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Food Safety in China With the growing awareness of healthy eating, more and more people now are paying more attention to the importance of healthy diet and an active But at the same time, a growing unrest over food safety in China has caught everyone’s In my opinion ,everyone involved in it should set up a high responsibility for others, law related should be passed and carried Only in this way can we come by a healthy eating and a harmonious 食品安全水平  与日益意识到健康饮食,越来越多的人们现在已经更加注重健康饮食的重要性和积极的生活。但与此同时,越来越多的食品安全事件在中国引起了大家的关注。  在我看来,每个人都参与了应该建立一个高度的责任感对于其他人来说,要通过相关法律和执行。只有用这种方法我们才能得到一个健康的饮食和一个和谐的世界。

The Chinese government will deal with any confirmed food safety cases in a responsible manner and in accordance with laws, a parliament spokesman said in Beijing on T "There are indeed very few companies in China which neglect our country‘s laws, regulations and standards, dodge quarantine and tests, and have their unqualified products smuggled into foreign markets via illegal channels," said Jiang Enzhu, spokesman for the First Session of the 11th National People‘s Congress (NPC), at a press Our government will intensify its efforts to crack down on such illegal activities and prevent any under-quality food from being 议会发言人周四在北京宣布:中国政府将以负责任的态度依法处理证实了的食品安全问题。 第11届全国人民代表大会代表发言人姜恩柱在一次新闻发布会上说。“在中国确实有一些公司,忽视我们国家的法律、法规、标准和测试检疫,他们将不合格产品过非法渠道走私到国外市场通,”我们的政府将会加强努力打击非法活动,防止不合格食物出口。


From this incident,we can see that there are still more things to be Firstly,the government needs everything possible to ensure the quality of products,particularly the safety of food as this concerns everyone's Secondly,as for the producers,it is very important for them to be morally They should never try to pursue profit or economic growth at the expense of health and life of Thirdly,we consumers must attach importance to the things we eat and develop an awareness of how to protect our legal rights if

the problem of food securityNowadays,there is an increasing number of problem in the food security aspect,such as the swill-cooked dirty oil and the milk Because of last year's Sanlun scandal, food safety become a hot topic and how can we prevent another milk scandal?In my opinion,it is the lack of credit that lead to the serious problem of food We should strengthen the propaganda and education so that we can enhance people's safety consciousness and change their moral Besides,we should strengthen the legal system and the supervision of food security Only in this way can we live a healthier and happier

In current years,every one will worrit about the security of the food we eat,including The foodshould always be But we should beware it! The importance of the security of the food goes without It relates to our life and our families‘ Then,it's a symbol of a country that works very No safe food means no businesses who has a To solve this problem,we can amplify the strength of publishing the behaves that break the food It's also feasible to expand more money on the security of Last, enhance the standards of safe I appeal here that we should have solidarity to stay with each other,and then ,to boycott the bad

From this incident,we can see that there are still more things to be Firstly,the government needs everything possible to ensure the quality of products,particularly the safety of food as this concerns everyone's Secondly,as for the producers,it is very important for them to be morally They should never try to pursue profit or economic growth at the expense of health and life of Thirdly,we consumers must attach importance to the things we eat and develop an awareness of how to protect our legal rights if Only in this way will we be able to build a more secure and harmonious


Great changes in my hometown More than twenty years ago,my hometown was just a small,old and poor st of people were here were few The people didn't have enough food to eat and wore old They had a hard Great changes have taken place in the past twenty Now there are many tall They are very Roads are wide and People and take buses or drive their own cars to go to Many people have cell phones and personal Children can get a good People's living conditions have improved a Thanks to the government's y hometown is becoming more and more 我的家乡发生了巨大的变化二十多年前,我的家乡只是一个小,老和贫穷的城镇。大多数的人都是农民。有几家工厂。人们没有足够的食物和穿着旧衣服。他们有一个艰苦的生活。发生了巨大的变化在过去的二十年。现在有许多高大的建筑物。他们非常漂亮。道路是广泛和清洁。人们和坐车或自己开车去上班。许多人有手机和个人电脑。孩子们可以得到良好的教育。人民生活状况改善了很多谢谢到政府的努力。我的家乡变得越来越美丽。

