
> 论文期刊知识库

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The classroom inquiry is the classroom instruction important component, is one kind of teaching strategy which the teacher uses In the teaching process, the classroom inquiry which the teacher designs carefully, the foundation question situation, is the teacher produce information, the transmit message and obtain teach with study feedback information important channel, promotes a link which the teachers and students Therefore, in English classroom instruction, asks any question, how to inquire, can the greatest degree improve the quality of teaching, achieves the educative purpose, is one is worth the deep research the English teaching process is the teachers and students both sides interaction process, requests the teachers and students to coordinate mutually in the classroom, completes the language human relations activity and the teaching process The reasonable inquiry is the teacher guides the student to ponder, to raise the student cognitive capacity positively, analysis ability and the innovation ability important Teacher's inquiry must emphasize the strategy which the artistry, takes seriously to suppose Each topic must take carry out the goal, complete the task as a This article by English classroom inquiry hierarchical, interesting, flexible and ideological exploration classroom inquiry design

Nowadays, with the development of network technology and its limitation, large capacity and high level and no more time limit for the students to improve the characteristics of English reading ability, schools may also be built network classroom teachers and students to obtain the reading materials related to the Modern information technology education and training courses, and also make students and teachers have corresponding Relevant research data show that about 60% of human knowledge is acquired by Reading is to the importance of human Therefore in the middle school English teaching, the importance of English teachers to improve students' reading Reading comprehension is actually the students are expanding capacity, background and processing of interaction between To have this ability, still must have certain knowledge, daily teaching experience tells us, whether teachers or students, as he has social, cultural, customs, astronomy, geography, history, etc, in the knowledge of English reading relevant content in material than does not have the knowledge and understanding of the more easily also thoroughly, and He is not only to understand the content of the said, and also can be in the content and the relevant content without If we do not have the knowledge, he could not reach the thorough understanding of That is to read and to improve the students' reading comprehension, knowledge, as the main purpose, to help students improve reading ability and language Because the student has personalized differences, personal interests and hobbies, therefore, allowing students to theme in the material under the premise of health according to the characteristic of oneself choose corresponding reading Reading material selection, the main news, sports, ZhiShiLei science such as music student comparatively fashionable topic of interest, including astronomy, geography, history, environmental protection, natural disasters, working life, literature and art, science and technology, the sports health, humanities, political Given the complex network reading material, information content is rich, but also the good and bad are intermingled, therefore in the implementation of the students' reading must strengthen the education of emotion and value, strengthening supervision and civilized Internet education, eliminate harmful The efficiency of The network when reading very clearly reflected by The news, for example: if The towers of twins in 2001 attacked on S 11th, 02 US on Iraq in 2003 and The cross-face The Bird Flue all over The psychologically reading material in a very short time, strengthen dialogue with The students The emotional needs of The English reading ability is in reading practice Therefore, reading ability training need various forms, especially fully utilize the network provide rich reading Students need to develop good reading habits and good reading skills, and perseverance, Not only should fully exploit their ability of rapid reading, but must pay attention to the potential to improve reading skills and eliminate reading Fluent in English reading ability is the student can efficiently Such activities, not only can read students reading interest and motivation, meet their English learning achievement, And still can cultivate students find and solve problems and to use English to think in English communication, ability and self-educated English

With the deepening of the new curriculum reform, Primary English professor has been an important subject in primary How can we keep up with the new situation, how thorough the concept of development of the English curriculum standards in the English classroom teaching, in order to achieve a high level of English teaching English courses starting point is the development of students and strive to embody the idea of quality education, a new round of curriculum reform strategy is based on the life link, so that students have sufficient intuitive life experience in order to promote the students' own Therefore, the primary and secondary school students in the process of learning English, learning English is not only just to lay the foundation to develop good English study habits is the most Therefore, with the help of this paper to learn the habits of a deeper study of primary school students English, stimulate and cultivate interest in learning English, students consciously take the initiative to develop good study habits and help to form an effective English learning

我看好象好多句子没有断句,然后,恩~过于直译,不是每个中文词都需要翻译出来的。还有那个“Home-School Interaction”,不知道这个是英文里固有的固定搭配还是怎么样。如果是自己想的,我觉得这个译的不对总之,需要好好改改



