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世界有五大杂志Vogue ELLE BAZAAR Marie Claire COSMOPOLITAN韩国的划分是三大 只有Vogue ELLE BAZARAVOGUE, ELLE ,芭莎,W。韩国标准四大刊。嘉人和cosmo Korea比起前面四个逼格稍微差点,不过爱豆也难上。到目前来看,上过四大刊的爱豆屈指可数,基本是被司马,歪鸡,酱油瓶占领,不过次数不多。从而也看得出三大主推(红)的是谁。女爱豆:裴秀智,CL,崔雪莉,林允儿男爱豆,Bigbang,exo

Digital ChosunilboOnline presentation of the Korean daily The Chosun I DOnline service providing Korean news in several Invest KoreaOfficial foreign investment agency providing information about the investment environment, tax structure, and recent economic JoongAng DailyQuality newspaper affiliated with International Herald T Korean Government HomepageOfficial news, articles on Korean culture and history, Korean Goverment, paintings, music, and Korea HeraldMajor English language Korean Korea PostBusiness-consumer monthly Korea TimesQuality daily published by Hankook Ilbo Korea Travel TimesMagazine providing coverage of South Korean travel OhmyNews InternationalNews reports from full-time journalists and thousands of citizen PRKorea TimesEnglish newspaper for foreigners, providing live story from all over the Seoul TimesOnline English newspaper for foreigners in K Welcome to SeoulOfficial homepage of the Seoul Metropolitan G Introduces city news and comprehensive Yonhap News AgencyMajor Korean news Hankooki Hankyung JoongAng Daily (EN) The Chosun Ilbo (EN) The Dong-A Ilbo (EN) The Korea Herald (EN) The Korea Times (EN) The Seoul Times (EN) Yonhap News (EN)

Cindy、Ceci、Ecole、Elle Korea、Vogue Korea、Elle girl、Vogue girl、25’sure、Bazaar Korea、Cosmoplitan、Anan Korea、W Korea等等


人们知道比较多的就是�0�0ELLE�0�31945年创刊于法国。目前认证空间的我喜欢里面就有,是个中文版网站,每天都有更新,根本就不用买杂志就可以看到。是个集合多方面于一身的时尚周刊。其他还有�0�0BAZAAR�0�3�0�0VOGUE�0�3�0�0marie claire�0�3…找度娘什么都有。哼哼~一楼的就是找度娘粘贴来的~


Cindy、Ceci、Ecole、Elle Korea、Vogue Korea、Elle girl、Vogue girl、25’sure、Bazaar Korea、Cosmoplitan、Anan Korea、W Korea等等

世界时尚杂志排行 TOPTIME时代(美国1923年创刊)National Geographic 国家地理杂志(美国1888年创刊)FORTUNE财富美国(1930年创刊)VOGUE(美国1892年创刊)The Economist经济学家(英国1843年创刊)PLAYBOY花花公子(美国1952年创刊)VANITY FAIR名利场(美国1913年创刊)Newsweek新闻周刊(美国1933年创刊)ELLE(法国1945年创刊)WIRED 连线(美国1993年创刊)FHM 男人帮(英国1985年创刊)THE FACE 脸孔(英国1980年创刊)ROLLINGSTONE 滚石(美国1967年创刊)The New Yorker 纽约客(美国1925年创刊)Forbes 福布斯(美国1917年创刊)PEOPLE 人物(美国1974年创刊)i-D(英国1980年创刊)Business Week 商业周刊(美国1928年创刊)Wallpaper* 墙纸(英国1996年创刊)Brutus Casa(日本)百度竞价排名中评价好的时尚杂志有:1、《时尚芭莎》2、《瑞丽》3、《ELLE》4、《vivi》5、《米娜时尚杂志》6、《男人风尚》7、《ceci姐妹》8、《nonno》9、《装苑》10、《oggi》百度竞价排名中时尚杂志出版物有:1、《ceci》2、《昕薇》3、《芭莎男士》4、《青年视觉》5、《服饰与美容》6、《米娜》7、《时尚先生》8、《时代周刊》


Cindy、Ceci、Ecole、Elle Korea、Vogue Korea、Elle girl、Vogue girl、25’sure、Bazaar Korea、Cosmoplitan、Anan Korea、W Korea等等


世界有五大杂志Vogue ELLE BAZAAR Marie Claire COSMOPOLITAN韩国的划分是三大 只有Vogue ELLE BAZARAVOGUE, ELLE ,芭莎,W。韩国标准四大刊。嘉人和cosmo Korea比起前面四个逼格稍微差点,不过爱豆也难上。到目前来看,上过四大刊的爱豆屈指可数,基本是被司马,歪鸡,酱油瓶占领,不过次数不多。从而也看得出三大主推(红)的是谁。女爱豆:裴秀智,CL,崔雪莉,林允儿男爱豆,Bigbang,exo


Digital ChosunilboOnline presentation of the Korean daily The Chosun I DOnline service providing Korean news in several Invest KoreaOfficial foreign investment agency providing information about the investment environment, tax structure, and recent economic JoongAng DailyQuality newspaper affiliated with International Herald T Korean Government HomepageOfficial news, articles on Korean culture and history, Korean Goverment, paintings, music, and Korea HeraldMajor English language Korean Korea PostBusiness-consumer monthly Korea TimesQuality daily published by Hankook Ilbo Korea Travel TimesMagazine providing coverage of South Korean travel OhmyNews InternationalNews reports from full-time journalists and thousands of citizen PRKorea TimesEnglish newspaper for foreigners, providing live story from all over the Seoul TimesOnline English newspaper for foreigners in K Welcome to SeoulOfficial homepage of the Seoul Metropolitan G Introduces city news and comprehensive Yonhap News AgencyMajor Korean news Hankooki Hankyung JoongAng Daily (EN) The Chosun Ilbo (EN) The Dong-A Ilbo (EN) The Korea Herald (EN) The Korea Times (EN) The Seoul Times (EN) Yonhap News (EN)


Cindy、Ceci、Ecole、Elle Korea、Vogue Korea、Elle girl、Vogue girl、25’sure、Bazaar Korea、Cosmoplitan、Anan Korea、W Korea等等


Digital ChosunilboOnline presentation of the Korean daily The Chosun I DOnline service providing Korean news in several Invest KoreaOfficial foreign investment agency providing information about the investment environment, tax structure, and recent economic JoongAng DailyQuality newspaper affiliated with International Herald T Korean Government HomepageOfficial news, articles on Korean culture and history, Korean Goverment, paintings, music, and Korea HeraldMajor English language Korean Korea PostBusiness-consumer monthly Korea TimesQuality daily published by Hankook Ilbo Korea Travel TimesMagazine providing coverage of South Korean travel OhmyNews InternationalNews reports from full-time journalists and thousands of citizen PRKorea TimesEnglish newspaper for foreigners, providing live story from all over the Seoul TimesOnline English newspaper for foreigners in K Welcome to SeoulOfficial homepage of the Seoul Metropolitan G Introduces city news and comprehensive Yonhap News AgencyMajor Korean news Hankooki Hankyung JoongAng Daily (EN) The Chosun Ilbo (EN) The Dong-A Ilbo (EN) The Korea Herald (EN) The Korea Times (EN) The Seoul Times (EN) Yonhap News (EN)


韩国时尚杂志, 当然最畅销的是CECI , 如果喜欢年轻一些的话我推荐你看ELLE GIRL ,韩国流行的就是混搭, 有甜美的,有范儿的,北京朗杰服饰资讯, 上这家世界各国的杂志都有, 可以专业介绍给你