健康食品 一提起健康食品,人们通常都会马上联想到蔬菜、水果,而视油腥为大敌。实际上,很多肉类、油料作物、动物内脏也对人体健康的维持起到很关键的作用。但直至现时为止,香港或其它西方国家如美国和澳大利亚在法律上并没有对健康食品下定义,而台湾就把健康食品定义为“提供特殊营养素或具有特定之保健功效,特别加以标示或广告,而非以治疗矫正人类疾病为目的之食品”。因此,现时在市场上所谓的健康食品包括食物补充品、功能食品和天然食品等。虽然卫生署及食物环境卫生署监管健康食品上的卷标、营养声称和营养素功能声称,但是消费者委员会曾发现市场上部分产品有夸张失实的声称,更有部分不乎合世界卫生组织的水平。消费者必须查看清楚产品的来源、性质及功能,亦不要尽信售货员的推销,应咨询有关专业人士的意见。全球公认的健康食品生命的营养源牛奶:每100克牛奶含蛋白质5克,脂肪0克,碳水化合物5克,钙120毫克,磷93毫克,铁2毫克,硫胺素04毫克,核黄素13毫克,尼克酸2毫克,维生素A42毫克,维生素C1毫克。牛奶蛋白质中赖氨酸含量仅次于蛋类,胆固醇含量每100克中仅含16毫克。最佳蔬菜:红薯既含丰富维生素,又是抗癌能手,为所有蔬菜之首。其次是芦笋、卷心菜、花椰菜、芹菜、茄子、甜菜、胡萝卜、荠菜、苤蓝菜、金针菇、雪里红、大白菜。最佳水果:依次是木瓜、草莓、橘子、柑子、猕猴桃、芒果、杏、柿子和西瓜。 最佳肉食:鹅鸭肉化学结构接近橄榄油,有益于心脏。鸡肉则被称为“蛋白质的最佳来源”。最佳健脑食物:菠菜、韭菜、南瓜、葱、花椰菜、菜椒、豌豆、番茄、胡萝卜、小青菜、蒜苗、芹菜等蔬菜,核桃、花生、开心果、腰果、松子、杏仁、大豆等坚果类食物以及糙米饭、猪肝等。最佳汤食:鸡汤最优,特别是母鸡汤还有防治感冒、支气管炎的作用,尤其适于冬春季饮用。最佳食油:玉米油、米糠油、芝麻油等尤佳,植物油与动物油按1∶0.5的比例调配食用更好。最佳茶类:绿茶;绿茶有助于防止辐射健康食品具体介绍蔬菜十三鲜 入榜“最佳蔬菜”的有13种,都是我们平时经常会吃到的。 香甜的红薯最让人流连,也许你不一定每天吃,但是红薯里含有丰富的纤维、钾、铁和维生素B6,不仅能防止衰老、预防动脉硬化,还是抗癌能手,所以它被选为蔬菜之首。 北京市食品研究所张嘉芷教授说,日常饮食讲究酸碱搭配,健康人PH值要达到3左右,而我们平日吃的肉类几乎都是酸性食品,所以要和碱性食物搭配在一起吃,蔬菜中卷心菜、芹菜、胡萝卜等就是碱性食品,可以多吃一些。 除了上面提到的几种蔬菜,芦笋、花椰菜、茄子、甜菜、荠菜、苤蓝菜、金针菇、雪里红、大白菜也要记得多吃。 九种水果香甜可口 一说到营养就会提到水果,可关于水果的营养价值众说纷纭,人们真是不知道究竟吃哪种水果好了,不过,入榜的九种权威水果倒不可不信。 头号水果就是木瓜,虽然富含维生素C的橘子、柑子也入选了,但是木瓜里的维生素C却远远多于橘子的含量,而且木瓜还有助于消化人们体内难以吸收的肉类,能防止胃溃疡。 肉甜汁美的草莓不但汁水充足,对人体健康还有极大好处,尤其爱美的女孩可要多吃点,因为草莓可以让你的肤色变得红润,还能减轻腹泻。有意思的是,草莓还能巩固齿龈、清新口气、滋润咽喉。而且,草莓叶片和根还可用来泡茶,真可谓“浑身是宝”。 此外,猕猴桃、芒果、杏、柿子、西瓜这几种香甜多汁的水果也跻身最佳食品之列。 荤菜吃出名堂 荤菜虽然脂肪含量比较大,但却是日常饮食中不可或缺的,所以要吃出点名堂来,荤菜也能给身体均衡营养。 进榜的最佳肉食当数鹅肉、鸭肉和鸡肉,张嘉芷教授介绍说,鹅肉和鸭肉的化学结构很接近橄榄油,对心脏有好处,尤其是老人不妨适当多吃点。鸡肉是公认的“蛋白质的最佳来源”,老人、孩子更要及时补充。 吃过肉记得喝鲜汤,最优质的汤非鸡汤莫属,特别是母鸡汤,还有防治感冒、支气管炎的作用,尤其是冬、春季喝效果更好。 养脑巧吃零食 现在用脑过度的人非常多,吃什么最能养脑是这些人最关心的问题,这不,榜上就评出了最佳护脑的食品,还有不少可以当零食吃呢,快来试试吧。 蔬菜中菠菜、韭菜、南瓜、葱、花椰菜、菜椒、豌豆、番茄、胡萝卜、小青菜、蒜苗、芹菜都有补脑作用。此外,核桃、花生、开心果、腰果、松子、杏仁、大豆等壳类零食对脑子也很有好处。 关于垃圾食品垃圾食品,是指仅仅提供一些热量,别无其它营养素的食物,或是提供超过人体需要,变成多余成分的食品。世界卫生组织“通缉”的垃圾食品前三名是油炸食品、腌制食品和加工类的肉食品。虽然这三类食品几乎是我们每顿正餐都会出现的,但摄入过多却会加重身体负担。

