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An Analysis of Women’s Social Status at Bourgeois Times from Marriage in Pride and Prejudice(1) AbstractThe opening sentence of Pride and Prejudice left the deep impression on readers almost two centuries As the author of Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen was one of the famous realistic writers in English literature in the nineteenth In Pride and Prejudice Austen wrote four marriage types: ideal Elizabeth and Darcy, realizable Charlotte and Collins, felicitous Jane and Bingley, unhappy Lydia and W She pointed out emphatically economic consideration is the bonds of wedlock and She said marriage is not determined by property and family status; it is unwise to marry without money, but it is wrong to marry for money; the marriage settled by love is happy and The thesis made an interpretation of women’s social status from perspectives of marriage in the period when Pride and Prejudice is In the novel, Austen emphasized marriage should be of equal importance both by love and by economic consideration but love plays the guiding From the described marriages, the essential of bourgeois marriage system intensively, Austen expressed that it's combination of pecuniary bargaining and In that time, marriage to women has nothing to do with feeling; it is definitely a problem of economy and survival due to the financial Key Words: Pride and Prejudice; views of marriage; social status; IntroductionJane Austen was a British woman One of Jane's most remarkable traits was her observation of human character and And Pride and Prejudice has won her the highest reputatio


An Analysis of Women’s Social Status at Bourgeois Times from Marriage in Pride and Prejudice(1) AbstractThe opening sentence of Pride and Prejudice left the deep impression on readers almost two centuries As the author of Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen was one of the famous realistic writers in English literature in the nineteenth In Pride and Prejudice Austen wrote four marriage types: ideal Elizabeth and Darcy, realizable Charlotte and Collins, felicitous Jane and Bingley, unhappy Lydia and W She pointed out emphatically economic consideration is the bonds of wedlock and She said marriage is not determined by property and family status; it is unwise to marry without money, but it is wrong to marry for money; the marriage settled by love is happy and The thesis made an interpretation of women’s social status from perspectives of marriage in the period when Pride and Prejudice is In the novel, Austen emphasized marriage should be of equal importance both by love and by economic consideration but love plays the guiding From the described marriages, the essential of bourgeois marriage system intensively, Austen expressed that it's combination of pecuniary bargaining and In that time, marriage to women has nothing to do with feeling; it is definitely a problem of economy and survival due to the financial Key Words: Pride and Prejudice; views of marriage; social status; IntroductionJane Austen was a British woman One of Jane's most remarkable traits was her observation of human character and And Pride and Prejudice has won her the highest reputatio


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学生使用手机利弊的英语作文Recent decades have witnessed the prosperity of the society, and it is an ordinary phenomenon in college that every student possesses a mobile Just as we all know, every coin has two So does the mobile 最近几十年见证了社会的繁荣,这是一个普通的现象在大学里,每个学生都拥有手机。就像我们所有人知道,事物都有两面性,手机也是如此。Some students think mobile phone can make their life First, it offers them an acceptable way to keep in touch with their parents, classmates and Second, they can easily surf the Internet at anytime in anywhere to get the message they want to Third, the software about study in their mobile phone can help them learn well, such as the E- 一些学生认为手机可以使他们的生活方便。首先,它提供了他们可以接受的方式和父母保持联系,同学和朋友。其次,他们可以很容易地在任何地方随时上网来获取信息他们想知道。第三,软件对在他们的手机可以帮助学习他们学习好,如电子词典。While others are against this For it does harm to their eyesight that watching mobile phone for a long Besides, students always cheat in exams with mobile phone ,which led a bad influence on In addition, students always pursue the high quality of the mobile phone, so it brings them great pressure on 而另一些人则反对这个观点。因为它有害视力看手机很长一段时间。此外,学生总是在考试中作弊与手机,导致校园不良影响。此外,学生总是追求高质量的手机,所以它带来巨大的压力在经济。As far as I am concerned, we should treat this question Mobile phone is a tool to help our life become easy not to let us become its slave So we should limit the time using it and avoid cheating in exams with Only in this way, can it benefit to our 在我看来,我们应该正确对待这个问题,手机是一个工具来帮助我们的生活变得容易不是让我们成为它的奴隶,所以我们应该限制时间使用它,避免在考试中作弊。只有这样,才能受益我们的生活。




英文的有coherence, conciseness, 等,大约有5个c,不全记得了。提个开头。


随着越来越多的学术论文涌向高影响因子期刊,语言问题成了影响学术成果传播的一个重要因素,在中国,每年因为语言表述不清,用词不当等语言问题被拒稿的仍然占总拒稿量的较高比例,高水平的研究成果能得到国际同行的认可与交流,语言关是首先要通过的。查尔斯沃思论文润色编辑在润色中国作者稿件时总结出一些普遍存在的语言问题如下:标题冗长、不准确、书写不规范标题的重要性以前我们在文章中已经多次提过,在此不必过多强调,主要说作者常犯的错误。首先是字数太长,不简洁,这样不仅不利于期刊检索也会导致无法突出重点,过于笼统。不同领域的学术期刊都有对标题的字数的限制,如JAMA(美国医学会杂志)规定不得超过42个印刷字符(一个英文字母占一个印刷符号、空格和标点占一个印刷符号)。英国皇家数学学会规定标题不超过12个单词。因此不要使用无信息量词汇,尽量做到简洁。用词不当、错别字、缩略词还记得去年3月份查尔斯沃思发表的文章《OA期刊 赞上帝 ,英语水平是硬伤》,就是因为一篇在PLOS ONE上有中国作者发表的文章,由于用词不当,中国作者将造物主理解为大自然也许没错,不过,在英文用词上就不能直译成 God,闹了把大笑话。用词不当包括专业术语、语法、搭配等方面的使用不当,有些作者甚至会杜撰,如蓝藻(cyanophytes)又叫蓝绿藻(blue-green algae),而有的作者会将其翻译成“blue algae”,完全是中国式英语。另一个存在的问题是缩略词的使用,缩略词是为了方便信息的交流,但不能过度使用,有些缩略词由于存在一词多义的现象,如果使用这类缩略词往往会引起歧义,如AIS 既可表示自动识别系统也可表示会计信息系统和人工免疫系统,因此,在遇到这类缩略词时要用全称。除了上述的几个问题外,还有许多语言方面的问题值得去说,这些我们将在以后的文章中讲解。参考:查尔斯沃思论文润色网页链接




英文的有coherence, conciseness, 等,大约有5个c,不全记得了。提个开头。


