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北京第二外国语学院 北京第二外国语学院是一所以外语和旅游为优势特色学科,文学、管理学、经济学、哲学等多学科门类协调发展的著名高校,是中国外语、翻译、旅游、经贸等人才培养与研究的重要基地。  北京第二外国语学院是周恩来总理亲自提议、在原新华社外文干部学校基础上于1964年10月成立的,是全国第一批本科招生院校。先后隶属国家对外文化联络委员会、外交部、北京市人民政府、教育部和国家旅游局领导。2000年2月,划归北京市人民政府管理。  建校以来,学校秉承“明德、勤学、求是、竞先”的校训精神,形成了“融中外、兼知行”的学风、“和易以思、人文化成”的教风,积淀了深厚的学术传统,有着独特的办学经验,产生了一批名家名师。新中国早期资深翻译家李越然、苏琦、周锡卿、董乐山、管震湖、李传松、王志佑、王文炯、舒雨等先生都曾在学校弘文励教。 北京第二外国语学院人文楼  学校坐落于北京市朝阳区,西面毗邻中央商务区(CBD),东面紧靠北京城市副中心(通州)。现有各类在校生近万人,其中本科生6300余人、研究生1400余人、留学生近700人、贯培生近1400人。现设英语学院、日语学院、亚洲学院、欧洲学院、中东学院、高级翻译学院、旅游科学学院、商学院、经济学院、政党外交学院、文化与传播学院、汉语学院、马克思主义学院、体育部、基础科学部、贯培学院和夏斗湖学院17个教学单位。图书馆现有藏书122万余册,年订外文原版报刊187种、中文报刊486种;电子图书100余万册;数据库129个,其中中文数据库43个、外文数据库84个,自建数据库2个。  学校现有本科专业45个(其中有26个语种专业)、硕士学位一级学科授权点5个、硕士学位二级学科授权点28个、专业硕士学位授权点6个、联合培养博士点2个(与美国宾汉姆顿大学联合培养翻译博士,与美国南卡罗莱纳大学联合培养旅游博士)、博士后科研工作站2个(分别与社会科学文献出版社、首都经济贸易大学联合共建)。有北京高校高精尖学科2个(旅游管理学科、外国语言文学学科)、北京市重点建设学科4个(外国语言文学、旅游管理、企业管理、国际贸易);国家级“双万计划”一流本科专业5个(英语、日语、阿拉伯语、俄语、旅游管理)、北京市“双万计划”一流本科专业2个(翻译、财务管理)、北京市重点建设一流专业2个(翻译、旅游管理)、国家级特色专业4个(日语、阿拉伯语、英语、旅游管理)、教育部专业综合改革试点专业1个(日语)。  学校坚持以服务国家战略和首都需求为导向,以培养“多语种复语、跨专业复合”的具有家国情怀、国际视野的国际化复合型人才为根本任务。经过多年的办学实践,形成了“学用结合,注重实践”的办学特色。外语专业强调“技能领先,注重实训”,狠抓“听、说、读、写、译”基本技能训练;非外语专业依托优势外语教学资源和多元文化环境,坚持“应用导向,强化实践”,走产学研一体化道路。