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《人力资源开发》 全国中文核心期刊,A类杂志


《人力资源开发》 全国中文核心期刊,A类杂志





With the increase in both number and size of multinational companies (MNCs), the role of International Human Resource Management (IHRM) is growing IHRM can be seen the management of human resource around the Because employees are from various cultural backgrounds, IHRM is facing a more complicated condition than domestic HRM such as stronger relationships with employees and their families, different expectations and requirements of employees, management of intercultural work Strategic IHRM is an important element of the corporate strategy of a MNC As a result, a MNC should have a global strategy that acts as a directive to all its subsidiaries operating in not only its own country, but also different parts of the Like normal HR activities, the IHRM activities include human resource planning, performance management, compensation management and training However, in IHRM, those activities maintain a higher level of complexity than domestic HRM As Hill states, “compared with domestic HRM, IHRM encompassed more functions and has more heterogeneous functions…IHRM requires more involvement in employees’ personal In addition, it is influenced by more external sources and involves a greater level of risk than typical domestic HRM”There are three types of approaches, which described how companies deal with the staffing, and management of their overseas subsidiaries, can be a choice for MNC EthnocentricAn ethnocentric staffing policy is one in which most key management positions in both the HQ and subsidiaries are held by Parent-Country Nationals (PCNs) With this policy, the headquarters make all the strategic decisions and the management practices from the home country are transferred to the As a result, the subsidiaries have very little Meanwhile, to ensure these practices can go well, most of important positions in the subsidiaries are from the home Ethnocentric staffing policy is most common type in those organizations with an international PolycentricA polycentric staffing policy requires that foreign subsidiaries are given much more PCNs are rarely transferred to foreign subsidiary Each subsidiary is managed by a local manager, because local managers have more knowledge about the local circumstances and are more familiar with the local business ethics compared with the manager who are from another The local management develops its own management practices which are appropriate for their This approach is most common in those companies with a Multi-domestic Geocentric This is a globally integrated Chen Xiaoping states that, “A geocentric staffing policy relates most closely to the global or transnational The company takes a worldview in terms of its operations and believes that each subsidiary makes a valuable contribution to the overall competence of the ” The ability to do the job takes higher priority than Therefore, with this approach, selection of employees should be based on their work competence rather than 这个是关于跨国公司中国际人力资源策略的一段,是我毕业论文的一部分,写的不好,不过希望对你有帮助。

《人力资源开发》 全国中文核心期刊,A类杂志







《人力资源开发》 全国中文核心期刊,A类杂志



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