The Chinese government will deal with any confirmed food safety cases in a responsible manner and in accordance with laws, a parliament spokesman said in Beijing on T "There are indeed very few companies in China which neglect our country‘s laws, regulations and standards, dodge quarantine and tests, and have their unqualified products smuggled into foreign markets via illegal channels," said Jiang Enzhu, spokesman for the First Session of the 11th National People‘s Congress (NPC), at a press Our government will intensify its efforts to crack down on such illegal activities and prevent any under-quality food from being 议会发言人周四在北京宣布:中国政府将以负责任的态度依法处理证实了的食品安全问题。 第11届全国人民代表大会代表发言人姜恩柱在一次新闻发布会上说。“在中国确实有一些公司,忽视我们国家的法律、法规、标准和测试检疫,他们将不合格产品过非法渠道走私到国外市场通,”我们的政府将会加强努力打击非法活动,防止不合格食物出口。

The Problem of FoodDear editor, I'm writing to tell you something about the problem of food A couple of days ago, one of my classmates bought a bag of food from a Some roommates were invited to enjoy the Unfortunately, after finishing it, all of their faces got pale and had They were quickly sent to a nearby A doctor examined them and gave them some They were out of danger soon after taking the This accident made me realize the seriousness of the food safety I sincerely hope that the whole society pay much more attention to food 食品问题尊敬的编辑: 我现在写信是想告诉你关于食品安全的一些问题。 几天前,我的一位同学从一家超市买了一袋食品,他请了一些同学一块吃。不幸的是,吃完后,他们都脸色苍白,肚子痛。他们很快地被送往附近的医院。医生做了仔细的检查,并给他们开了药方。吃了药后,他们才脱离危险。 这次事故让我认识到食品安全问题的严重性。我真切地希望全社会都要重视食品安全问题。---------------------------------------------------食品安全英语作文 The Chinese government will deal with any confirmed food safety cases in a responsible manner and in accordance with laws, a parliament spokesman said in Beijing on T "There are indeed very few companies in China which neglect our country's laws, regulations and standards, dodge quarantine and tests, and have their unqualified products smuggled into foreign markets via illegal channels," said Jiang Enzhu, spokesman for the First Session of the 11th National People's Congress (NPC), at a press Our government will intensify its efforts to crack down on such illegal activities and prevent any under-quality food from being 以上2篇 仅供参考。