学生国际视野宽阔、创新精神和实践能力突出,综合素质高,就业竞争力强。从二外走出的数万名毕业生,遍及大江南北和世界各地,涌现出国务委员兼外交部部长王毅、商务部原部长高虎城,中联部原副部长刘洪才、徐绿平,外交部原副部长程国平,商务部原副部长陈健,原中国政府中东问题特使吴思科,中信集团公司原党委书记、董事长常振明,同济大学原副校长江波、世界旅游联盟秘书长刘世军等一批政界、外交界、商界、文教界杰出人士。  学校坚持以服务国家、首都重大发展战略为重点,发挥学科优势,强化交叉融合,积极推进文化与旅游融合、服务与文化贸易、一带一路建设、公共政策翻译、对外文化传播、区域与国别研究、政党政治与政党外交等领域创新特色研究和高层次交叉人才培养,强化新型智库矩阵建设和咨政服务特色。现设有中国文化和旅游产业研究院、中国旅游人才发展研究院、中国文化和旅游大数据研究院、中国“一带一路”战略研究院、首都文化和旅游发展研究院、首都对外文化传播研究院、中阿改革发展研究院、首都国际交往中心研究院、中国公共政策翻译研究院、中国服务贸易研究院、政党政治与政党外交研究院、中华文化研究院、思想教育研究院、中国动漫文创研究院、中国生态文明治理现代化研究院、人工智能与语言认知实验室、“一带一路”数据分析与决策支持北京市重点实验室、数字资源与知识服务实验室等18个科研机构,7个省部级科研基地,1个省部级协同创新中心,7个教育部国别和区域备案研究中心,编辑出版有《北京第二外国语学院学报》《旅游导刊》《跨文化研究》《阿拉伯研究论丛》等学术刊物。  学校拥有一支年龄、学历、专业、职称结构合理的师资队伍。现有在职在编教职工近千人,其中专任教师具有博士学位的占50%以上,具有副教授及以上职称的近60%,大多数教师具有在国外进修或工作的经历。学校还聘请兼职教授120余名,拥有外国专家60余名。学校有2个国家级优秀教学团队、4个北京市优秀教学团队、8个北京市学术创新团队。  学校充分发挥多语种优势,大力开展国际交流与合作,具有鲜明国际化特色。学校与全球40多个国家、地区的170余所高校和教育机构建立了全方位、多层次、实质性的交流与合作,每年选派一定数量的教师出国进修、访学、合作科研,从事对外汉语教学等,年均赴外留学学生600余人,年均接收外国留学生1500余人次。学校与墨西哥奇瓦瓦自治大学、英国兰开夏中央大学、摩洛哥穆罕默德五世大学、法国克莱蒙费朗市、葡萄牙科英布拉大学、巴拿马大学合作共建了6所孔子学院。  学校的办学定位是:秉承“中外人文交流”使命,以服务国家战略和首都发展为己任,以“融中外、兼知行”为办学理念,以外语、旅游为优势特色学科,坚持内涵发展,强化交叉融合,致力于培养“多语种复语、跨专业复合”、具有家国情怀、国际视野的复合型人才,努力把学校建成具有鲜明北京特色的高水平外国语大学。


