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国内的杂志很多灌水,国外要求比较严格,SCI收录更是严格,影响因子越高一般越严格,但分区倒是我们中科院比较严格SCI指定的JCR分区门槛低,按照最新因子,如前20%就是一区了中科院的分区门槛高,三年平均因子,前5%才是一区SCI指定的JCR分区基本没意义,国内国外都不怎么认,但原因不同,国外的老板认口碑和因子,才不管什么分区呢,国内的主要是管理者要按这个发奖金,评好坏,所以就会造成矛盾 如果按照JCR分区,前20%就是一区,区分度明显不够,举个例子,在JCR中,Polymer science约有74个期刊,那么有14个期刊处于JCR一区,若这样,Polymer和Macromolecule, Progress in Polymer Science就是一个级别的,若这样认定,显然不权威。中科院分区的特点之一是分区门槛高,三年平均因子,前5%才是一区,从这一点来说比JCR分区更权威,一区更有认可度。它的问题是众多期刊分成不同大类、小类,造成有的期刊、学科被错分或掩盖,比如传热传质学一区期刊就少,材料类一区期刊就特多,这是问题


SCI没有收录,以下为该期刊相关信息。Journal Name:Materials Sciences and Applications (ISSN: 2153-1188) Published By: scirpWebsite: /journal/msa Print ISSN: 2153117X 2153 117XOnline ISSN: 21531188Aims & Scope: Materials Sciences and Applications ISSN Print: 2153-117XISSN Online: 2153-1188 Website: /journal/msaAim & ScopeMaterials Sciences and Applications is an international journal dedicated to the latest advancement of The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of materials sciences and All manuscripts must be prepared in English, and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review Accepted papers will immediately appear online followed by printed hard The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:Biological and Biomedical MaterialsCeramicsComposite MaterialsElectrical MaterialsFibersGlassesMetalsNanocompositesNanostructured MaterialsPolymersWe are also interested in: 1) Short Reports – 2-5 page papers where an author can either present an idea with theoretical background but has not yet completed the research needed for a complete paper or preliminary data; 2) Book Reviews – Comments and

Applied surface science 还是top,如果没人灌水的话,影响因子估计就得下滑了。个人觉得surface & coatings technology 的质量更好些,但审稿可能有点严了,今年的影响因子就差一点点就到二区阈值了。。说不定明年又会升上来。我打算投篇thin solid film 或者material chemistry and physics 试试,但据说这两个审稿都有点慢啊

SCI没有收录,以下为该期刊相关信息。Journal Name:Materials Sciences and Applications (ISSN: 2153-1188) Published By: scirpWebsite: /journal/msa Print ISSN: 2153117X 2153 117XOnline ISSN: 21531188Aims & Scope: Materials Sciences and Applications ISSN Print: 2153-117XISSN Online: 2153-1188 Website: /journal/msaAim & ScopeMaterials Sciences and Applications is an international journal dedicated to the latest advancement of The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of materials sciences and All manuscripts must be prepared in English, and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review Accepted papers will immediately appear online followed by printed hard The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:Biological and Biomedical MaterialsCeramicsComposite MaterialsElectrical MaterialsFibersGlassesMetalsNanocompositesNanostructured MaterialsPolymersWe are also interested in: 1) Short Reports – 2-5 page papers where an author can either present an idea with theoretical background but has not yet completed the research needed for a complete paper or preliminary data; 2) Book Reviews – Comments and


SCI没有收录,以下为该期刊相关信息。Journal Name:Materials Sciences and Applications (ISSN: 2153-1188) Published By: scirpWebsite: /journal/msa Print ISSN: 2153117X 2153 117XOnline ISSN: 21531188Aims & Scope: Materials Sciences and Applications ISSN Print: 2153-117XISSN Online: 2153-1188 Website: /journal/msaAim & ScopeMaterials Sciences and Applications is an international journal dedicated to the latest advancement of The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of materials sciences and All manuscripts must be prepared in English, and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review Accepted papers will immediately appear online followed by printed hard The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:Biological and Biomedical MaterialsCeramicsComposite MaterialsElectrical MaterialsFibersGlassesMetalsNanocompositesNanostructured MaterialsPolymersWe are also interested in: 1) Short Reports – 2-5 page papers where an author can either present an idea with theoretical background but has not yet completed the research needed for a complete paper or preliminary data; 2) Book Reviews – Comments and

