth Harris;Susan Thompson;Ben Harris-Roxas;Lynn Kemp期 刊:Environmental impact assessment review 年,卷(期):2009, 29(5) 关键词:health environmental impact assessment major projects正文语种:eng Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Audit in Large-Scale Public Infrastructure Construction: The Case of the Qieghai-Tibet Railway作 者:Guizhen He;Lei Zhang;Yonglong Lu期 刊:Environmental Management 年,卷(期):2009, 44(3) 关键词:Environmental performance Construction project Large-scale construction program Environmental audit Environmental Impact Assessment Qinghai-Tibet Railway正文语种:eng Linking environmental impact assessment, environmental management systems and green procurement in construction projects: lessons from the City Tunnel Project in Malmo, Sweden作 者:Annika Varnas;Charlotta Faith-Ell;Berit Balfors期 刊:Impact assessment and project appraisal 年,卷(期):2009, 27(1) 关键词:Environmental impact assessment Environmental management system Green procurement Construction industry正文语种:eng Environmental information system for visualizing environmental impact assessment information作 者:Angelika Cserny;Zsofia Kovacs;Endre Domokos期 刊:Environmental Science and Pollution Research 年,卷(期):2009, 16(1) 关键词:Data visualisation Environmental impact assessment Environmental monitoring GIS Surface water正文语种:eng The screening and scoping of Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment of Carbon Capture and Storage in the Netherlands作 者:Joris Koomneef;Andre Faaij;Wim Turkenburg期 刊:Environmental Impact Assesment Review 年,卷(期):2008, 28(6) 关键词:carbon capture and storage spatial policy strategic environmental impact assessment regulation implementation正文语种:eng 还有很多,要是上面都不好,你再HI我哈~记得给分噢。

环境影响评价 环境影响评价是项目评价体系的重要组成部分,内容包括项目建设方案所需要的环境条件研究,影响项目建设环境因素的识别和分析,需要采取的保护对策和措施,以及相关的环境损失和环境效益经济分析。本讲重点介绍环境价值的评价方法。 环境价值评价的主要方法 环境价值就是对环境质量进行货币量化的价值,一般采用直接市场法、替代市场法和意愿调查评估法对环境价值进行量化。 (一)直接市场法 1.市场价值或生产率法 工程项目的投资建设活动对环境质量的影响,可能导致相应的商品市场产出水平发生变化,因而可以用产出水平的变动导致的商品销售额的变动来衡量环境价值的变动。2.人力资本法或收入损失法 环境质量变化对人类健康有着多方面的影响。这种影响不仅表现为因劳动者发病率与死亡率增加而给生产直接造成的损失(可采用市场价值法进行测算),而且还表现为因环境质量恶化而导致的医疗费开支的增加,以及因为人们过早得病或死亡而造成的收入损失等等。3.防护费用法 当某种活动有可能导致环境污染时,人们可以采取相应的措施来预防或治理环境污染。利用采取这些措施所需费用来评估环境价值的方法就是防护费用法。4.恢复费用法或重置成本法 假如导致环境质量恶化的环境污染无法得到有效的治理,那么就不得不用其它方式来恢复受到损害的环境,以便使原有的环境质量得以保持。将受到损害的环境质量恢复到受损害以前状况所需要的费用就是恢复费用。5.影子项目法 影子项目法是恢复费用法的一种特殊形式。当某一项目的建设会使环境质量遭到破坏,而且在技术上无法恢复或恢复费用太高时,人们可以同时设计另一个作为原有环境质量替代晶的补充项目,以便使环境质量对经济发展和人民生活水平的影响保持不变。(二)替代市场法 在现实生活中,存在着这样一些商品和劳务,它们是可以观察和度量的,也是可以用货币价格加以测算的,但是它们的价格只是部分地、间接地反映了人们对环境价值变动的评价。用这类商品与劳务的价格来衡量环境价值变动的方法,就是替代市场法,又称间接市场法。替代市场法力图寻找到那些能间接反映人们对环境质量评价的商品和劳务,并用这些商品和劳务的价格来衡量环境价值。由于这种方法涉及的信息往往反映了多种因素产生的综合性后果,而环境因素只是其中因素之一,而且排除其它方面的因素对数据的干扰往往十分困难,使得这种方法所得出的结果可信度较低。(三)意愿调查评价法 如果找不到环境质量变动导致的可以观察和度量的结果(不论这种结果能够直接定价,还是需要间接定价),或者评估者希望了解被评估者对环境质量变动的支付意愿或受偿意愿,在这种情况下,可通过对被评估者的直接调查,来评估他们的支付意愿或受偿意愿。这就是意愿调查评价法,主要包括: 1.直接询问调查对象的支付意愿或受偿意愿 具体做法包括:(1)叫价博弈法。通过模仿商品的拍卖过程,对被调查者的支付意愿或受偿意愿进行调查。调查者首先向被调查者说明环境质量变动的影响以及解决环境问题的具体办法,然后询问被调查者,为了改善环境,是否愿意付出一定数额的货币(或者是否愿意在接受一定数额的补偿的前提下,接受环境质量的某种程度的恶化),如果被调查者的回答是肯定的,就再提高(在涉及补偿的情况下是降低)金额,直到被调查者作出否定的回答为止。然后调查者再变动金额,以便找出被调查者愿意付出的精确金额。(2)权衡博弈法。通过被调查者对两组方案的选择,来调查被调查者的支付意愿或受偿意愿。调查者首先要向被调查者说明环境质量变动的影响以及解决环境问题的具体办法,然后提出两组方案。其中,第一组只包括一定的环境质量,第二组除了——定的环境质量之外,还需要被调查者支付一定数量的金额(或者给被调查者一定数量金额的补偿),调查者要求被调查者在环境质量与货币支出的不同组合中做出选择。如果被调查者选择了第一组,那就降低要求被调查者支付的金额(或提高给被调查者的补偿金额),如果被调查者选择了第二组,那就提高要求被调查者支付的金额(或降低给被调查者的补偿金额),直到被调查者感到无论选择哪一组方案都一样时为止。此时,调查者将所有的被调查者在第二组方案中愿意付出或愿意接受的金额汇总,就可以得出上述环境质量差异的货币价值。 2.询问调查对象对某些商品或劳务的需求量,从中推断出调查对象的支付意愿或受偿意愿 主要包括:(1)无费用选择法。要求被调查者在若干组方案之间进行选择,但无论哪一组方案都不要求被调查者付款,而只要求被调查者选择由一定的环境质量和一定数量的其它商品或劳务(也可以包括货币)组成的组合。这样,被调查者对环境质量差异的受偿意愿,就可以通过他们对其它商品或劳务的选择表现出来。(2)优先评价法。首先告诉被调查者不同的环境质量(例如不同水质的自来水)的价格,然后给被调查者一个预算额,要求被调查者用这些钱(必须用尽)去购买包括环境质量在内的一组商品。这样,被调查者对环境质量变动的支付意愿,就可以通过他们购买的商品组合表现出来。(3)德尔菲法。通过专家调查来获取环境质量评价的信息。 意愿调查评价法直接评价调查对象的支付意愿或受偿意愿,从理论上讲,所得结果应该最接近.环境质量的货币价值。但是,必须承认,在确定支付意愿或受偿意愿的过程中,调查者和被调查者所掌握的信息是非对称的,被调查者比调查者更清楚自己的意愿。加上意愿调查评价法所评估的是调查对象本人宣称的意愿,而非调查对象根据自己的意愿所采取的实际行动,因而调查结果存在着产生各种偏倚的可能性。当调查对象相信他们的回答能影响决策;从而使他们实际支付的私人成本低于正常条件下的预期值时,调查结果可能产生策略性偏倚;当调查者对各种备选方案介绍得不完全或使人误解时,调查结果可能产生资料偏倚;问卷假设的收款或付款的方式不当,调查结果可能产生手段偏倚;调查对象长期免费享受环境和生态资源而形成的“免费搭车”心理,会导致调查对象将这种享受看作是天赋权利而反对为此付款,从而使调查结果出现假想偏倚。由此可见,如果不进行细致的准备,这种方法得出的结论很可能出现重大偏差。所以在估算环境质量的货币价值时,应该尽可能地采用直接市场法;如果采用直接市场法的条件不具备,则采用替代市场法。只有在上述两类方法都无法应用时,才不得不采用意愿调查评价法。