Chongqing is rich in cultural tourism resources, tourism resources in these human Bayu culture rich in the But many in Chongqing Bayu the development of cultural attractions, but there is the interpretation of cultural tourism resources is not enough, lack of cooperation between regions, relatively simple extension of the product, area management more difficult Only through scientific analysis of resource characteristics, accurate positioning of the development direction, dig feature highlights, attaches great importance to culture, vigorously promote sales, focused on creating the classic brand, innovative management and other measures to increase efforts to train personnel in order to make Chongqing cultural tourism resources to fully show the characteristics of Bayu


Kanas Lake is a lake in Altay Prefecture, Xinjiang, C The lake is located in a valley in the Altai Mountains, near the very northern tip of Xinjiang, and the province's borders with Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and R It is China's deepest freshwater The Kanas River, flowing out of the lake, later merges with other stream to form the Burqin River, which in its turn falls into the Irtysh in Burqin CThere is a large population of Tuvans in the About 117 different kinds of birds live along the There have been sightings of large lake creatures in the A video was taken and shown in the local Chinese media where numerous unidentifiable creatures can be According to CCTV10, the creatures living in the lake are speculated by Chinese scholar as giant Hucho taimen


回答 您好,1、标题 文章的标题既不能太长,也不能太短,太长了,没有重点,太短了,不能从标题里看出中心。最好的是十几个字,既是对全篇内容的凝练,又一目了然。 2、大纲 在写一篇文章前,先列一个大纲,围绕大纲或基本框架填充文字,层层递进地写下去。就不会出现思维混乱,逻辑不严密,观点前矛后盾,甚至跑题等现象。 3、每段标题 每段最好有一个标题,或者一句概括性的文字,标黑。不能概括出一句话,也至少分段,按一二三四五分成段落去写,不要长篇大论没有段落去写,这样,既没有层次感,不管是编辑还是读者,看起来也不知所云,影响投稿质量。 4、排版 每个段落字数不要太长,加举例的段落最长不要超过三百,最短不要超过一百。 5、文字 每段开头不要按常规性开头,最好有一句重点的标杆性文字引领或震撼的,或数字提示性的,或对比的,或逆向思维的,以提高阅读者的兴趣,抓住读者的眼球。 6、重点 整篇文字里重点性统领全文的文字以提亮其他颜色的形式凸显出来,让读者一看就有耳目一新的感觉。 7、结尾 文章的结尾要与开头遥相呼应,给读者留下思考空间。文章要主题鲜明,不要有模棱两可的观点。 希望您投稿顺利! 更多13条 






中国生态旅游 10-1008/N 旅游学刊 11-1120/K 旅游 11-1341/K 中国旅游年鉴 11-3402/K 复印报刊资料(旅游管理) 11-4295/G3 时尚旅游 11-4898/K 中国航空旅游 11-6002/K 旅游纵览 13-1138/K 河北旅游职业学院学报 13-1387/Z 旅游时代 14-1308/K 当代旅游 23-1508/G 旅游天地 31-1129/K 旅游科学 31-1693/K 度假旅游 34-1271/G0 旅游世界 37-1263/K 科学旅游 44-1566/N 旅游论坛 45-1363/K 旅游休闲 46-1067/G0 西部旅游 51-1578/K 旅游研究 53-1212/K 西藏旅游 54-1037/G8

本刊是一份国内外公开发行的旅游学术研究专业期刊。双月末30日出版,全国邮局发行。《旅游科学》将继续保持严谨的学术内涵和朴实的编辑风格,注重旅游理论与应用研究,力求把握发展脉络,反映业界动态,关注行业焦点,探寻发展。热忱欢迎全国高等院校、研究机构、管理机关、旅游行业的作者赐稿。对于采用实证方法、定量分析方法从事研究取得的成果,对于观点新颖、视角独特、能及时反映国内外旅游研究前沿动态的综述性文章,本刊将优先发表。 国家新闻出版总署收录 知网,万方,维普,龙源收录期刊国外数据库收录:文摘杂志 1 欢迎经济学、管理学、地理学、生态学、社会学、人类学、心理学等多学科视角及研究方法的旅游研究成果。2 设学术论文、新视野、旅游教育、书评等四大板块,以学术论文为主,不定期开设后三个栏目。3 为学术期刊,要求作者以严谨的科学态度和范式进行论文撰写,注重文献综述、数据来源与研究方法、数据分析结果、讨论与结论等的表述,论据充分,逻辑紧密,条理清楚。内容为“现状分析、存在问题、对策建议”的咨询研究成果不属于本刊发表范围。4 来稿请用5号字单倍行距排版,通过本刊在线投稿系统上传,并同时发送Word格式电子文本至本刊电子信箱。5 实行双向匿名审稿制度。正文须送专家匿名评审,正文中不得出现作者姓名及工作单位名称,因此作者在提交稿件时需做单独的标题页(含作者姓名、工作单位、联系电话)。


Dear editor, I am Wang Pa seniorthree I found a very serious problem that there're many tourists painting anywhere they were When I was went to the scenic spots ,I found there's too many graffitis(涂鸦) anywhere,painted on the wall,carved in stones(刻在石壁上),just like someone came here for a I think it's a very bad phenomena(坏现象),it will destroy the original scenery(破坏原来的景物)People always like to make a mark(留纪念) to meet their psychological desire(满足自私欲望),it's lack of moral(缺乏道德) It will let the attractions gradually destroys(景点逐渐破坏掉)and the new visitors will be disappointed! Especially the foreign I hope you,the English newspaper ,will more publicity to encourage people to stop it, stop such behavior! Let us protect our precious cultural heritage (保护好文化遗产) ! 满意请采纳 个人临时编译非修改完成品视个人实情予以适当修改只作参照~