From this incident,we can see that there are still more things to be Firstly,the government needs everything possible to ensure the quality of products,particularly the safety of food as this concerns everyone's Secondly,as for the producers,it is very important for them to be morally They should never try to pursue profit or economic growth at the expense of health and life of Thirdly,we consumers must attach importance to the things we eat and develop an awareness of how to protect our legal rights if Only in this way will we be able to build a more secure and harmonious

健康食品 一提起健康食品,人们通常都会马上联想到蔬菜、水果,而视油腥为大敌。实际上,很多肉类、油料作物、动物内脏也对人体健康的维持起到很关键的作用。但直至现时为止,香港或其它西方国家如美国和澳大利亚在法律上并没有对健康食品下定义,而台湾就把健康食品定义为“提供特殊营养素或具有特定之保健功效,特别加以标示或广告,而非以治疗矫正人类疾病为目的之食品”。因此,现时在市场上所谓的健康食品包括食物补充品、功能食品和天然食品等。虽然卫生署及食物环境卫生署监管健康食品上的卷标、营养声称和营养素功能声称,但是消费者委员会曾发现市场上部分产品有夸张失实的声称,更有部分不乎合世界卫生组织的水平。消费者必须查看清楚产品的来源、性质及功能,亦不要尽信售货员的推销,应咨询有关专业人士的意见。全球公认的健康食品生命的营养源牛奶:每100克牛奶含蛋白质5克,脂肪0克,碳水化合物5克,钙120毫克,磷93毫克,铁2毫克,硫胺素04毫克,核黄素13毫克,尼克酸2毫克,维生素A42毫克,维生素C1毫克。牛奶蛋白质中赖氨酸含量仅次于蛋类,胆固醇含量每100克中仅含16毫克。最佳蔬菜:红薯既含丰富维生素,又是抗癌能手,为所有蔬菜之首。其次是芦笋、卷心菜、花椰菜、芹菜、茄子、甜菜、胡萝卜、荠菜、苤蓝菜、金针菇、雪里红、大白菜。最佳水果:依次是木瓜、草莓、橘子、柑子、猕猴桃、芒果、杏、柿子和西瓜。 最佳肉食:鹅鸭肉化学结构接近橄榄油,有益于心脏。鸡肉则被称为“蛋白质的最佳来源”。最佳健脑食物:菠菜、韭菜、南瓜、葱、花椰菜、菜椒、豌豆、番茄、胡萝卜、小青菜、蒜苗、芹菜等蔬菜,核桃、花生、开心果、腰果、松子、杏仁、大豆等坚果类食物以及糙米饭、猪肝等。最佳汤食:鸡汤最优,特别是母鸡汤还有防治感冒、支气管炎的作用,尤其适于冬春季饮用。最佳食油:玉米油、米糠油、芝麻油等尤佳,植物油与动物油按1∶0.5的比例调配食用更好。最佳茶类:绿茶;绿茶有助于防止辐射健康食品具体介绍蔬菜十三鲜 入榜“最佳蔬菜”的有13种,都是我们平时经常会吃到的。 香甜的红薯最让人流连,也许你不一定每天吃,但是红薯里含有丰富的纤维、钾、铁和维生素B6,不仅能防止衰老、预防动脉硬化,还是抗癌能手,所以它被选为蔬菜之首。 北京市食品研究所张嘉芷教授说,日常饮食讲究酸碱搭配,健康人PH值要达到3左右,而我们平日吃的肉类几乎都是酸性食品,所以要和碱性食物搭配在一起吃,蔬菜中卷心菜、芹菜、胡萝卜等就是碱性食品,可以多吃一些。 除了上面提到的几种蔬菜,芦笋、花椰菜、茄子、甜菜、荠菜、苤蓝菜、金针菇、雪里红、大白菜也要记得多吃。 九种水果香甜可口 一说到营养就会提到水果,可关于水果的营养价值众说纷纭,人们真是不知道究竟吃哪种水果好了,不过,入榜的九种权威水果倒不可不信。 头号水果就是木瓜,虽然富含维生素C的橘子、柑子也入选了,但是木瓜里的维生素C却远远多于橘子的含量,而且木瓜还有助于消化人们体内难以吸收的肉类,能防止胃溃疡。 肉甜汁美的草莓不但汁水充足,对人体健康还有极大好处,尤其爱美的女孩可要多吃点,因为草莓可以让你的肤色变得红润,还能减轻腹泻。有意思的是,草莓还能巩固齿龈、清新口气、滋润咽喉。而且,草莓叶片和根还可用来泡茶,真可谓“浑身是宝”。 此外,猕猴桃、芒果、杏、柿子、西瓜这几种香甜多汁的水果也跻身最佳食品之列。 荤菜吃出名堂 荤菜虽然脂肪含量比较大,但却是日常饮食中不可或缺的,所以要吃出点名堂来,荤菜也能给身体均衡营养。 进榜的最佳肉食当数鹅肉、鸭肉和鸡肉,张嘉芷教授介绍说,鹅肉和鸭肉的化学结构很接近橄榄油,对心脏有好处,尤其是老人不妨适当多吃点。鸡肉是公认的“蛋白质的最佳来源”,老人、孩子更要及时补充。 吃过肉记得喝鲜汤,最优质的汤非鸡汤莫属,特别是母鸡汤,还有防治感冒、支气管炎的作用,尤其是冬、春季喝效果更好。 养脑巧吃零食 现在用脑过度的人非常多,吃什么最能养脑是这些人最关心的问题,这不,榜上就评出了最佳护脑的食品,还有不少可以当零食吃呢,快来试试吧。 蔬菜中菠菜、韭菜、南瓜、葱、花椰菜、菜椒、豌豆、番茄、胡萝卜、小青菜、蒜苗、芹菜都有补脑作用。此外,核桃、花生、开心果、腰果、松子、杏仁、大豆等壳类零食对脑子也很有好处。 关于垃圾食品垃圾食品,是指仅仅提供一些热量,别无其它营养素的食物,或是提供超过人体需要,变成多余成分的食品。世界卫生组织“通缉”的垃圾食品前三名是油炸食品、腌制食品和加工类的肉食品。虽然这三类食品几乎是我们每顿正餐都会出现的,但摄入过多却会加重身体负担。