doi:1016/004 Copyright © 2008 Elsevier Ltd All rights Experimental evaluation of the growth rate of mould on finishes for indoor housing environments: Effects of the 2002/91/EC directive Marco D'Orazioa, , , Marco Palladinia, Lucia Aquilantib and Francesca Clementib aDepartment of Architecture Construction and Structures - DACS, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona, Italy bDepartment of Food Science, Agricultural-Engineering, Physics, Agricultural Economics and Landscape Science - SAIFET, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona, Italy Received 15 May 2008; revised 3 November 2008; accepted 5 November Available online 21 November Abstract We report the results of a study to evaluate the growth rate of three species of mould on plasters, finishes and paints typically used in structures with heavy weight building The aim was to determine the influence of the chemical composition (in terms of organic fraction of the materials) on the growth rate of The study was carried out in the following steps: – characterization of materials; – inoculation of mould spores (3 species) on 7 types of material (2 plasters, 3 finishes, 2 paints); – growth in a climatic chamber (23 °C and 90% RH); – analysis of the mould growth rate using various experimental techniques (fluorescence microscopy analysis, thermogravimetric analysis, ) Results show a clear correlation between the organic substances contained in paints, plasters and finishes and the growth rate of the This study is part of a more general research program which addresses the effects on indoor environment air quality based on the European directive 2002/91/EC This directive specifically indicates that energy consumption in buildings should be limited and sets threshold values for the thermal resistance of the building walls and As a consequence window manufacturers are improving the thermal property of windows by reducing the air permeability, which may increase the indoor and surface relative humidity percentage (RH%) and lead to the development of mould in the indoor Keywords: Mould; Plaster; Paint; Biocontamination Article Outline Introduction Steps, materials, methods Steps Materials Methods Results Preliminary characterization Growth rate of the mould Correlation between the mould growth area and the content of organic substances Conclusions References Introduction The tendency in industrialized countries to reduce energy consumption has been accelerated in the EC member states by the introduction of the 2002/91/EC directive [1] In fact, this directive fixed the minimum requirements which must be respected when building new structures and when renovating existing buildings so as to have a more effective reduction in energy consumption for the air-conditioning of indoor This strategy has, however, led to some undesired Windows manufacturers are currently producing systems with low permeability (class A4 UNI EN 12207, 2000) in order to obtain better thermal A reduction in permeability, in buildings which are already characterized by a limited amount of air exchange, can increase the indoor and surface RH% in winter [16] Consequently there may be an increased growth of mould species on some parts of the Numerous studies have been conducted in recent years to address the environmental aspects that favour the growth and the subsequent sporulation of fungi Rousseau [2] and Hud [3], indicate the following factors: oxygen availability; a suitable temperature range; a substrate of deposit that acts as nourishment; and a certain degree of humidity [4], [34] and [36] Krus et [5] have studied these conditions, together with a series of other specific factors that can influence the growth of fungi: pH value and the roughness of the substrate on which the mould grows, the light, the biotic interaction and the exposure Baughman and Arens [6] have underlined that, although moulds can grow at temperatures between 0 °C