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答案在下面。 Abstract: With the rapid development of molecular technology now, the technology used in our life has been more and For this amazing technology, it is mixed, this Especially in the past, the United States show that the use of genetic engineering technology developed artificial blood, and is scheduled after 2013, human trials of artificial blood, is cause for controversy, and this is mainly on the use of genetic engineering to create a shallow artificial blood



初中英语任务型阅读教学模式  [摘要]:本文论述了构建初中英语任务型阅读课堂教学模式的指导思想及理论依据,并结合自己的教学经验总结出了一个教学模式----初中任务型阅读教学模式  [关键词]:初中英语;任务;阅读;教学模式;  一. 问题的提出  长期以来,我国中学英语阅读教学普遍采取的是以教师为中心的、传递接受式的传统课堂教学模式。课堂教学以教师为中心,教师的讲解占去了课堂的大部分时间,学生在学习过程中基本上处于被动学习状态。学生缺乏自主学习、合作探究的积极性,学习上缺少主动性和创造性。英语阅读课教学过程侧重知识结论,忽视知识过程与能力的培养,学生的学习局限于书本知识之内。而现行的《英语课程标准》倡导以任务型教学为主要教学模式,教学以具体任务为学习动力或动机,以完成任务的过程为学习的过程,以展示任务成果的方式(而不是以测试的分数)来体现教学的成就,以达到培养学生的自主学习、合作探究的学习能力和语言综合应用能力。而且新课标在进行听、说、读、写综合训练的同时,侧重培养阅读能力。阅读能力是学习能力的核心,在各种形式的阅读理解中获取资料和信息,这是学生学习与发展的主要途径。阅读的目的, 不仅是要欣赏,更重要的是获取信息,并利用信息解决问题。那么如何将阅读教学与任务型教学结合起来呢?  笔者根据现行初中英语教材中阅读课文是各单元教学的核心,容量大、密度高、话题广、课时紧的情况结合任务型教学途径。在教学实践中,构建了一种“提出任务—前期任务---任务环(限时自读—导读—复读)—完成任务—任务评价”的基本课堂任务型阅读教学模式,以“任务”来驱动学生课堂英语学习的积极性,创设各种机会和条件,让学生在真实的任务情境下参与语言的实践活动,不断提高他们的语言运用能力。  二.理论依据  1、克拉申的语言输入假说理论  著名语言教育理论家克拉申(Krashen,1985)认为在语言的习得过程中,教师应为学生提供足够的可理解的语言输入(Comprehensible Input)。这些语言输入应该为学习者所理解或者适合学习者的水平,既不能太难,也不能太易,应该比学习者当前的语言水平稍高一点的语言材料,学习者可以通过上下文的线索,通过运用已掌握的语言知识对语言材料进行理解。除此以外,这些输入应该既有趣,又有关联,且有足够的输入量,要让学生在轻松愉快、心理障碍最小的环境中自然习得语言,这样语言输入才能更有效的被大脑吸收,产生良好的学习效果。  2、斯温纳的语言输出假说理论  可理解的语言输入只是语言学习的一部分,除此以外,学习者还必须有机会使用所学语言,也就是进行语言输出活动,才有可能达到类似母语者的水平。对于克拉申提出的输入假说理论,斯温纳(M Swain)等许多学者也都提出了他们不同的看法,即提出了输出假说(Output Hypothesis):她认为语言输出在语言习得过程中也有着显著作用。她通过沉浸实验表明,尽管学生经过几年的浸泡,但他们并没有获得如本族语者那种语言的产生能力。她认为,造成这样的原因在于学生在课堂中没有足够的机会去练习使用所学语言,即没有进行足够的语言输出活动。她还认为,语言输出活动的目的不仅仅是使学生练习运用语言,增强使用  语言的流利性,而且也能使学习者发现到自己在使用语言时所存在的问题,以便改正。  3. 任务型教学(Task-Based Learning , 简称TBL)是80年代外语教学法研究者和第二语言习得研究者在大量研究和实践的基础上提出来的又一个有重要影响的语言教学途径。它以具体任务为学习动力或动机,以完成任务的过程为学习的过程,以展示任务成果的方式(而不是以测试的分数)来体现教学的成就。英国语言学家Jane Willis指出任务学习法理论框架包括三个部分:前期任务(pre - task),任务环( task - cycle) 和语言关键点(language focus)  4.建构主义认为,知识不是通过教师传授得到,而是学习者在一定的情境即社会文化背景下,借助其他人(包括教师和学习伙伴)的帮助,利用必要的学习资料,通过建构意义的方式而获得。  三、任务型阅读教学模式  设境激趣导入任务  呈现新知  学法指导  自读讨论  教师导读  协作交流  完成任务  汇报成果  总结反馈  本文将以初三第八单元第三课时为例对此模式进行阐述。  本单元是学习如何提供帮助,本节课是该单元的第三个课时,学生对如何提供帮助已有一个初步了解。本节课是阅读应用课,主题是如何将自己的爱好与帮助别人结合起来。  (一) 设境激趣, 导入任务  对于任务型英语阅读教学,教师要明确学生阅读的内容、方向,并给出指导性意见。教师应根据教学进度的要求,结合所学的内容确立英语阅读课的主题。同时,英语语言学习总是与一定的社会文化背景即情景相联系。在英语阅读课上,“情”包含在阅读课文的内容中,“景 ”是课文内容所构成的整体画面在阅读教学中成功创设的教学情境。