As we all known,food safety problems are more and more popular in our country,because more cases about food safety problem have Firstly,As the old saying goes,the food is what matters to the Food plays an important role in people's So food safety influences people's health and Secondly,some producers only think about earning money without thinking about ensuring food hey produce unqualified Thirdly,some food supervisory departpents don't perform their duty This behavior make some producer ignore the safety of If we want to solve problems that is illustrated former,we must call on the supervisory department to manage the food And the producers must paly their Lastly,we hope that there is law that punish illegal In recent years, China’s food industry occurs security issus frequently, which makes people worried and lose Food safety, related to the people’s health, safety and healthy development of economy, is the major issue of national stability and social Since the Sanlu Incident occurred in 2008, the entire society increasingly concerned about food safety It was in this context that the food safety issue was referred to an unprecedented 近几年,中国食品工业经常发生安全问题,这使得人们很担忧并失去了信心。食品安全与人们的健康,安全以及经济的健康发展息息相关,是国家稳定和社会发展的主要问题。自2008年三鹿事件发生以来,全社会对食品安全问题的关注越来越高。正是在这种情况下,食品安全问题被提到了一个空前的水平。There are the following main issues in food security: using poor quality raw materials in the food manufacturing process, adding toxic substances, excessive use of food additives, abusing of chemical additives and so There are many reasons to cause this problem, and regulators, producers and even consumers share The entire society should try effort to avoid food safety 食品安全主要存在以下问题:在生产食品过程使用劣质的原材料,添加有毒物质,过量使用防腐剂,滥用化学添加剂等等。引起这一问题的原因有很多,监管者,生产者甚至是消费者都有责任。全社会应该尽力避免食品安全问题。