SCI没有收录,以下为该期刊相关信息。Journal Name:Materials Sciences and Applications (ISSN: 2153-1188) Published By: scirpWebsite: /journal/msa Print ISSN: 2153117X 2153 117XOnline ISSN: 21531188Aims & Scope: Materials Sciences and Applications ISSN Print: 2153-117XISSN Online: 2153-1188 Website: /journal/msaAim & ScopeMaterials Sciences and Applications is an international journal dedicated to the latest advancement of The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of materials sciences and All manuscripts must be prepared in English, and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review Accepted papers will immediately appear online followed by printed hard The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:Biological and Biomedical MaterialsCeramicsComposite MaterialsElectrical MaterialsFibersGlassesMetalsNanocompositesNanostructured MaterialsPolymersWe are also interested in: 1) Short Reports – 2-5 page papers where an author can either present an idea with theoretical background but has not yet completed the research needed for a complete paper or preliminary data; 2) Book Reviews – Comments and

无论是哪一类分区,sci期刊都是划分为四个区,都是按照影响因子高低进行的划分,影响因子由一区至四区递减,一区最高,四区最低,所以,sci期刊中一区期刊学术价值和影响力是最大的,四区期刊在sci期刊中就是综合实力最弱的期刊。  对于作者来说,期刊分区越高,期刊的发表难度越大,一区期刊必然比四区期刊难以发表,一般普通作者很难发表一区期刊,能发表二区期刊对于国内作者来说就已经实属不易了,三区四区相对容易一些,但也只是相对于一区二区期刊,即便是四区期刊,也比国内核心期刊的发表难度高出不少。





无论是哪一类分区,sci期刊都是划分为四个区,都是按照影响因子高低进行的划分,影响因子由一区至四区递减,一区最高,四区最低,所以,sci期刊中一区期刊学术价值和影响力是最大的,四区期刊在sci期刊中就是综合实力最弱的期刊。  对于作者来说,期刊分区越高,期刊的发表难度越大,一区期刊必然比四区期刊难以发表,一般普通作者很难发表一区期刊,能发表二区期刊对于国内作者来说就已经实属不易了,三区四区相对容易一些,但也只是相对于一区二区期刊,即便是四区期刊,也比国内核心期刊的发表难度高出不少。


SCI没有收录,以下为该期刊相关信息。Journal Name:Materials Sciences and Applications (ISSN: 2153-1188) Published By: scirpWebsite: /journal/msa Print ISSN: 2153117X 2153 117XOnline ISSN: 21531188Aims & Scope: Materials Sciences and Applications ISSN Print: 2153-117XISSN Online: 2153-1188 Website: /journal/msaAim & ScopeMaterials Sciences and Applications is an international journal dedicated to the latest advancement of The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of materials sciences and All manuscripts must be prepared in English, and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review Accepted papers will immediately appear online followed by printed hard The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:Biological and Biomedical MaterialsCeramicsComposite MaterialsElectrical MaterialsFibersGlassesMetalsNanocompositesNanostructured MaterialsPolymersWe are also interested in: 1) Short Reports – 2-5 page papers where an author can either present an idea with theoretical background but has not yet completed the research needed for a complete paper or preliminary data; 2) Book Reviews – Comments and

主要研究材料及其制品的防火性能。也是吸引很多国内科研人员投稿,其也是根据影响因子判断期刊学术水平的标准,所以也是根据影响因子的大小把sci期刊进行分区。介绍:所以关于四区的材料类SCI期刊的投稿,这里也是给大家介绍几个SOFT MATER软材料为所有软物质科学家提供了一个共同的论坛,涵盖了这个迅速扩展的跨学科领域的理论,模拟和实验研究。由于软材料往往是现代技术的核心,软物质科学在从生物学到工程学的许多领域都有着深远的影响和应用,与许多主要关注单个材料类别或特定应用的期刊不同,软材料利用了软物质的所有物理,化学,材料科学和生物学方面。特色主题包括聚合物,生物大分子,胶体,膜,Langmuir-Blodgett膜,液晶,颗粒物质,软界面,复杂流体,表面活性剂,凝胶,纳米材料,自组织,超分子科学,分子识别,软玻璃,两亲物,泡沫和活性物质。

Applied surface science 还是top,如果没人灌水的话,影响因子估计就得下滑了。个人觉得surface & coatings technology 的质量更好些,但审稿可能有点严了,今年的影响因子就差一点点就到二区阈值了。。说不定明年又会升上来。我打算投篇thin solid film 或者material chemistry and physics 试试,但据说这两个审稿都有点慢啊