教师应充分利用辅助教学手段以及学生的生活背景,为学生的英语阅读创设一种接近真实的学习环境。  该课的任务的导入:首先让学生根据教师播放的多媒体课件上的字母H, E, L, P猜测一个单词---Help。然后点明主题:本节课的任务是继续学习如何提供帮助-----帮助你我建立一个更美好的校园。但为了完成该任务,首先必须学习一些新知识。  (二)呈现新知, 学法指导  1. 该课语言点的导入:通过复习一组提供帮助的途径(如罗纳尔蒂奥帮助患白血病的儿童,自愿者帮助老人,在粮食救济中心分发粮食以及照顾无家可归的动物等)引出兽医veterinarian这个单词。并由我校去年组织的非常有影响的活动----成长心连心 (Heart Chorus)引出下面一系列的语言点:  1)Put ……to use  2)a major   3)not only… but…  4) coach  The volunteers came from different cities to help organize the It was a major Not only the students but were the teachers and the parents moved that day They put their loves to good use by helping others……  2.本节课活动1-------做调查,调查同伴的爱好以及根据其爱好选择能帮助别人的事。学生完成该活动后作调查汇报。学生在进行多角度地观察、理解、整合的过程中,必然会遇到各类具体的细节问题,而教师的指导不可能也没必要面面俱到。因此,学生分组协作交流是学生自主学习的有效补充,  Who  loves  Can help  Jim  soccer  Help coach the kids  (三)自读讨论,教师导读  1.本节课的阅读任务1------读短文,找出三个自愿者的爱好以及他们运用自己的爱好所做的事,读完后小组讨论,检查答案。在这一环节要求学生完成自读,借助教师准备的可检测学生整体理解的问题初步理解全文内容。  Who  loves  Can help  Li Huiping  Lin Pei  Zhu Ming  这一环节可以是小组内的交流活动,也可以是全班同学围绕某中心问题展开的课堂讨论。通过互动交流,学生对所阅读的内容有了更进一步的理解。然后老师再做评价。  2.教师导读:学生再次阅读,找出疑难问题,教师帮助解决。在这一环节教师作为指导者应通过多种方式和途径,着重训练学生的阅读技巧,引导学生抓住中心和关键,把握全文,理清思路,并帮助学生扫清理解障碍,并提高阅读能力。  本环节通过多媒体课件呈现疑难问题并讨论学生提出的其他疑难问题:  1) Sth takes some time to do   2) It takes some time to do   3) S spend some time on/ in doing   (四).协作交流,完成任务  在这一环节,教师组织学生根据前期获得信息进行小组讨论,发挥合作学习的优势,不同视角观之间的相互砒砺与补充,完善任务成果。  本堂课在该环节开展了以下两个活动:  1.检查家庭作业-----调查学校存在的问题。以小组为单位竞赛,看哪一组列出的问题最多,并将问题板书在黑板上。  2.让学生以小组为单位根据列出的问题,结合自己的爱好,完成本节课的任务--------帮助你我建立一个更美好的校园,做一个解决问题的方案。  (五)汇报成果,总结反馈  本部分主要让学生根据各组情况汇报成果并进行评价。评价主要由学生的自我评价、同伴评价、集体评价和教师评价等组成。教师几个小组成员对其它组的成果进行评价,评出最佳方案。学生通过作品的展示,不同视角观之间的相互砒砺与补充,完善、加深了对该堂课的理解。然后教师总结本节课的内容,并打出幻灯片,号召学生伸出援助之手帮助别人,同时播放杰克逊的歌曲------《拯救世界》引起学生的共鸣。  Become a volunteer today  Make our school a better place for you and for me  Make the world a better place for you and for   四,教后感  本节课以“任务”来驱动学生课堂英语学习的积极性,创设各种机会和条件,让学生在真实的任务情境下参与语言的实践活动,不断提高他们的语言运用能力。有了任务,学生的思维、直觉和想象就会遵循一定的方向展开,心智活动就会少阻滞、多流畅,就会在较少的时间内表达较多的思想;有了任务,语言学习就能从知识的讲解和规则的理解,发展到意义的表达和能力的培养。在这同时教师充分运用多媒体课件创设情境,帮助学生建立阅读图式,提高阅读能力。使阅读的目的不仅是欣赏,更重要的是获取信息,并利用信息解决问题。而将任务与阅读结合,使阅读有了新的意义。  参考文献  [1] Crookes, G Task classification: A Cross-disciplinary Review (TRN4)  [2] Ellis R Second Language Acquisition [M] 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000  [3] 陈书元,尹满成 学生中心教学模式[J]中小学英语教学与研究,  [4] 何克抗 建构主义革新传统教学的理论基础[C]全国教育科学/九!五0规划课题/运用现代教育技术,优化教育过程提高师生素质资料,  [5] 黄若妤 建构主义与多媒体外语教学模式[J]外语电化教学,  [6] 张建伟,陈琦“从认知主义到建构主义”, 《北京师范大学学报》,1996,(4)  [7] 中华人民共和国教育部普通高中英语课程标准(实验)[S]北京:人民教育出版社,  [8] 左焕琪 外语教育展望 [M] 华东师范大学出版社 20