关于旅游英语作文(通用23篇)      在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?以下是小编为大家整理的旅游英语作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 旅游英语作文 篇1      Tourism,is developing rapidly in C With the reform and opening -up policy being carried out, thousands upon thousands of foreign visitors are crowding into our They are eager to see this old mysterious land with a splendid culture of more than 5,000 as a form of enterprise brings China a lot of In the fires place, it is financially beneficial to the economic development of C As our know, China needs more and more foreign currencies for its modernization Tourism is one of the most important channels to obtain Secondly, tourism enables the Chinese people to know more about the outside the other hand, the foreigners who have visited China are deeply impressed by the latest developments of out country and the friendliness and hospitality of our Reports by visitors to China about how courteous and helpful most Chinese were to them are often printed in newspapers of many different It is clear that tourism contributes a great deal to the friendship and mutual understanding between the Chinese people and people all over the 旅游英语作文 篇2      I just came back from XIan As is known to everyone ,Xian is an ancient city it is the capital of many dynasties of china and also one of the most famous ancient capital in the world ,after the tour in Xian I found its another attractive side here have a lot of local refreshments which is very delicious and the modern transportation is very convenient he modern building is also coming up one after another As we admired the splendid relics we also impressed by the recent achievements it has achieved by the way ,the weather in there is pretty comfortable and accommodation is also very cheap All in all ,the trip in Xian is really a nice memory for me 带翻译:      我刚从西安回来。众所周知,西安是一个古老的城市,中国是许多朝代的首都,也是世界上最著名的古都之一。但是,在西安之旅后我发现另一个有吸引力的一面。有很多地方小吃非常美味。和现代交通十分便利。现代建筑也一个接一个。当我们欣赏灿烂的遗产,我们也获得了最近的成就印象深刻。顺便问一下,那里的天气很舒服。和住宿也很便宜。总之,西安的旅行对我来说真是个美好的回忆。 旅游英语作文 篇3      I m very happy that we visited Xian last enjoy those days in Xian very is a great city,it has long history and great went to the Xian museum,and the great two also saw the great ancient soldiers,and a lot of wonderful also has clean and wide streets,high buildings and a lot of good love the noodles!Xian is so lovely that a lot of people go to visit also saw many foreign visitors,they were all very interested in was so proud about xian,and our great 带翻译:      我很高兴我们去年参观了西安。我们很喜欢在西安的那些日子。西安是一个伟大的城市,它有悠久的历史和伟大的观点。我们去了西安博物馆,和伟大的两座塔楼。我也看到了古代伟大的士兵,很多美好的事情。西安也有清洁和宽阔的街道,高楼和很多好的食物。我喜欢面条!西安太可爱了,许多人去参观它。我还看到许多外国游客,他们都是西安非常感兴趣。我对西安非常自豪,和我们伟大的国家。 旅游英语作文 篇4      In my life, to talk about memorable things, that is To choose one of the most profound, the most real, the most touching, that is unforgettable thing, it is at your fingertips, because it has been in my mind a firm remember at the end of 20xx, our family went to Shenzhen, to three dad to Just met the snow disaster, just go to Guiyang are a day and a half, turn a few cars, spent a lot of money And then hurried to the train station to take the train, but luck better, just a car on the Do not guess, we must be tired and panting, exhausted, once the placement of luggage on the head to sleep!      After a few days of Bashan wading, we arrived in Guangzhou by train, and got three dad to open the car, after a few hours to reach the destination - S One to his house, three dad three mother to arrange for us in a bedroom to put things down, after eating dinner, they look at the TV, chat, on the Internet, began to next day, we got up early, so they followed the three dad mother to go to the supermarket to buy things, ready to play the window of the We take the subway to the window of the world, bought a few tickets, followed by queuing up with the a window of the world, as if from one world to another, the world is famous for its architectural model: Pyramids, Sphinx, Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Hawaii Volcano, Mount Fuji, Dutch Windmill, Sydney Opera House , Victoria Falls and other large buildings, in addition to the Great Wall and terracotta warriors and horses and some other buildings are not, almost all the worlds famous buildings are gathered here! We visited the day, but did not all visit finished, but the day has been late, we only reluctantly the window of the world, we went to the big Meisha, Zhongshan Park and other places, every day is happy to go, safe and peaceful back, really great!      