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【Water signs a square to construct a technique 】 Film structure building's ising 21 centuries is a kind of most representative all new building forms, having become up to now greatly one of the main form of acrossing the dimension It gathers a building to learn, structure mechanics, fine chemical engineering, material science and calculator technique for integral whole, construct the space structure that has marking form, it not only the body appear structural strength the United States, also express an architect to conceive well, enjoy the great universe romantic On the Olympic game building design of 2008, the film structure application has to arrive a perfect body "Water signs a square" is the biggest film structure engineering in the world, constructing outer circle to adopt in the world most the forerunner's ETFE(four fluorine ethylene) film material of the environmental protection economy Gymnasium engineering in the nation contracts for general manager, Tan,'s 晓 spring to reveal, the life span of this kind of material is more than 20 years, but actual meeting compare this long, the person can trample Be running about up, feel specially Only three business enterprises can complete this film structure in the world This kind of is like the similar film material of"the bubbles pack" to have from the 洁 function, making the surface of film doesn't is stained with dust Even be stained with dust, the nature declines water to also is good enough to make it sweep such as In addition, the film material has a better anti- to press sex, people are all all right in the top"play to leap a bed", "put previous cars normally will not press bad"If in case of appear outside film blowout, according to meet an emergency to prepare a case, can in 8 hours damaged of the outside film make allies or change The top of the radiant and extremely keen jacket of"water signs a square" still embellishes numerous whites of a little bit bright, is called to plate a point, they can change the direction of ray, rising to separate heat to spread bare "Water signs square" constucts the main forerunner economizes on energy a technique to include hot pump of choose to use, solar energy of the exploitation, water resources synthesize exploitation, forerunner to adopt warm air condition system, and control system with other economy energy environmental protection technique, such as adoption inside outside wall heat preservation, reduce energy of loss;The adoption economizes on energy light source and lighting to control technique efficiently, for our country will construct economy energy to constucted good demonstration a function from now on, can also arouse and promote further our country building development that economize on energy technique industry's turn

土木工程的英文是Civil Engineering ,直译是民用工程,它是建造各种工程的统称。它既指建设的对象,即建造在地上,地下,水中的工程设施,也指应用的材料设备和进行的勘测,设计施工,保养,维修等专业技术。 土木工程随着人类社会的进步而发展,至今已经演变成为大型综合性的学科,它已经出许多分支,如:建筑工程,铁路工程,道路工程,桥梁工程,特种工程结构,给水排水工程,港口工程,水利工程,环境工程等学科。土木工程共有六个专业:建筑学,城市规划,土木工程,建筑环境与设备工程,给水排水工程和道路桥梁工程。土木工程作为一个重要的基础学科,有其重要的属性:综合性,社会性,实践性,统一性。土木工程为国民经济的发展和人民生活的改善提供了重要的物质技术基础,对众多产业的振兴发挥了促进作用,工程建设是形成固定资产的基本生产过程,因此,建筑业和房地产成为许多国家和地区的经济支柱之一。 古代的土木工程有很长的时间跨度,大致从公元前500年新石器时代出现原始的土木工程活动到16世纪末意大利的文艺复兴,导致土木工程走上迅速发展的道路为止,前后经历了两千多年。在这段时间内,由于科学理论发展及其缓慢,土木工程也没有突破习惯的发展。 从17世纪中页开始到20 世纪40年代第二次世界大战结束为止的300年间,国外的建筑取得了长足的进步。土木工程进入了定量分析阶段。一些理论的发展,新材料的出现,新工具的发明,都使土木工程科学日渐完善和成熟。到了近代,二战结束之后,许多国家经济起飞,现代科学日益进步,从而为进一步发展提供了强大的动力和物质基础。 人们生活水平的不断提高,必然要求越来越舒适的居住环境,在这种情况下,建筑的发展直接推动了土木工程的发展。总的来说土木工程是一门古老的学科,它已经取得了巨大的成就,未来的土木工程将在人们的生活中占据更重要的地位。地球环境的日益恶化,人口的不断增加,人们为了争取生存,为了争取更舒适的生存环境,必将更加重视土木工程。在不久的将来,一些重大项目将会陆续兴建,插入云霄的摩天大楼,横跨大样的桥梁,更加方便的交通将不是梦想。科技的发展,以及地球不断恶化的环境必将促使土木工程向太空和海洋发展,为人类提供更广阔的生存空间。近年来,工程材料主要是钢筋,混凝土,木材和砖材,在未来,传统材料将得到改观,一些全新的更加适合建筑的材料将问世,尤其是化学合成材料将推动建筑走向更高点。同时,设计方法的精确化,设计工作的自动化,信息和智能话技术的全面引入,将会是人们有一个更加舒适的居住环境。一句话,理论的发展,新材料的出现,计算机的应用,高新技术的引入等都将使土木工程有一个新的飞跃English is the Civil Engineering Civil Engineering, civil engineering is literally, it is the construction of the project It means building objects that the construction on the ground, underground, water works facilities, equipment and materials to use in surveying, design construction, maintenance, repair and other professional Civil Engineering with the progress of the human society, has been transformed into large integrated disciplines, it has a number of branches, such as : construction, rail projects, road projects, bridge projects, special project structure, water drainage works, the port project, water, environmental engineering A total of six professional Civil Engineering : architecture, urban planning, civil engineering, construction and environmental engineering equipment, water drainage works and road bridge Civil Engineering as an important foundation subjects, its important attribute : an integrated, social, practicality, Civil Engineering for the development of the national economy and improve the living standards of the people provided important material and technological foundation for the revitalization of many industries played a catalytic role in the construction of fixed assets is a basic production process, the construction and real estate in many countries and regions become a pillar of the economy Ancient Civil Engineering has a long time span, roughly 500 years before Christ from the original date in civil engineering activities to the 16 century Italian Renaissance, resulting in the rapid development of the Civil Engineering on the road today, and has experienced more than 2,000 During this period, due to the development of scientific theories and slow, there is no breakthrough in civil engineering Century from 17 pages to 40 years in the 20th century end of the Second World War 300 years, foreign construction made great Civil Engineering has entered a phase of quantitative Some theoretical development, the emergence of new materials, new tools of invention, the Civil Engineering Science is perfection and In modern times, after the end of World War II, many countries economic takeoff, the increasing advances of modern science, so as to provide a powerful impetus to further development and material People's living conditions continue to improve, more and more comfortable living environment for the inevitable in the circumstances, the construction of development directly to the Civil Engineering





智慧水利是在以智慧城市为代表的智慧型社会建设中产复生的制相关先进理念和高新技术在水利行业的创新应用,是云计算bai、大数据、物联网、传感器等技术的综合应用。智慧水利的科学内涵: 人水和谐、兴du利除害、云为载体、互联感知!zhi智慧水利的六大目标: 空间全域化、时间序列化、过程自动化、应用智能化、管理一体化dao、决策科学化!物联网(英文:Internet of Things,缩写:IoT)起源于传媒领域,是信息科技产业的第三次革命。物联网是指通过信息传感设备,按约定的协议,将任何物体与网络相连接,物体通过信息传播媒介进行信息交换和通信,以实现智能化识别、定位、跟踪、监管等功能。 [1] 在物联网应用中有三项关键技术,分别是感知层、网络传输层和应用层。


Water PollutionMy classmates and I had a tour this We had a good But meanwhile I knew that water pollution in our country was becoming more and more On our way, we could see women washing clothes in the Litter was floating on the Waste water produced by a chemical factory was being discharged into the We did not see any fish in the The river was not so clear as Water quality was very I am worried about it because water is important to all living Man can not live without I hope people pay more attention to this problem, especially the Try to control the pollution of water as early as At last I would like to say, "To protect water is to protect "今年春天,我和我的同学去春游,我们玩得都很高兴。但同时,我也了解到我们国家的水污染变得越来越严重了。沿途我们看到许多妇女在河边洗衣,河面上漂着垃圾,一家化工厂正将废水排入河中。河中看不到一条鱼,河水也不像从前那样清澈了,水质很差。对此我深感担忧,因为水对于所有生物都非常重要。没有水人类将无法生存。我希望人们能多关注这个问题,特别是政府部门,争取及早解决水污染问题。最后,我想说“保护水就是保护生命”。说明:以前替别的同学写的,请参考使用。

Water Pollution Everybody knows that there is serious problem of water pollution on the Yes,water pollution is Look!The water in the river is getting dirtier and Most of fish in the water have died,and we can’t swim in the My grandfather says,when he was very little,the water in the river was very He often swam in the river with his That was before,but now we can’t see such clean Let’s protect the water from pollution,because we can’t live without The water is really important to us



水利类可以发的还是很多的:大连理工大学学报 工程力学 力学学报 (英文版)水动力学研究与进展 B辑 (英文版) 四川大学学报(工程科学版)天津大学学报 岩石力学与工程学报 岩土力学 地质学报海洋学报环境科学学报还有一些水利院校学报,力学类的,综合类科学学报,海洋,环境只要有内容有关联的都可以发。


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