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Story to the rapid economic development of Shanghai this beautiful and fashionable city as the background, tells the story of the Lin Xiao perspective, as well as her and started from the high school of deep feelings, have different values and outlook on life's good friend Gu Li, southern Hunan, Tang like, has experienced great changes in friendship, love, and the affection, is a true portrayal of a modern young people living on a Since the beginning of the story, Lin Xiao, Gu Li, southern Hunan, Tang as the University, such as high as to each other, a deep friendship, then contact the reality of life in each other, transformation and traces the growth occurred in some places, their boyfriend and other people in a variety of complex relations and the story, cause many misunderstandings and envy, and continue to live do not understand, quarrel, and the good But all things are in change, changes in our environment is also changing their life 这是一个梦想闪耀的时代,这也是一个理想冷却的时代;这是最坏的时代,这也是最好的时代,这是我们的小时代。 这是当下时代一群时尚年轻人的青春故事,也是属于他们生活的真实写照,更是我们这个时代的一个缩影。This is a dream shine era, this is also an ideal cooling times; it was the worst of times, this is the best of times, this is our tiny This is the age group of fashionable young people the story of youth, is a true portrayal of their lives, is a microcosm of our

Mount Huang, also known as Huangshan (Chinese: 黄山; pinyin: Huángshān; literally "Yellow Mountain"[1]), is a mountain range[1] in southern Anhui province in eastern C The area is well known for its scenery, sunsets, peculiarly-shaped granite peaks, Huangshan Pine trees, and views of the clouds from Mount Huang is a frequent subject of traditional Chinese paintings and literature, as well as modern Today, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of China's major tourist The area has also been a location for scientific research because of its diversity of flora and wildlife; in the early part of the 20th century, the geology and vegetation of Mount Huang were the subject of multiple studies by both Chinese and foreign [16] The mountain is still a subject of research; for example, in the late 20th century a team of researchers used the area for a field study of Tibetan Macaques, a local species of [21]



用英语介绍《平凡的世界》:"Ordinary world" is a panoramic expression of the contemporary Chinese urban andrural social life in the On the basis of the original book three abbreviated as a, thecontent is more The author in nearly a decade to ask broad background,through the complex conflicts, score of the images of all walks of many ordinary And love of labor, setbacks and pursue, suffering and happiness, daily life and the hugesocial conflict, the numerous and complicated intertwined, profoundly shows people in theera of big in the historical process through the difficult and tortuous 翻译:《平凡的世界》是-部全景式地表现中国当代城乡社会生活的长篇小说。在原书三本的基础上缩写为一本,内容更为集中。作者在近十年问广阔背景上,通过复杂的矛盾纠葛,刻划了社会各阶层众多普通人的'形象。劳动与爱情,挫折与追求,痛苦与欢乐,日常生活与巨大社会冲突,纷繁地交织在一起,深刻地展示了普通人在大时代历史进程中所走过的艰难曲折的道路。

Mount Huang, also known as Huangshan (Chinese: 黄山; pinyin: Huángshān; literally "Yellow Mountain"[1]), is a mountain range[1] in southern Anhui province in eastern C The area is well known for its scenery, sunsets, peculiarly-shaped granite peaks, Huangshan Pine trees, and views of the clouds from Mount Huang is a frequent subject of traditional Chinese paintings and literature, as well as modern Today, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of China's major tourist The area has also been a location for scientific research because of its diversity of flora and wildlife; in the early part of the 20th century, the geology and vegetation of Mount Huang were the subject of multiple studies by both Chinese and foreign [16] The mountain is still a subject of research; for example, in the late 20th century a team of researchers used the area for a field study of Tibetan Macaques, a local species of [21]

I came to the Earth on October 18th, I was born in my hometown S Now I am studying in Second Middle School Affiliated to Fudan U I have many good We often talk to each other I hope my wonderful life would be A 望采纳啦~~~ 谢谢~

参加学海杯吗?我的演讲稿你看看行不行?Jingdezhen, a city in Jiangxi province, it’s famous for the Cloisonné Cloisonné is a variation of enamel work with copper as the inside The Jingtai reign of the Ming Dynasty saw a remarkable thriving period of Cloisonné making, the glaze of which was primarily It thus obtained the name ‘Jing tai lan’, with the word ‘lan’ meaning The Cloisonne products range from little earrings to huge ornaments, which are elegantly shaped with beautiful patterns and bright glittering 应该比较适合你O(∩_∩)O~ ,你也可以上维基英文百科寻找答案,只要你能看得懂O(∩_∩)O~


