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Coronary heart disease(CHD) has been one of the major diseases threatening people's life The increasing social stress and negative modern life styles are to blame for causing CHD among the youngsters and middle-As they are busy handling the daily routine works, their hearts bear the hard burden by overusing their brains and bodies, which causes the sudden need of cardiac muscle for more The increasing of socail pressure also enhances the possibility to instable emotion while the cardiac muscle is greatly associated with excitement,nervousness and People find it difficult to keep a balanced diet although their living standards are increasing contantly with the development of The younger and middle-aged persons are tangling with dining out,running the risk of eating With intaking of too much high-fat food,the blood fat concentration and blood intensity increases,causing a higher risk of cardiac muscle Thus, nurses need take care of the patients and talk with their They are required to know about to what extent patients learn their diseases and their attitude after their treatment in They also need tell their patients about the benefits of cooperation during their They should improve the public awareness to reduce the developing of CHD,ensuring the improvement of the heal of

摘要:冠心病的病源至今尚不明确,但冠心病的危险因素却是很明确的。目前医学界普遍认为,影响冠心病发病的危险因素主要有以下几方面。 冠心病的病源至今尚不明确,但冠心病的危险因素却是很明确的。目前医学界普遍认为,影响冠心病发病的危险因素主要有以下几方面:1、糖尿病除了影响糖代谢, 糖尿病还会扰乱蛋白质和脂质代谢,诱发冠状动脉硬化,其冠心病的发病率、心肌梗塞的发病率及死亡率远高于无糖尿病者,且发病早。有数据显示, 糖尿病患者发生心血管疾病的机会是非糖尿病病人的4倍,而且80%的糖尿病患者可能因冠心病而死亡。 糖尿病患者多伴有高脂血症,或伴有血Ⅷ因子增高及血小板活力增强,这会加速动脉粥样硬化、血栓形成和引起动脉堵塞。 2、吸烟烟草中的尼古丁可使心率加快,心肌耗氧量增加,外围血管和冠状动脉收缩,并使血压升高。另外,还可使血中一氧化碳浓度增高,导致血液携带氧的能力下降,诱发和加重动脉粥样硬化。研究表明,男性吸烟者的总死亡率、心血管病的发病率和死亡率比不吸烟者增加1。6倍。 3、高血压高血压与冠状动脉粥样硬化的形成和发展关系密切。 冠心病的发病及其合并症所造成的死亡,是随着血压的升高而增加的。 4、血脂异常 血脂异常是指总胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇及甘油三酯升高,以及高密度脂蛋白胆固醇降低,无论哪项异常都伴有冠心病发病率和死亡率的增加。

有关冠心病心绞痛的论 有意思的肯定好




Coronary heart disease(CHD) has been one of the major diseases threatening people's life The increasing social stress and negative modern life styles are to blame for causing CHD among the youngsters and middle-As they are busy handling the daily routine works, their hearts bear the hard burden by overusing their brains and bodies, which causes the sudden need of cardiac muscle for more The increasing of socail pressure also enhances the possibility to instable emotion while the cardiac muscle is greatly associated with excitement,nervousness and People find it difficult to keep a balanced diet although their living standards are increasing contantly with the development of The younger and middle-aged persons are tangling with dining out,running the risk of eating With intaking of too much high-fat food,the blood fat concentration and blood intensity increases,causing a higher risk of cardiac muscle Thus, nurses need take care of the patients and talk with their They are required to know about to what extent patients learn their diseases and their attitude after their treatment in They also need tell their patients about the benefits of cooperation during their They should improve the public awareness to reduce the developing of CHD,ensuring the improvement of the heal of



Keyword:The coronary inquiry into the youth in the healthSummary: The coronary is one of the main diseases which endangers mankind's Social pressure and bad modern life style which turn worse increasingly is result in in recent years win ascension and low age of the youth coronary outbreak rate turn of important Medium the youth is all day long occupied in numerous and complicated and complicated business in, excesssive physical strength or mental works all may make the heart burden aggravate obviously, the myocardial aerobic quantity increases suddenly;The aggrandizement of social pressure also causes motion several excited rates increase, but the heart 梗 and concussion, strain, exasperation's 's motion change closely The society develops greatly, living continuously raising of the level, people can't are reasonable to regulate to the meal The medium youth is usually gone back and forth in various social parties situation, causing to eat and drink too much at one meal easiest, high fat food, absorb a surfeit, the blood fat density rises suddenly, the blood glues one degree increment, causing the possibility enlargement of heart 梗 Therefore, the nursing personnel wants to concern consideration sufferer, many and sufferer and family members' confabulation, understand a sufferer to know degree to the paroxysm, to the disease prepare behind with living manner , explain an aggressive match treatment and nursing to the healthy Raise community consciousness, lower the outbreak rate of coronary, guarantee medium gradually raising of the level of the youth health

Abstract] Objective: To observe the Danhong injection and Ginkgo dipyridamole injection in the treatment of coronary heart disease angina Methods: 50 patients with angina pectoris were randomly divided into 2 Two groups were receiving routine anti-angina treatment, A group on this basis Danhong Injection 20ml was added in 5% glucose injection or 9% sodium chloride injection 250ml of intravenous infusion, B group received Ginkgo up Mo injection 20ml in 5% glucose injection or 9% sodium chloride injection 250ml of intravenous infusion, 14d end of the comparative efficacy of two Results: A group was to improve the symptoms of angina and effective treatment group (88%) than B group (63%, P <05); electrocardiogram improvement A group, the total effective (85%) B group, the total efficiency (80%) no significant difference between two Conclusion: The pointed out that on the basis of conventional therapy was added effective than Danhong injection was added Ginkgo biloba extract and dipyridamole [Keywords]: Danhong injection; Ginkgo biloba extract and dipyridamole injection; coronary heart disease; angina pectoris; effect






Keyword:The coronary inquiry into the youth in the healthSummary: The coronary is one of the main diseases which endangers mankind's Social pressure and bad modern life style which turn worse increasingly is result in in recent years win ascension and low age of the youth coronary outbreak rate turn of important Medium the youth is all day long occupied in numerous and complicated and complicated business in, excesssive physical strength or mental works all may make the heart burden aggravate obviously, the myocardial aerobic quantity increases suddenly;The aggrandizement of social pressure also causes motion several excited rates increase, but the heart 梗 and concussion, strain, exasperation's 's motion change closely The society develops greatly, living continuously raising of the level, people can't are reasonable to regulate to the meal The medium youth is usually gone back and forth in various social parties situation, causing to eat and drink too much at one meal easiest, high fat food, absorb a surfeit, the blood fat density rises suddenly, the blood glues one degree increment, causing the possibility enlargement of heart 梗 Therefore, the nursing personnel wants to concern consideration sufferer, many and sufferer and family members' confabulation, understand a sufferer to know degree to the paroxysm, to the disease prepare behind with living manner , explain an aggressive match treatment and nursing to the healthy Raise community consciousness, lower the outbreak rate of coronary, guarantee medium gradually raising of the level of the youth health