As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for Food safety is very important for Nowadays, there are more and more food safety Many people use bad substitutes for low-cost It scares We are all very worried about buying bad things, and businesses ignore our food safety for their own 翻译:俗话说的好,民以食为天,食品的安全对于人们来说是很重要的。现在的食品安全问题越来越多。很多人为了低价生产而用不好的代替品。这令我们感到很害怕。我们都很担心买到不好的东西,商家为了自己的利益而不顾我们的食品安全。



Food Safety in China With the growing awareness of healthy eating, more and more people now are paying more attention to the importance of healthy diet and an active But at the same time, a growing unrest over food safety in China has caught everyone’s In my opinion ,everyone involved in it should set up a high responsibility for others, law related should be passed and carried Only in this way can we come by a healthy eating and a harmonious 食品安全水平  与日益意识到健康饮食,越来越多的人们现在已经更加注重健康饮食的重要性和积极的生活。但与此同时,越来越多的食品安全事件在中国引起了大家的关注。  在我看来,每个人都参与了应该建立一个高度的责任感对于其他人来说,要通过相关法律和执行。只有用这种方法我们才能得到一个健康的饮食和一个和谐的世界。

the problem of food securityNowadays,there is an increasing number of problem in the food security aspect,such as the swill-cooked dirty oil and the milk Because of last year's Sanlun scandal, food safety become a hot topic and how can we prevent another milk scandal?In my opinion,it is the lack of credit that lead to the serious problem of food We should strengthen the propaganda and education so that we can enhance people's safety consciousness and change their moral Besides,we should strengthen the legal system and the supervision of food security Only in this way can we live a healthier and happier

As we all known,food safety problems are more and more popular in our country,because more cases about food safety problem have Firstly,As the old saying goes,the food is what matters to the Food plays an important role in people's So food safety influences people's health and Secondly,some producers only think about earning money without thinking about ensuring food hey produce unqualified Thirdly,some food supervisory departpents don't perform their duty This behavior make some producer ignore the safety of If we want to solve problems that is illustrated former,we must call on the supervisory department to manage the food And the producers must paly their Lastly,we hope that there is law that punish illegal In recent years, China’s food industry occurs security issus frequently, which makes people worried and lose Food safety, related to the people’s health, safety and healthy development of economy, is the major issue of national stability and social Since the Sanlu Incident occurred in 2008, the entire society increasingly concerned about food safety It was in this context that the food safety issue was referred to an unprecedented 近几年,中国食品工业经常发生安全问题,这使得人们很担忧并失去了信心。食品安全与人们的健康,安全以及经济的健康发展息息相关,是国家稳定和社会发展的主要问题。自2008年三鹿事件发生以来,全社会对食品安全问题的关注越来越高。正是在这种情况下,食品安全问题被提到了一个空前的水平。There are the following main issues in food security: using poor quality raw materials in the food manufacturing process, adding toxic substances, excessive use of food additives, abusing of chemical additives and so There are many reasons to cause this problem, and regulators, producers and even consumers share The entire society should try effort to avoid food safety 食品安全主要存在以下问题:在生产食品过程使用劣质的原材料,添加有毒物质,过量使用防腐剂,滥用化学添加剂等等。引起这一问题的原因有很多,监管者,生产者甚至是消费者都有责任。全社会应该尽力避免食品安全问题。