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英语翻译毕业论文可以写某个电影或者某本书的翻译,开始也不太会,也是莫文网的高手帮忙的,很靠谱的说应用英语翻译呼唤理论指导大学英语翻译教学:现状与对策商务英语翻译中存在的问题与对策新世纪十年来商务英语翻译研究:回顾与前瞻国内商务英语翻译研究综述顺应理论视角下科技英语翻译切雅实证分析经济一体化环境下的商务英语翻译教学大学英语翻译教学存在的问题与对策语用观视角下的中医英语翻译教学实证研究翻译——找到源语的所指——对规划教材《商务英语翻译》误译译例的批判研究从功能对等角度看商务英语翻译高校科技英语翻译课程设置探讨功能对等理论指导下的商务英语翻译科技英语汉译的英语翻译技巧研究——以船舶英语文本中的汉译为例功能对等视角下的科技英语翻译论商务英语翻译的4Es标准关联理论在科技英语翻译中的应用——以Climate Change and Peak Oil文本的翻译为例大学英语翻译教学:问题与对策英语翻译专业本科生的笔译能力调查分析——以某师范大学英语翻译专业为例中国职业篮球俱乐部体育英语翻译人员现状及发展对策研究从目的论的角度下看商务英语翻译试论旅游英语翻译中的创造性论高职商务英语翻译教学中学生跨文化交际意识的培养试论近代国人英语翻译基于功能翻译理论的商务英语翻译教学任务型教学法在《商务英语翻译》教学中的运用跨文化因素对商务英语翻译的影响及调整策略商务英语翻译教学存在的问题与改革商务英语翻译与文化信息等值研究大学英语翻译教学教材编写探讨东西方文化差异对商务英语翻译的影响顺序分析在科技英语翻译中的应用——以翻译项目《大气污染排放系数手册》为案例从关联理论分析法律英语翻译中的文化差异及其翻译补偿商务英语翻译原则探讨商务英语翻译中的文化与语用因素研究Advanced Systematic Golf高尔夫技术英语翻译项目的实践报告





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【大学生】 毕业讠仑 文              应该是本科毕业讠仑 文      Undergraduate Thesis; 研究生毕业讠仑 文分为 硕士研究生毕业讠仑 文          和博士研究生讠仑 文 分别为         Master's Thesis和PD Thesis。有总称为Graduate Thesis。啊哈(这个“啊哈”乃证据助词,)希望一品 优刊  帮到伱了(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ



