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Title:On the crime of polluting the environment Abstract: with the development of China's economy and the improvement of productivity, environmental pollution is becoming increasingly serious, the judicial practice of the crime of major environmental pollution accident before the difficult to play a role in the "criminal law amendment (eight)" after the introduction of the crime of major environmental pollution accident has made great changes, but there is still How to make the crime of the new pollution environment better play a role in the judicial practice is one of the key issues of environmental governance at The first chapter is an overview of the crime of polluting the environment, mainly about the concept and characteristics of this crime; the second chapter is the key elements of the crime of polluting the environment of the paper, mainly from the object of the crime, the objective aspect and subjective aspect, the objective aspect of crime, crime analysis results and the type of crime, the subjective aspect of the imputation principle of the key discussion; the third chapter is the identification of environmental pollution crime, mainly discusses the definition of the crime of crime and non crime, illegal disposal, the difference between causation and other crimes, and then discusses the legal punishment of the crime; the fourth chapter is about the suggestions, mainly is to refine the charges and increase the types of Key words: criminal law; criminal law amendment eight; environmental pollution


AbstractHospital information system (HospitalInformation System), also known as the"hospital management information system", refers to the use of computer software and hardware technology, network communication technology and other modern means, the integrated management of the hospital and its affiliated departments of stream of people, logistics, financial flow, produced in variousstages of medical data acquisition, storage, processing, extraction, transmission,summary, generate a variety of information processing, information systems to provide comprehensive, automated management and all kinds of services for the overall operation of the Hospital information system (HIS) has become a symbol of the modern management of the This paper expounds thedevelopment process of hospital information system of outpatient registration system database management Analysis of the various functional design of the relation database management system has various functions realization,design description methods and algorithms, and concrete implementationrequired related technologies used in Hospital information management system to prepare the implementation of theoutpatient doctor patient information, information, management of drug information, at the same time, also realized the information of patient treatment,patient registration and some other commonly used function After several tests, the system can be in the normal operation of the windowsoperating system to install the SQL Server2005, is a practical, reliable andconvenient operation of the hospital information management system, realize the basic functions of information management system for hospital outpatient, has achieved the anticipated Keywords: information management system for hospital outpatient department;management information system; database connection望采纳 ,最好加分赏赐,哈哈。





How will put across you graduation thesis and the (thesis) oral defense?


Thesis For Graduation毕业论文Thesis For Academic Degree学位论文Thesis表示比较严肃的文章,是带有一定目的的,研究性的文章。学位论文,研究报告。

A Thesis Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of B A/B S in ***这是标准的学士学位毕业论文的说法,BA代表文学学士,BS代表理学学士,***处填上专业。





little while, it started to rain I was worried




With the modern scientific and technological progress, economic development, advertising culture more and more by the region's popular culture and people's way of life, consumer psychology and other Bobo culture is divided into social classes to describe the form and characteristics of Bobo culture embodied in the current new wave of lifestyle and family Bobos in emerging sectors of the society will soon become a mainstream consumer Life as a concept has a unique consumer groups, and their attitude towards life, values have slowly infiltrated into their consumption patterns and consumer behavior, the consumption of this unique concept has gradually become a popular culture affects our Bobo cultural charm of its unique culture of local advertising in particular, demands a change in the way advertising and advertising strategy of innovation performance has had a major In this paper, Bobo Bobos culture and to study the object, through the analysis of the social strata of the social status, lifestyle, spending habits and so on to the ball to reveal the spread of culture in the process of advertising the specific Key words: Bobo culture; Bobos; consumer behavior; the way advertising appeals; ad performance strategy


On the animated TV ads at the role ofWith the continuous development and progress of society, the Chinese film and television advertising industry developed This paper expounds the development of modern high-speed information will be used in film and television animation in the ads benefits and Now animation industry is the most potential for development of industries, it is the rapid development of high technology and ancient art of painting a product, now it has the form of a wide range of ads into people's daily life, its no Can not make the performance of ads means the perspective becomes more open up people's minds will dream more real in people's eyes to 加分 满分哦

Abstract: The pictophonetic method is a very important one in the forming of Chinese Characters, and characters formed this way account for 80 percent of the total number of Chinese A pictophonetic character consists of a pictographic part and a phonectic part, with the former indicating the meaning and the latter denoting the However, Chinese characters are basically ideographic and this property is deep-rooted in Chinese characters, as shown in the fact that many phonetic parts also carry with them ideographic The meaning of the phonectic part is mainly derived from its form and The participation of the phonetic part in semantic expression further clarifies the meaning of a pictophonetic character, though it should be remembered in the meaning analysis of pictophonetic characters that not every phonetic part is contributive to the meaning of a pictophonetic