Now I have been home for a long time, but in Shenzhen that play a few days as if it happened yesterday, because it has been deeply branded in my heart, never forget! 旅游英语作文 篇5      旅游(Traveling)      根据以下提示,用英语写一篇60-80字左右的短文。文章的标题开头以给出。       旅游是一种非常好的活动。当你工作累了,有空的时候,到外的欣赏自然。可呼吸新鲜空气,可交友,忘记疲劳,有益健康。       旅游有时很麻烦。天气多变。小偷偷钱也是常事。       旅游时应做充分的准备,需了解天气情况。有朋友在一起,可互相照顾。小心不要出事故      [范文]      I like traveling , for it is a activicy that combines a lot of happiness and I feel very tired as well as I am free, I wanna go traveling Not only can I enjoy the beatiful nature and freash air,but also make friends with others Therefore I will forget how tire I used to be ,even keep me more ,there are also many trobles on for example,the changeable weather always cause your plan Besides,running into some theves is something that always happen       So,you must do the full preparation,and to have a good knowledge of the had better go with your friends so that you can take care of each other ,and donnot forget to watch out for 旅游英语作文 篇6      i love not only broadens my horizons but also opens my eyes to the whats more, it refreshes you can go to disneyland and experience what its like to be “a child again!” you can visit one of the “seven wonders of the world,” such as the grand canyon and feel the magnificence of nature! you can taste the “magicial” ice water on a glacier, which can help you become more beautiful and make you live forget all trifles and burdens that you have in your experience is a type of living youll be sure to experience many new things when you dont even need a tour guide if you long for more just dont forget to bring your backpack! 旅游英语作文 篇7      Nowadays, traveling is becoming a more and more important part of our But some travelers have some bad behaviors and habits while visiting some places of Some make noises in public Others throw rubbish and write or draw everywhere and so As a middle school student, I think we should pay attention to our For example, throw rubbish i nto dustbins and don’t write or draw on the Don’t make noises in public We’d better follow guides and obey At the same time, we should not only protect natural environment but also respect local customs and 旅游英语作文 篇8      Dear Mark:      How are you ?Few days ago ,my parents and I paid a visit to Beijing,and we had a lot fun we visited The Palace Museum It is also called the forbiden Palace Museum is located on city center in is existing biggest, most integrity of thou building is been one of five greatest temples in the world by the we went to the Greet started building in 7th Century BC That time was in Qin D The purpose of the wall was to keep out It is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Every year a lot of people from all over the world come to visit It is one of the seven great wonders of the really had fun there! 旅游英语作文 篇9      Last vacation, I went to Beijing with my We went there by The train was We spent five days visiting B On the first day, we went to Tian'an Men Square, It is so and there were lots of people taking Then we went to the Palace M We saw thousands of Kings lived there I felt The second day was cloudy, so we went to the We saw many old On teh third day we went to the Great W It was so great! We were So the next day we stayed at the The last day we went shopping and bought lots of I had a happy 旅游英语作文 篇10      In the summer family took a trip by plane We come to the Chinese Capital is a prosperous It has many places of historic interest and scenic visited the Museum of the Imperial P I saw the chinese great leader Chairman      Mao

(主要内容)第一段:假期期间你去了美丽的开曼岛旅游。第二段:你和开着车探索美丽的小岛,享受着阳光和海滩的生活,你感觉被幸福围绕着。第三段:和平宁静的小岛给你的旅程增添了美好体验。Last sunday I took my school holiday In the Cayman I Throughout the week I came, I drove around with my cousins to explore the Beautiful I While we were there I stepped out of the car and walked to the end to get a better view of I saw the bubble house, the bluff and The island is really exquisite filled with tones of happiness and joy as we drove My trip to the Cayman Islands was a wonderful experience and thought me that Cayman Islands is a very beautiful paradise to live, because it is peaceful and

A wonderful trip Today, I go to Beidaihe to I just got off the train, back to the The next day, I began to I take pictures, shopping and I went to the I eat seafood, and Really happy day!