and 40 °C, a range going from 22 °C to 35 °C can be considered optimal for the species that are most frequently found inside On the contrary, the level of airborne spores in the indoor environment, which is one of the conditions able to influence the development of moulds, is dependent on seasonal changes in the external environment [7] Adan [7] has verified that there are a considerable number of buildings that offer favourable temperature conditions for the germination and the growth of mould on construction material and indoor environment Sedlbauer [8], [9], [10] and [11] has recently completed an important research and development study of models which are able to estimate mould growth inside buildings, classifying the various These different authors appear to be in agreement, however, in indicating that different kinds of fungi require minimum levels of humidity in the support surface material in order to proliferate and these values vary for different species [6], [12] and [35] Ayerst [12] has conducted experiments in order to characterize the ideal conditions and the minimum values of humidity required in the substrate for mildew These experiments indicate a range between 71% and 94%, according to the fungi Moulds (typically present on construction materials) can be separated into three groups on the basis of their water activity (aw) [13]: primer colonizer or storage moulds, capable of growing at aw < 8; secondary colonizer or phyllophane fungi, requiring a minimum aw between 8 and 9; and tertiary colonizer or water-damage moulds, needing aw > The last class includes the most toxic mould species for human Although each species has a preferential humidity for growth, the International Energy Agency [33] indicates an average RH% of 80% as the critical threshold for mould A reduction in moisture content in building materials to below 80% RH% is, therefore, the way to reduce mould Only a limited amount of information is available about the influence of the composition of the finish materials on the germination and development, in terms of percentage, of 可以的话留下你的联系e-MAIL 这种文章太多了 就随便搞了一篇的一部分让你看看·· 明天帮你找找!至于翻译的话比较困难··看情况,找到的话给你翻译个abstract吧·




环境影响评价Environmental impact assessmentHuman health and wellbeing in environmental impact assessment in New South Wales, Australia: Auditing health impacts within environmental assessments of major projects作 者:Patrick J Harris;Elizabeth Harris;Susan Thompson;Ben Harris-Roxas;Lynn Kemp期 刊:Environmental impact assessment review 年,卷(期):2009, 29(5) 关键词:health environmental impact assessment major projects正文语种:eng Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Audit in Large-Scale Public Infrastructure Construction: The Case of the Qieghai-Tibet Railway作 者:Guizhen He;Lei Zhang;Yonglong Lu期 刊:Environmental Management 年,卷(期):2009, 44(3) 关键词:Environmental performance Construction project Large-scale construction program Environmental audit Environmental Impact Assessment Qinghai-Tibet Railway正文语种:eng Linking environmental impact assessment, environmental management systems and green procurement in construction projects: lessons from the City Tunnel Project in Malmo, Sweden作 者:Annika Varnas;Charlotta Faith-Ell;Berit Balfors期 刊:Impact assessment and project appraisal 年,卷(期):2009, 27(1) 关键词:Environmental impact assessment Environmental management system Green procurement Construction industry正文语种:eng Environmental information system for visualizing environmental impact assessment information作 者:Angelika Cserny;Zsofia Kovacs;Endre Domokos期 刊:Environmental Science and Pollution Research 年,卷(期):2009, 16(1) 关键词:Data visualisation Environmental impact assessment Environmental monitoring GIS Surface water正文语种:eng The screening and scoping of Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment of Carbon Capture and Storage in the Netherlands作 者:Joris Koomneef;Andre Faaij;Wim Turkenburg期 刊:Environmental Impact Assesment Review 年,卷(期):2008, 28(6) 关键词:carbon capture and storage spatial policy strategic environmental impact assessment regulation implementation正文语种:eng 还有很多,要是上面都不好,你再HI我哈~记得给分噢。