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介绍法学Law is to open one of the categories of institutions of higher learning, one of China's top ten universities disciplines, including law, political science, public security science and sociology of four main 英语作文Law is also called the law, legal science, is based on law, legal phenomenon and its regularity of science that studies the It is the study of specialized knowledge and law related issues, is about the legal problems of knowledge and theory Law is about the science of The direct purpose of law, is to maintain social order, and by order of the construction and maintenance, to realize social As take law as the research object of law, its core is in for the research of order and justice, is the knowledge of order and [1]Legal thoughts first legalist philosophy originated from the spring and autumn period and the warring states The word law in China, the pre-qin period is referred to as "" study of forms, from the han dynasty began to have the name of the" law "In the west, the ancient Roman jurists ulpian (Ulpianus) to "the law" (the ancient Latin words of Jurisprudentia) is defined as: and the god of the transaction, the concept of justice and injustice of

一句话:我不喜欢他I do not like him。



回答 亲,您好!您的问题我这边已经看到了,正在努力整理答案,稍后五分钟给您回复,请您稍等一下~ 你好投稿信,是个人或集体(写作集体)向报刊、电台或电视台投送稿件时写的专用书信。它一般随稿件同时寄发。投稿信,主要是介绍作者自己和稿件的有关情况,给对方考虑是否采用稿件时作参考。 2.投稿信的写作格式 投稿信的写作格式与一般书信相同,只是内容侧重点不同,所写事项更明确、更单一。 (1)第一行顶格写对方的称呼,如“《××× ×》杂志编辑部"、“编辑同志”、或“×× ×编辑同志"。 (2)开头。另起一行,空两格写问候语,如“你好”、“您好"或“你们好"。 (3)正文。正文的内容应根据具体情况来写,主要是介绍自己稿件的有关情况。一般应反映出以下几方面内容: ①表示对对方刊物、栏目的关注之情,并作出诚挚、中肯的评价,切忌措辞唐突或过分溢美之词。 ②如实介绍自己的有关情况。 ③写明投稿的缘由和稿件的有关情况。 ④希望对方对稿件提出宝贵意见。 ⑤希望对方采用稿件,并适当表达谢意。 ⑥希望对方及时复信,表明是否采用稿件的明确态度。 (4)结尾。另起一行,写祝敬语,如“顺问编安"之类。 (5)署名和日期。


大家下午好。站在这里,我觉得我很荣幸,感谢领导给我这次机会。 首先我要感谢我们级部的全体老师,作为一名新老师,在各方面都没有经验,是他们在一直默默的帮助着我,指导着我。还要感谢所有任课的老师,尤其是数学老师韩老师,是大家共同的努力才取得今天的进步。 下面我就把平时做的工作谈几点体会: 一、真诚地爱每一个孩子。 我发自内心的喜欢每一个孩子,无论是学习好的,学习不好的;听话 的,调皮的;长得漂亮的,长得不漂亮的……我觉得他们一个个都很可爱,每个人都有自己的优点。 上学期,我班后转来一名女同学,性格内向,学习成绩很差。了解到它的家庭情况很特殊,学习上出现错误时,我总是鼓励她,从来没有大声说过她一次,帮助她建立起学习和生活的信心。现在,她慢慢变得自信起来,性格变得开朗起来,对学习产生了兴趣,在课堂上,经常会看到她举起自信的小手,课下,也能够与同学一起玩耍,进行交流。 二、建立班级的规章制度,调动孩子的积极性。 无论是学习、纪律、卫生,每一项都有相应的奖励和惩罚措施,有奖 有罚,调动他们的积极性。 就拿学习来说,每一次乐园、听写、图形格,做得好的、得优加的同学会被奖励一枚小印章,十枚小印章可以在雏鹰争章台上换一只小蝴蝶,而小蝴蝶的只数决定了期末发奖状的情况。这样环环相扣,同学们的积极性很高。 三、以身示范,培养孩子认真细心的好习惯。 孩子的模仿能力很强,要求孩子做到的,我自己首先要做到,做他们 的榜样。 比如说:早晨要求他们7:30到校做值日,我7:30也一定会做好检查监督工作;要求孩子们写字工工整整,记得加标点,我在黑板上写字的时候,也一定要做到这些;往雏鹰争章台上粘小蝴蝶的时候,必须按照要求粘得端端正正,否则就要被揭掉;每一次批改完作业,我都把作业本整整齐齐的摆放在书桌上,学生在我的影响下,也能够自觉的做到把自己的物品摆放整齐;每一次乐园、图形格、听写、合作日记批改完后,我都会作详细的错误纪录,当天的作业务必在当天让学生改正错误,从来没有一次作业拖到第二天批改。通过每一件小事,孩子做事认真细心的态度也就形成了。 以上三点就是我所想到的。作为一名新老师,我知道自己经验不足,在很多方面还很欠缺,但是我年轻,有精力,有热情,我会通过自己的努力弥补自己的不足,争取取得更大的进步。

这个你在百度上面找找就出来好多了。 再加上自己的实际情况就可以了啊


